Selene Goddess of the Moon

Chapter 17 : SELENE’S GAME


"I will remove all the bullets, and then remain one inside, we will pull the trigger on our head one at a time, I am the first then it is your turn, let's have destiny decide our fate"

Garry starts to point the gun to his head and then clicks it, everyone was stunned and got scared of what he did.

"It's your turn now my lady"

Garry said then smile.

I quickly hold the gun and without a second thought I click it, they are all shocked by my action, and I just look at them fearlessly.

"It's your turn now"

Garry did it again, then I do it again as well, and when it was Garry's turn...

"I'm amazed at how fearless you are, but if this won't work on my turn I'm afraid it's going to be your last turn"

Garry said but I just give him my sweet smile.

Then he clicks it again and it didn't work, now it's my turn, though Garry was about to say something when I relaxingly hold the gun then clicks it and it didn't work as well, everyone's heart skipped a beat as I did, even Garry was astounded at my action.

After my turn, I am still holding the gun then open the revolver and pick the only bullet inside.

The bullet is defective, it isn't working in the first place and I already know it, Garry is just playing his dirty trick which I hate and so it is my turn to play my game. "Fantastic you found out!"

Garry said while clapping his hand, but I am not here to play anymore and so he was shocked when I pick an active bullet and then put it in the revolver.

I quickly point it to my head then click it and they all start to sweat and get stunned by what I did, such a human reaction, so funny!

"Let's have a real game this time Garry, now it's your turn"

I said then handed him the gun, his hand is shaking getting the gun from me, I can see the sweat all over his face while he is still trying to act cool on it.

He then points it to his head then closes his eyes and clicks it, when it did not work he lets out a huge air and calms himself.

I immediately hold the gun then point it to my head and click it then it didn't work so I just smile at him, now its Garry's turn again and this time he is catching his breath, I can see the fear all over his face scared that the gun will work on him. I smile sweetly while looking at him.

"Remember Garry it's going to be my last or yours... you'll about to know your fate soon, Good luck!"

I said smilingly wide looking at his sweaty face.

When Garry holds the gun instead of pointing it to his head, he suddenly points it at me which I already anticipate, such a predictable human being!

I remained calm still sitting in cross legs.

"What happens? don't you enjoy it? I thought you want a game. You're way too tensed Garry loosen up"

I said while smiling, I don't mind the gun which is now pointing directly at my face.

"I will never going to lose to a woman like you, you think you can still get out here alive? I don't think so Selene"

Garry said while threatening me.

"Are you sure about that?"

I said still smilingly looking at him that I guessed it pissed him more.

All his men is in the same position when one of them was shot in the head, and that is my queue, so I quickly move fast which shocked Garry, I take the opportunity to get the gun from his hand in a such quick move. Suddenly all of Garry's men let out their guns and point them at me when we heard a sudden shout from outside, I just smile wide since I already expected it, it all happened based on my plan.

"Hands on your head, you are all under arrest!"

A group of cops enters Garry's office.

"You're under arrest for Staffa, illegal import and export of goods and a breach of contract"

The cop said then cuffed Garry's hand and his men.

While everyone is busy, I move fast to get into Garry's secret room, I check all his drawers and compartment, and then I found a locked metal case, I easily pull the lock and break it with my bare hands.

All the documents and millions of money were inside.


I guess I did decide on my fate..."

I said smiling in victory.


When I left the hospital and then go straight to our house, I was brought there by Ms. Selene's driver and the bodyguards she lend me.

When I get to the house, Justin and Jan isn't there, so I thought of visiting Mando's bar.

When I got there, the bar seems like a little classroom since all the students of Mr Mando are there in the front of the stage, Mr. Mando used to tell a different story which I also love to hear, it has been quite sometime when he shares a story so if we will find him in the mood of sharing some to us, we take the opportunity to spend time to listen to it.

I quickly sit beside the kids and listen, every little while kids never stop asking questions which are so adorable! "Mr Mando, do you really believe in the vampire?"

Lisa asks, the cute girl on my right.

"Of course!"

He answered and I can't help myself but laugh at them, I mean who would really believe in that kind of stuff? "Really Mr. Mando? Because based on the TV I watch, in the other country, they do exist, how about here?" Lisa asks again.

"Yes of course... my previous boss in the house that I serve with before"

He said it like it is nothing for him, I mean he looks just normal and relaxed while saying it, being a servant of a vampire, geez... what a joke!

He noticed my reaction is in disbelief so he look at me and ask me.

"How about you Martha, You don't seem to trust my words huh?"

He said and I almost laugh since I can see how he became upset though he looks cute in it.

"Well you just mention it like it is some kind of a normal thing to tell, you act like you are telling the truth when obviously vampires aren't real!"

I said looking at Mr. Mando and every kid here.

"What? I am telling the truth, I was just a teenager when I got hired to work for her, I am just a poor kid with no parents and I work three jobs a day just to have money for my food until I met her, her age was twice as mine but she still has that gorgeous face, she never get aged since she is a vampire, she saw me at the road begging for help and food when I wasn't able to work because I got sick, I cant even do a single move, but she saw me at that stage and offers me to be his butler working at her mansion, she may look cold hearted woman but has a very soft personality inside, she isn't that dangerous like what we all believe in vampire, she trusted me with everything even her safety and her brother, when I get age, she told me to retire though she will still provide me with everything, I am the first local people she met and work for her and her brother when I finally get out of the house and start my life, I never saw her again only her men and brother whom sometimes visits me here."

He said, which I almost believe on it, though it really seems real since he is such a good storyteller himself!

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When we were finished with the story session and the kids left, Mr. Mando approaches me.

"Hey, Jan was here last night looking for you, you didn't go home nor left a message to them, they both worried about you"

He said that make me feel guilty.

"Truth is, something happened to me and my friend last night that leaves me no choice but to stay and sleep there"

I explain still felt bad for Jan who keeps waiting for me.

"Friend? Not boyfriend?"

He nosily asks while his brow is up, and he really looks funny.

"Yes sir she is just my friend, I just need to stay at her house last night"

I added and I guess he became satisfied with my answer when he heard "she" and not "he".

Since I didn't have any more work here in the bar, I walk home instead since Jan and Justine is already there from school and work. Justin is now fixing himself going to work so I just put Jan to sleep and head my way to my room to rest, Gosh it's been a long day! When I was about to close my eyes, my cell phone vibrate, and Ms. Selene send me a text message.

"Be at my house at 7:30, don't be late, goodnight"

From: Ms. Selene.

"Noted ma'am, goodnight"

I responded. Sometimes I find her sweet though most of the time very distant and cold, she should have a love life to at least lessen her attitude. My eyes are now sleepy and anytime soon I will fall asleep when my cell phone vibrates again...

"I should have brought you home, I am sorry I wasn't able to do so, next time I will be the one to bring you home every day- for your safety, Sweet dreams" From Ms. Selene, my sleepy eyes suddenly become awake.... damn! This time I will surely have a sweet dream indeed!

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