Chapter 38: Aya's Tragedy !

He then gave him the coordinates of a public place in the heart of modern Soura. Siraj looked at the coordinates Ibro wrote to him on his phone and then sighed in silence.

He knew it was a place that didn't belong to the real place Ibro was hiding at. Siraj felt pity for foreign agents when they turned Soura upside down in search of him in vain. This young man was very careful, but that was good.

If any foreign agents found out about him, they wouldn't hesitate for a moment to kill him and get rid of him. Siraj looked at his phone and said quietly :

" The plane has about an hour and a quarter until it gets to the airport. And from the airport to Soura city, there's about an hour and a half. Which means you had about three hours until you met Aya. I wish you all the best ."

"Thank you 205. Now, you need to get over your meeting with the presidency as soon as possible. so I'll be waiting for you to get back in the game so we could talk comfortably about what we're going to do next ."

Siraj felt that he was about to start a turning point in his entire life. That point wasn't about his meeting with the president but was the meeting to be held with Ibro at the game. Siraj hesitated then asked :

"Could you tell me more secrets about the game ?"

Ibro looked at him before laughing and moving away from him heading towards the gate. :

"See you, two hundred and five ."

Siraj followed him with his eyesight until he disappeared from him. then he waved in distress and muttered to himself :

"Why was he so secretive about what he knew in such a suspicious way? All I asked for was a bunch of information that I can use in my meeting with the president. He's so stingy !"

After Ibro left the presidential palace he moved back to the intelligence building through a car he rented from an agency in Docair modern city.

Then he got in his car and entered the coordinates of the public park that lay in the heart of the city of Soura. The distance between him and the park was about an hour and a half at a normal speed. but he decided to move at a slow speed to reach near his date with Aya.

He sat on the driver seat and pressed a button to make the seat fall back. He then closed his eyes and began to sleep a little. In the past few hours, his nerves were under pressure, nonetheless, he was very happy about what he achieved.

He trusted the success of his plan to some degree. when he thought of the gains that came out of his plan felt pride and happiness. The flight lasted about two hours and a half hours.

He rested as much as he could until he was awakened by a high pitched sound. It was an alarm from the car indicating that he had reached his destination.

He rose from the seat and got out of the wagon to do some exercises until he felt awoke. he turned around to find the darkness prevailed in the place.

The public garden of the city of Soura was densely populated at this time. The place he chose was located in the heart of it, so he didn't feel that late in the evening but he felt like being at high noon.

The car parked next to a long walkway that looked like a snake extending indefinitely. He stopped by his car and started looking at his phone with tension. Although he trusted what Siraj said to him, he was worried about Aya.

What he was worried about was how much hurt she was. He wished that she was healthy and never hurt. but he knew inside him that it was just a naive wish.

In the time that extended from his knowledge of what happened to her until the time of her rescue, hours had passed. during which he was certain she had undergone interrogation and had been exposed.

He couldn't imagine how much damage they might have done to her. His heart ached when he imagined her being tortured, but he took a deep breath trying to distract his real pessimism from his mind.

It was enough that he saved her now. from this moment on, she wouldn't be subjected to any torture or harm whatsoever. he felt so comfortable about the reality of saving her.

He didn't only save her from harm now, but he had saved her finally from her painful fate that almost befallen on her in the future if she remained in their place.

Time passed slowly and he was walking endlessly in circles around his car in tension and impatience. After about half an hour, an official car appeared on the horizon speeding towards him.

His heart lit up watching the car until it stood next to him. The car windows were completely blacked out. It stopped, whoever was inside came out to meet him. Three men and a female appeared.

His eyes clung to that female and fixed only on her. He went to all this trouble for her. Aya was in a terrible state. her clothes were worn out showing her skin clearly from her torn clothes.

Traces of red bruises that looked very scary were apparent on her smooth skin. when her feet touched the ground, she ran fast to jump in the middle of his arms crying painfully. Ibro embraced her in silence with a torn heart.

He patted her back, trying to reassure her. in his heart grew a black dot that began to grow fast to generate in his heart a strong desire for revenge to who caused her all this hurt.

This was not the time to talk to her. He carried her in his arms and looked for those who brought her in gratitude and appreciation. There was nothing more to say as he turned on his heels and immediately returned to his aircar.

