Second Life's Revenge

Chapter 103: Reunited

Was it fate that brought them together? Was everything a coincidence? Or was it something that was planned? No one knows. But the way with the way their hearts skipped for each other, it is clear that their feelings were mutual. The feeling of calling his name out felt calming as if she hasn't called it out in forever.

Breaking the silence between them, Erwin asked, "How are you?" He looked normal, just like the last time she had seen him, but at the same time, the smile he was flashing at her now wasn't the usual smile she saw. A hint of pain expressed on his face. Laura didn't mind much and answered, "I good. What about you?"

Again the same pained smile he flashed appeared, "I've wanted to see you." He's been wanting to see her? Laura felt attacked by his words because she has been the one waiting for him. Waiting for him to show his face or even write a letter to her. Now Laura knows why every ladies would eye for Erwin. He grew much more handsome. Broader shoulders, more muscular, and somehow even taller. Laura looked away and clenched onto the coat she wore.

In a soft tone, she answered, "I too have been wanting to see you. No, rather, I've been waiting for you to send me a letter."

Erwin pulled Laura closer to him, and in his embrace, he apologized, "I'm sorry for making you wait. Now that I'm back. I won't leave you alone anymore." While bitting her lip, Laura said.

"You…shouldn't. If you do, I will never forgive you."

The two caught up under the pergola, having a conversation just like before. Erwin shared his experience during the war while Laura shared what she did when he was not there. Laura yawned out loud and forgot about the time. It has been a while since she had slept this late, but it's fine since they were catching up, and she thinks it's much more important than sleep.

On the other hand, Erwin didn't look exhausted, and maybe that's because he's so used to not sleeping to the point he looks fine even if he didn't get any sleep. But that doesn't mean she'll allow him not to sleep.

Just like a nagging mother, Laura nagged Erwin to go back to his chambers and sleep. At the same time, Erwin kept refusing since he wanted to spend more time with her. It did make Laura happy, but she was worried about his health.

"No, you need to sleep. I also need my sleep," Laura protested while Erwin continued to ignore what Laura was saying. "Fine, if you don't sleep. I'm not accepting any proposals from you," She threatened as she walked out of the pergola. But was stopped by Erwin, who had a sad expression on his face.

"Don't," Erwin begged as she held her hand. As much as she wanted to take back what she said, she couldn't. Laura was worried enough about his health. Even if he's someone who has strong mana, that doesn't make him different from other people.

"Choose, sleep, or proposal?" Laura asked as she intertwined her fingers with his. Though Laura thought it was going to an easy choice for Erwin, it wasn't easy at all for him. As creepy as it sounds, he would sacrifice his sleep just to watch Laura.

Three expressions were made by Erwin. First, he looked sad. Then looked confused, and lastly, he looked like he was having a hard time choosing. Laura sighed out loud, asking herself, is it that hard to choose?

In an assuring tone of voice, Laura spoke, "We will see each other later. I plan on leaving in the afternoon." She tiptoed and ruffled Erwin's hair. While he slightly blushes with Laura's sudden action. In a shy manner, he asked, "Really?"

Erwin was somehow different today. The usual goofy side of him was not teasing her, and she didn't know if she liked it or not. But seeing a different side of him wasn't a bad thing at all. The fact that she could see more sides of him was nice. Laura nodded her head, assuring her words earlier.

"Fine. But I will escort you to your room if you don't mind."

"I don't. Let's go, Mister overworker."

"Yes, Milady," Erwin laughed as he followed Laura from behind.contemporary romance

To answer the question, it was fate that brought them two together and a mix of planning that was involved. However, they all hoped for them to meet and their plan worked.

The next morning came. Instead of being tried, she was wide awake and excited to see Erwin. She acted calmly, sitting in the chair as she waited for his arrival. He should be arriving here any sooner, but he still hadn't turned up. Maybe he overslept?

A maid entered Laura's room then said, "His Grace told me to inform you he would be running late." Laura giggled as her predicament was correct. She acknowledged the maid, then she left the room.

Laura made her way to the dining hall, and upon arriving, she bumped into Serena, who was grinning. She kept looking at Laura, making her confused, if there was something she needed to know.

But in fact, Serena knew what happened the other night. She couldn't hide her excitement as the two finally saw each other. The truth was the other day, the maid who informed the duchess about some news said that Erwin arrived back in the estate. Let's just say that this was planned by the Duchess and Serena.

"What's wrong?" Laura asked as giving in to the temptation grin of Serena. Serena shook her head, pretending not knowing anything, and wrapped her arms around Laura's as they both walked into the dining hall.

"Good morning ladies, how was your rest?" The duchess asked.

"I slept well," Serena said as she took her seat.

"What else can we say? This is one of the best places to reside in after all," Laura added.

"It's good that both of you were comfortable. I enjoyed the other day we should do this sometime again," The Duchess said, then one by one, the servants came in to serve the food on the table.

The duchess was like a kind mother but only kind to those who she is interested in. For Laura, who did not grow up with her parents, she found the Duchess's presence comforting. There were times she wished that the duchess was her parent.

Several minutes later, the door opened, and a tall man with silver hair entered the room. First greeting his mother then greeted the other two who stood up to greet him.

"No, ladies, please take your seat. There's no need to bow like that," Erwin chuckled as he unbuttoned the middle of his coat. Laura and Serena followed and waited for the Duchess to touch the food.

It is a normal courtesy to follow as the Duchess had a higher title than the both of them. Even if Laura were friends with the Duchess, it is one of the few rules she should never break.

Every second, Laura felt a pair of eyes looking at her. And when checked to see who it was. It was the person who sat across her. A small grin flashed on his face as he watched Laura chew her food. Of course, it made Laura uncomfortable. She raised a brow while looking at Erwin. And he got the signal that she wanted some privacy.

Erwin mouthed to Laura, "No." And continues to put on a smile. The normal Erwin was back. The puppy-like Erwin was gone. It is a once-in-a-lifetime ticket that might taker her years to get.

"Erwin, you shouldn't make our guests uncomfortable," The Duchess spoke out of nowhere, making Erwin flinch and give up. His mother is a sharp woman, after all. Even if there was something going on with the two, never make your guest uncomfortable. Erwin sheepishly looked down, saying, "It was rude. I apologize."

Laura had a face 'serves you right.' While Erwin had a face saying, 'My mother is too sharp.'

After the delicious meal, the three of them went to stroll around the garden. The Duchess had matters to deal with, and so she left the estate earlier. It must be hard being the Duchess. There's so much work to do.

"That's right, Your Grace. How were you able to ask the neighboring empire to surrender?" Serena asked while Erwin smirked then said, "It is a secret, not all are meant to know about." Serena glared at Erwin then huffed as she crossed her arms like a complaining child.

"Then will you tell me?" Laura asked, joining in. Erwin rubbed his chin, then said.

"No, since you betrayed me earlier."

"I did not. Well, maybe I did, but I didn't," Laura argued back. She then continued, "In the first place, you kept looking at me."

"Is it bad to look at the person you like?" Erwin asked, attempting to make Laura stutter her next words, but she didn't.

"No, it isn't however, what if I choke because of you?"

"Then…that's my fault," Erwin frowned as she surrendered. Laura saw the disappointment on his face then tried cheering him up, saying, "Well, you can stare at me if we're not eating."

His mood changed once again, feeling proud, he spoke, "So you do like it."

"Stop it, Erwin."


While in the middle of the two, there stood Serena. Neither looking annoyed or happy since all she was thinking about how she wanted to get out between them. So this is the feeling of being the third wheel.

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