Second Life's Revenge

Chapter 102: Two Years Later II

"Welcome back, Miss Laura," The maid bowed upon Laura entering the Ferguson estate. She greeted the maid with a warm smile and proceeded to the greenhouse, which was the Duchess' favorite spot in the estate.

Every time Laura comes to the Ferguson estate, she would always anticipate eating the desserts they would make since they were made exceptionally well, and not only that, it so happens that the owner of Laura's favorite pastry shop is owned by the Duchess. Which means she had more chocolate mousse for herself to eat.

In the grand greenhouse, Laura sees the other two ladies she has wanted to see aside from the duchess as she walked closer towards them. A girl with brown hair waved her hand in the air and walked towards her. While Laura giggled at the girl's actions.

"We were all waiting for you. Go take your seat," Serena said as she pushed Laura to her seat. She then turned to look at the duchess and greeted, "It's nice to see you again, Your Grace."

The Duchess laughed in a soft manner, then she greeted back, "It's nice to see you too, Laura. How have you been? Busy with your tasks?" Laura sighed out loud but still kept her smile on. She then answered, "Yes.. but luckily, the high priest gave me some time to rest. I have a week of rest."

The other two ladies laughed as Laura greeted Viscountess Andrea, who gave Laura a smile as a greeting. The Duchess clasped her hands together. Then she faced Serena and Laura bluntly asking, "Why don't you two have a fiancée? Could it be that both of you are just hiding something?"

Laura looked at Serena with an uncomfortable expression then answered, "That's because we both aren't that interested in getting married yet." The Duchess grinned since she knew something the three didn't know about.

"Perhaps you already have someone in mind and is waiting for that special someone?" The Duchess asked with a grin while Laura shook her head in denial. She lied. She knew that deep inside. She was waiting for this one person. She touched the necklace as she answered, "There is, but I wonder where he is." Instead of making it into a serious matter, Laura joked around, and the others fell for it.

"How can this young and gorgeous lady not have anyone after her?" The Duchess sighed as she touched her cheek. Though she knew there was something going on with Erwin and Laura, she didn't want to push Laura since it was fun teasing her and seeing her reactions.

Viscountess Andrea closed the fan she held, agreeing with what the Duchess was saying. Laura was at the age where she would either be married or engaged, but neither of that happened yet. Viscountess Andrea spoke, "That's right, Your Grace. You do know about the matter between Laura and your son, do you?"

The Duchess raised a brow, acting serious all of a sudden as a joke. She then crossed her arms in a playful manner then answered, "Yes, and I'm disappointed with my son not seeing you or making a move on you."

Well, there was nothing Erwin could do either since she did tell him that he needed to wait. Until she gets her revenge. Laura laughed awkwardly, then trying to change the topic. She asked, "That's right, have you heard of the latest fashion? I am proud that my close friend right here made it a trend."

Denying, Serena shook her head and immediately said, "It's because of the Duchess that made it known amongst the ladies. If you had not introduced me to Her Grace, it wouldn't have bloomed this well." Serena had talent in tailoring though she sometimes doubts herself and her own hard work and skills.

"Don't doubt yourself so much," Viscountess Andrea spoke in a scolding matter. Though she was right. Agreeing on, the Duchess and Laura both nodded their heads, making Serena blush a bit. Not only that, but she somehow felt much more motivated to think of more new designs. "Thank you very much," Serena thanked.

"Now, why won't we enjoy the desserts?" Laura proposed as she eyed on her one and only chocolate mousse. Viscountess Andrea giggled and, at the same time, joked, "You should marry the mousses instead." Then Serena joined in, saying, "I think the chocolate mousse would be your perfect husband. After all, it is sweet and very appealing to the eyes," she joked.

The four of them continued to chatter, not noticing the sun setting. As the Duchess still wanted to talk with the other three, she asked them to stay a night. Unfortunately, Viscountess Andrea promised to eat supper with her family while the other two were free and took the offer.

"Are you sure you are fine with having us here?" Serena asked as she walked slightly behind the duchess. The duchess stopped walking then answered, "Of course I treat you ladies as if you are my daughters."

Laura had a sudden thought out of nowhere. She remembered that earlier, Lester was smirking as if he was sending her off away so that he doesn't need to finish sewing the stuffed toys. He deserves punishment from her, she thought. But since Lester knew then, that means that the Duchess had asked in advance. And so without any hesitation, Laura asked, "I don't want to sound rude, but did Her Grace tell Lester about this in advance?"

"No, I wouldn't intentionally ask someone to stay in my estate. Plus, I feel lonely in this extravagant estate, wouldn't it be nice for a change?" The Duchess asked as she stopped in front of the dining hall.

"I'm sorry," Laura apologized, and the Duchess didn't mind at all. A servant opened the doors, and there on the long table, laid savoring roasted chicken and other plentiful platters. A maid walked towards the Duchess and muttered some words Laura couldn't hear. But the expression that the Duchess showed was excited or more of ecstasy.

"Did something happen?" Laura asked, curious to know what could have lifted the mood of the Duchess so quickly. The Duchess shook her head while smiling. Which made Laura curious all the more. Definitely, there is something going on.

"I envy Her Grace," Serena said as she watched the Duchess take her seat as she followed. The Duchess giggled and asked the maids to bring out the other fruits. It was rude to ask the Duchess to stop bringing in food, and so the two stayed quiet, and it looks like their stomachs will be bloated tonight.

It was midnight, and Laura couldn't sleep a wink at all. She stayed on the bed for hours, telling herself to sleep, but she couldn't. There were so many random thoughts that went in and out of her head. As if she was in class, listening to a boring teacher.

Giving up on the idea of sleeping, Laura got off the bed and wore a coat, warm enough to avoid her from getting a cold and decided to take a walk around the garden, which she earlier had the permission of the Duchess to do so. But the Duchess also told Laura to bring someone with her for safety. But being a rebel, Laura went to the garden alone.

It was winter, but the snow didn't fall all day. She was lucky to have the weather by her side. Laura sniffled as she looked up the sky and shivered when a sudden cold wind blew in her direction.

"I might catch a cold," Laura muttered as she continued walking on the paved path. "But it's nice to be alone for a while."

It was worth it to spend her break in the Ferguson estate. This place was magical; they had almost every single item like the palace or even better. In the middle of the small maze, there was a pergola, and that was her destination.

Though she almost got lost because she got distracted by the winter flowers surrounding the garden. There was one flower she recognized one of the flowers since they are common to see during the winter.

"Perennial Geranium," Laura muttered out loud. The color was blue, matching the color of the dukedom family, and it reminded her of him. At least once, she wanted to see how he was. There were times she waited on her desk for any letters to come from Erwin, but there wasn't anything.

Will it be just like that? Just like that, their relationship would end? Laura clenched her fist and hugged her knees, burying her face in between her knees. She kept her tears at bay as she told herself not to cry, not until it was the end.

"Huh? Who are you? What are you doing here at this time?" The familiar voice asked and walked closer to Laura. The night was dark, and he had not recognized the lady who was hugging her knees. Laura did not answer not until the man asked once more, "Who are you?"

Laura turned her back and saw the familiar light blue eyes. She was left speechless and immediately stood back up. The man was also speechless and asked himself that if he was dreaming or not, if it was, he wouldn't want to wake up at all. The woman he yearned for is right in front of his eyes.

But it isn't a dream, is it?

"Are you really, Laura?" The man asked as he slowly walked towards her and pulled her into an embrace.contemporary romance


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