As soon as he got on it, he entered the other aircar coordinates. the car moved in front of the three men who watched it leaving in silence. Aya continued her crying in his lap on the driving seat and he did not speak to her any word.

just his eyes shed tears silently in pain. She was hurt to this degree because of him. He knew that if he hadn't met her, she wouldn't have been in all this trouble. Soon he tried to reassure himself.

Since today nobody was going to touch her hair no matter what happened. He wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice himself again for her. The whole trip was silent only from her crying that gradually faded away.

He never spoke to her until they arrived at the huge aircar location. Ibro gently lifted her head to find the tears were frozen on her face leaving trace marks visible to him.

Some of the makeup on her was sadly wiped out but she was the prettiest woman in the whole world. He looked at her in the eye and said slowly :

"You ran away from them and I wouldn't let anyone hurt you ever again. don't worry, here with me, no one can find you ."

Aya sat down and wiped away the rest of her tears with her hands. then she said in a strong tone that didn't match her looks and suffering. :

"You saved me from them, Ibro. I never thought I'd protect you from them for you to save me from their clutches. I never expected your crazy move this time either."

"Don't worry about yourself anymore. I'm not the weak guy who needs your protection. From today you'll be under my protection and I would never let those animals hurt you again. I promise you !this is a lifetime promise."contemporary romance

She had a sweet smile on her face. Although her body was shaking from pain and humiliation, she felt secure., inside of her she hadn't woken up yet from the trauma she had suffered. But time was the best remedy.

She knew she still had a long way to go to get through this. She doubted she could forget what she experienced, as she couldn't forget!

He opened the car door and left with her high up in his arms. She tried to stand up to walk by herself but he stopped her. he said as he moved into the other aircar :

"Don't bother, but we need to talk about a little diet ."

She laughed. she poked him with her elbow but she moaned before even moving her arm. every area of her body was filled with painful bruises, and then she hardly said :

"You are an eastern man, Ibro. I'm not doing a diet at all no matter what ."

Ibro laughed at her. he entered his car and moved towards the back. he chose a bed and put her on it as he said to her :

"If your body is so bruised, why are you poking me with your elbow? "

They laughed together. Ibro then moved and directed the aircar back to the nearest town where he bought some healing fluids, some sedatives, and painkillers.

Those fluids could be put in the water and the body could be immersed in to soothe the pain.

After he received them, he gave painkillers and sedatives to her. She took these reluctantly. She hated taking any treatment. If he hadn't insisted on her, she wouldn't have accepted them.

Then he filled the bathtub with water and poured the contents of the liquid drugs. She then took a warm bath soaked in the drugs. the sedatives worked fast soothing a lot of the effects of the torture to which she was subjected to.

When she finished her bath, she discovered the existence of a set of beautiful and elegant clothes to wait for her in front of the bath door. She knew that this was Ibro's style and choice.

She wore them in silence and felt that warmth Ibro was trying to make her feel. She appreciated his good try but her wound was so deep to feel that warmth yet. She had done dressing.

Her last few hours had been like another life for someone she didn't recognize. She looked at her reflection on the surface of the big mirror in the living room in the aircar to feel reborn again.

She turned around but she couldn't find Ibro. After a little search, she noticed a piece of paper left on her desk. she read Ibro's words saying :

"I'll go get you a special capsule for you to enter the game. It wouldn't take more than three hours. Wait for me and don't sleep ."

She grabbed the paper tightly as she remembered the game. She felt a chill deep in her spine to feel her body weak. she held herself grabbing the small table so she wouldn't lose balance.

She remembered what she went through. that pain was never easy to forget. All that was caused by this Rioneed game. How much she hated it! How much she loved it as she knew Ibro through it.

She was like a little candle caught on fire until it was about to melt away. Had it not been for Ibro's intervention to save her, she would have been like a walking dead on Earth, only living without any feeling, hope, life, or future.

She felt the last few hours were like a dream or much closer than a nightmare. She felt weak, tired, and drowsy. She moved towards the big bed in the aircar and laid her body above it.

She felt a little pain, but soon she got used to it. She covered her body on the bed and felt it sinking into the depths of its softness like a sea quickly to be separated from the whole world.

She had only been asleep for a few moments, so her body rose again with a scream. She turned around in a panic to find herself in the suit again.

She barely caught her breath with her chest rising and falling as if she was just running a marathon. She tried to calm herself and her panic that woke her from her momentary slumber.

She didn't know why when she slept she had a nightmare where she was tortured again and again endlessly. It was the ultimate torment for her and. She suppressed her terror and controlled her fear to try to sleep again.

"What happened?!"

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