Second Life's Revenge

Chapter 97: The Children

The children in the orphanage are all victims of the underground market. They were either sold or kidnapped to become slaves and experienced many traumatizing things. But ever since they arrived in the orphanage they have been happier. One of which is Alex who somehow wanted to be praised by Laura. While Christa treated Erwin like her older brother.

While the orphanage is monitored by Erwin, he decided to give the children education not just about studying but also skills that are needed to be taught to help with their everyday lives. Simply put, this orphanage is much fortunate than the others but it is worth doing so. Since they are children who need more care than others.

"Your eyes are like a rabbit should I call you Ruby?" Laura tilted her head waiting for the girl to reply. Without a doubt, the girl nodded her head and ran towards Sister Julia to give a big hug.contemporary romance

Laura stretched her hands up on the sky and couldn't feel any more satisfied with today's work. Seeing the children's smile and laughter was a form of healing to her. She lowered her hands down as she watched the children play, when suddenly, a cup came to her view, interrupting her scenery. She turned to see Erwin, who was giving her a cup of water.

"You did well today."

"It was your fault for being a cheeky guy yesterday. I wasn't able to give them all their names in one day," Laura joked and took a sip of water.

"Not really I was just being honest with my feelings," Erwin laughed then sat beside Laura.

Laura stopped talking and wondered why a busy man like Erwin in this place? Aren't there more important things he should be doing in his estate? She was sure that Blaine was doing all the readings and stamping of the files while Erwin is away.

"Aren't you busy?" Laura asked and took another drink.

"I wouldn't be here if I was," Erwin chuckled and rested his face on his knee, looking towards Laura's direction. Laura felt his gaze and wanted to run away but instead, she looked back at him and said, "Stop looking at me that way."

Erwin snuggled at the same time he was shaking his head side to side. What's with him? Acting all childish suddenly.

Then out of nowhere, Alex came and interrupted the two, sitting in the middle. He was like a cat not wanting his master get to close with his enemy. Laura stroked Alex's brown hair and asked, "What's wrong? You're not playing with the others anymore?" Alex shook his head hushed Laura. Then out of nowhere Christa also appeared calling out Alex's name.

"Are you playing?" Whispered Laura. Alex shook his head and hid at her back. While Christa continued to call out for his name. Christa walked towards their side and asked if they have seen Alex. Though Laura didn't want to lie, Alex looked he didn't want to be caught.

"Alex is not here. What's wrong?" Laura asked.

"I…want to play with him but he keeps hiding," Christa frowned as she lowered her head. She wanted to cry out of frustration but didn't since Alex doesn't like people who cried.

From behind Laura felt Alex clenching onto her back. It is about time he feels guilty for leaving a cute girl, wandering around the area just wanting to play with him. From this situation, you could see that Christa liked Alex very much.

"It's about time you show yourself, Alex," Erwin said intentionally exposing his hiding space. As Alex stood up he clicked his tongue and gave Erwin a glare as he walked towards Christa. Alex then asked, "What do you want from me?"

Scared, Christa answered while trembling, "I just want to play with you."

"I don't want to," Alex bluntly answered.

"W-why?" Christa asked as she clenched her hands on her dress.

"Alex," Laura said in a scolding tone she then continued saying, "You're not supposed to treat girls like that." Alex frowned then asked, "Will you be sad if I did that to you?" Laura nodded her head.

Taking a note from Laura, Alex walked towards Christa and in a small tone he said, "I'm sorry." The expression on Christa's face brightens and without second thoughts she ran to give him a hug.

On the other hand, quietly sat on the side was Erwin, feeling troubled with something. There was an important matter to tell Laura and it was something she wouldn't like at all. Not only that, to think that she could be hiding something from him was something that annoyed him to no end.

"Laura, I have an important matter to discuss with you."

When Laura turned to look at Erwin she knew it was something important and was not for the children to hear. She nodded her head then told the children that they'll be back. Erwin silently stood up guided Laura behind the orphanage.

Unexpectedly the orphanage had a quiet spot where the waves of laughter of the children sounded muffled. Erwin stopped walking and turned his back then asked, "Why didn't you tell me about you being locked in your own room?"

Laura's eyes widened then wondered how he knew about it. She then asked, "How do you know about this?" Erwin brushed his hair backward along with a sigh coming out his mouth.

"I went to the castle yesterday to report to Elijah and bumped into Winston. At first, he looked hesitant to tell me but he ended up telling me. He told me he didn't like what he was feeling when he entered the estate and saw you trying to convey to him about being locked in your own room." Laura bit her lower lip and looked around her surroundings before speaking.

"I will tell you but do not make a big fuss out of it. It is my problem to solve," Laura said in a threatening tone. His eyes turned serious and ready to hear every single word Laura will tell him.

After explaining what happened Erwin became worried about Laura. It is after all dangerous to live with someone who had black magic under the same roof.

"Then…why don't we get engaged?" Erwin asked. Laura at first was surprised by the sudden proposal but then she didn't want to accept it, not until she gets her revenge.

"I'm sorry. I'll have to decline that for now."

"For now?" Erwin asked as his brows raised and tried to hide his smile.

"I was serious," Laura answered back not smiling or feeling embraced.

"I apologize. Anyway, not only that but the maid you brought with you today isn't Mary and why is that?" Erwin asked though he had a feeling he knew why. Laura answered, "I sent her to Serena. I didn't want Tine to touch her."

"Hm…why won't you let her work here instead?" Erwin suggested while Laura's face lit up. But then controlled her facial expressions and stayed serious. She then said, "If you don't mind. It's better than having Serena to take care of Mary."

"Then I'll make preparations is that alright?" Erwin asked.

"Please do so."

"Also I have some bad news," Erwin said and crossed his arms together. He then continued, "Louis Yltra was freed from prison and just what I expected since he wasn't involved with the underground market at all."

Of course, Louis wouldn't be involved with the underground market but Erwin is right it was bad news because it then means that he'll be on Tine's side. No, worse if Tine starts controlling Louis it might become troublesome.

"I'll be careful from now on, thank you for telling me this."

"Seriously, you always make me worry," Erwin sighed out loud and scooped his arms around her waist. He rested his head on her shoulder then said, "If only you were my age, I would have forced you to marry me."

"But I don't want to marry you. I never did say I want to."

"Your mean but I like it since those words are only meant for me to hear."

"Cheeky bastard."

"You're welcome."

The sun was starting to fall and it was about time for Laura to leave. Being the priestess was not as hard as she had thought from the beginning. Though it was tiring it was fun to be able to help those who are in need. She didn't mind doing it forever since her reward will be the children and the people's smile.

Now that she thought about it, why didn't Tine at least try to think of it as something fun? Maybe it's because her mind is filled with darkness and the light wasn't able to open up her heart. It's sad thinking about how heartless some people can be.

"Well then, I assume we will see each other soon," Erwin said while looking at Laura was sitting inside the carriage. Laura joked saying, "Don't ask someone to keep an eye on me." Erwin laughed then stopped to say, "Please stay safe."

"I will try my best to do so."

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