Second Life's Revenge

Chapter 98: New Point Of View I

"Your Grace, there is someone wanting to meet you," A servant said as he lowered his head for respect, while Blaine, who stood by the Duke's side, gave an uninterested look. The Duke asked, "But I do not speak with people whom I didn't make appointments with, am I right?"

The servant flinched as he looked at Blaine, asking for help. Blaine sighed out loud. He wishes he could help, but there was nothing he could do to help the servant, especially when he entered at the wrong time. Though Blaine felt pity towards the servant and decided to help in a different way.

"Let's talk outside," Blaine told the servant, who sighed in relief and mentally thanked Blaine for saving him. They both walked out of the Duke's office, and in the hallway, Blaine asked, "Who is this person?" The servant hesitantly answered, but when he did Blaine's eyes widened, and drops the pen onto the floor.

"Are you sure that's her name?" Blaine asked with staggering eyes towards the servant. The servant stuttered, "Y-yes, that's what she said." Blaine rubbed his chin and said to bring the woman to the Duke's office. He was sure Erwin might not be pleasant to hear this news though it might be a valuable source for Laura, especially when the time comes.

The woman was escorted to the Duke's office. She did not seem to look scared, or rather she held her head up high, acting as if she was used to this kind of society. But the dress she wore didn't look like something a noble lady would wear but rather a dress worn by commoners. The servant who escorted the woman felt intimidated by her presence. 

Her eyes weren't shining, but rather it was filled with sadness and hatred.

"The guest has arrived," The servant spoke out of the door, and as the door opened, Erwin couldn't believe what he was seeing. He asked himself if this person was real or if he was only hallucinating. It was really confusing, how can a dead person be alive?

"It's a pleasure to see you again, Your Grace," The woman spoke.

"This is a shocking meeting, and it makes me want to know more about what happened. What can I do for you?" Erwin asked with a grin. He felt like something interesting is about to happen.

"It regards Miss Tine. You won't hesitate to help me, would you?"

"It would depend," Erwin said as he gave the woman a cold look. Without a doubt, the woman thought it was the right decision since she wanted all this drama to end, and she wanted to start by following Laura's side.

Back in the Alvarado estate, there was a bit of small commotion during lunch as some servants saw the terrible condition of Tine. She looked skinnier as her dressed looked loose on her, and she couldn't even walk straight.

In the dining hall, Laura was peacefully eating until Tine arrived with an unpleasant look when they saw Laura, looking healthy and happy. Tine rolled her eyes when she sat down while the maids panicked as they didn't know what to do.

"Where's the food?" Tine asked rudely, glaring at the servant who stood at her back. The servant trembled as she answered, "T-the chef is warming up the porridge."

"Porridge? Do I look like I want to eat that?" Tine sneered while the maid flinched and took a step back.

"I-I'm sorry. I'll tell the chef to give cook you something else."

"Hurry, I dislike waiting."

Something inside Laura boiled, but she didn't want to make any commotion since she wasn't in the mood for it. Though, if Tine does start bickering, she didn't mind shutting Tine's mouth instantly. Her actions were rude, even if she was a so-called noble. Just because she was a noble doesn't mean she could treat them with disrespect. But obviously, respect isn't in the list of words Tine learned.

In the quiet dining hall, the tapping of Tine's foot echoed in the room, and every minute she would sigh out loud, scaring the other maids present. While Laura continued to eat her food ignoring the daggers sent by Tine.

"What? You think you're much more superior because I was suffering?" Tine asked while being ignored by Laura. The tch sound came out of Tine's mouth, then she said, "I guess you are since you're ignoring me. Once I become a princess, I won't let you do as you please."

A burst of small laughter escaped Laura's lips as she wiped her mouth. Princess? That will take two more years, and sooner or later you're not going to get a chance to have that name. Tine clenched onto her dress then while screaming, she asked, "You demon! How can you be so rude to your own sister? I guess this is why commoners are meant to be looked down at."

"I don't think you know this, Tine. But it sounds like you're insulting your own blood," Laura said, watching the different expressions that ran through Tine's face.

"What did you say?" Tine asked as she stood up, knocking the chair she sat on. The other maids slowly moved to the corner, frightened of what was going to happen. They didn't know who Tine was anymore. It's as if the angel fell into hell.

"I merely just worried about our name. What do you think the other nobles would say after seeing you act like that? I thought the angel would hide her real self forever."

"Are you mocking me?" Tine asked as she bit her lip. She didn't want to be humiliated by a commoner, especially Laura. Laura touched her chin, acting to pretend she was thinking about it, and all the more it humiliated Tine.

"I was speaking the truth," Laura said while tilting her head.

All Tine could feel was being humiliated and being laughed at by a commoner. In the first place, she never once did acknowledge Laura to be her sister, and sometimes she thinks that Count Harrison favors Laura more because of her resemblance to his late wife.

But if Tine's mother were still to be alive, her mother would be displeased with the way Tine is acting. After all, the Countess was the person who sided with the commoners. She didn't care about her own status since she, too, was once a commoner. Though it is funny how Tine doesn't know about this.

"M-miss Tine, the food has arrived," Vivan interrupted as took a small look at Laura.

Pick up the chair and bring the food to my room. I don't think I'll be able to digest my food, seeing her face," Tine ordered and left the dining room with a foul mood. While Laura laughed softly while the other maids in the room exhaled as the fight had finally ended.

"I'm sorry that you all had to witness this," Laura apologized to the two maids who were in the room the whole time. They both shook their heads and lowered it after since they were shocked that Laura was apologizing. They both thought she was meaner rather than kind. And for a while, they were guilty of having mean thoughts about her in the first place.

Feeling guilty, one of the maids took a step forward, and while bowing, she apologized for saying bad things behind Laura's back. It was an unexpected apology that took Laura by surprise, and instead of getting mad, she smiled, saying, "It's alright. Next time don't judge people by what the rumors say and instead seek the person of their true self."

"We are terribly sorry for judging you wrong. Though I don't want to snitch who started the rumors first, I believe that you deserve to know that it came from the previous head maid, Miss Helga."

"Helga? Oh, her," Laura frowned. The one who got betrayed by her own master, it was truly a pity that she saved her from all the trouble, but in the end, Tine didn't even bother trying to save her. It's a pity that she's innocent but had to cover for Tine's wrongdoings. She would be useful as a witness if she were to stand on the court. "What's done in the past is over. That's why this time, I hope you ladies will help me in the future."

"We will do our best to serve you," Both of the maids said in unison.

"Now, if you would excuse me. I still have to finish some homework given by Miss Andrea," Laura said and left the dining hall.

That's right. These past few days, the servants in the Alvarado estate had been talking about Tine. How she isn't an angel anymore but something else. She started to act rude and mean to the other maids who served her. On the other hand, there was one person Laura pitied greatly, and it was none other than Vivan.contemporary romance

Our of all the maids, Vivan was getting the worse treatment from Tine. Almost every day, there were new wounds made on her arms but not only on her arms but the back of her legs. And, according to the other servants, they said that every time something bad happened, Tine would lash out at Vivan. It was about time for Vivan to be asking help from Laura, but it didn't seem like it would come any sooner.

Laura was getting worried because there might come a day where Vivan might end up dead.

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