Chapter 37: Saving Aya Darwish: mission accomplished

The ambassador caught the paper in surprise but moved it quickly to the president. He then translated Ibro's words to him. Ibro knew of the Armonian President's good heart and desire to avoid fighting and conflict.

He also knew that he hated being betrayed by someone. That was when this good guy turned out to be a tough guy who liked to get his own revenge in blood. That was a simple memory that crossed his mind on a whim.

Through the features of the president who seemed glad of the paper, Ibro knew that he had acted perfectly. The president just smiled at Ibro and moved out of the room in quiet steps.

Siraj looked at the Armonian President's departure as if he were dreaming. Did that really happen? Did the Armonian President come and agree to cooperate with Ibro as he claimed?

Was Hept really going to be supplied with the capsules for free? This was absolutely unbelievable news. He looked at Ibro with a look of appreciation, respect, curiosity, and doubt.

How could this little guy have so much power in the game? What was this Apidon Mythic city? Why was it so important to that great country? How come it made the Armonian president change the schedule for his diplomatic visit and meet Ibro?

He had never heard of it. Apparently, he must get closer to this kid. He might get lucky and know more about his secrets and benefit from them.

After a while, Ibro exchanged some discussions with the ambassador and the Armonian delegation. Siraj noted that Ibro had been silent and looked at him deeply. Ibro then asked quietly :

"Don't you think you have a rescue mission to do?"

He understood what Ibro meant. He knew Ibro did all that to save this Aya. unfortunately, Siraj didn't have the power to take such a decision, so he said in response :

"But I don't have yet.."

He didn't finish his words to find his phone ringing. He looked at his phone and then took it out.

He found the person who was talking to him was the head of his department himself. Siraj looked at his phone and then towards Ibro to find the latter was not surprised that such a call came at this time.

It suddenly hit him. That might be what Ibro was planning from the beginning, and why not. He was known in the department for his extreme suspicion and interest in the game of Rioneed.

Siraj realized that his presence in the palace with Ibro and their meeting with the Armonian President had reached the ears of the commander of his department and even to his president.

Was he going to punish him or was he going to ask him for information or what? Siraj left to a corner with speed and grabbed the phone and started talking on the far side with his leader.

His features were showing surprise and astonishment. Ibro noticed his changes with complete satisfaction. His last move was about to end, and then he could say he overcame this ordeal successfully.

A few minutes later, Siraj came back and his eyes bore disbelief. he sat next to Ibro then he whispered to him in a low voice :

"I've been promoted in the department. a whole section dedicated to the game would be established under my authority. Our Heptian president had already signed a cooperation agreement with the Armonian president.

The Armonian president was gracious and told our president many of the secrets of the game. These secrets are strangely consistent with what you told me before.

The president himself has ordered me to be promoted, and I would be one of his immediate associates. I will take over the task of distributing capsules and managing the forces of Hept in the game. "

Ibro wasn't surprised by all this as he said in a quiet tone. :

"Congratulations. Apparently, our Armonian friend did his part and told the president about your role in the deal ."

"That was pretty much what happened ."

"Now, don't you have a rescue mission?"

This time Siraj understood that this youngster wasn't just saying a random question before.

This young man had become a living legend to him. Everything he did was unpredictable. What he was seeking was considered impossible, but in the end, he reached his destination and achieved his impossible goals.

He nodded his head in agreement. He stood up then went to that corner again. He made a number of long calls which lasted about half an hour. During which, Siraj used the paper Ibro wrote for him in his office which was in his pocket.

He sent the coordinates of where the Heptian players were held. Now Hept was back in the game of power and they needed as many special players as possible.

He felt that it would be a huge loss if these players were kept away from Hept country. He had a hunch that those players would have a great role to play in the future in the game.

If not then why did Ibro use all his powers to release them? Ibro took up the discussion with the Armonian ambassador about the game. Ibro told him that the connection between them would be no one but Siraj.

In contrast, the Armonian ambassador expressed his gratitude and appreciation for Ibro in choosing him. He had a high rank in the leadership of a Great Power like Armon.

He knew very well how important the game was and he was sure about its tremendous impact on the future of the whole world. An opportunity like this would greatly elevate his status.

Ibro wasn't surprised by this man's show of gratitude. He knew very well that he made a big service to the ambassador. He felt satisfied with his attitude towards him.

Someone like him that appreciated the services provided to him, would always help Ibro if he needed his help. Then the ambassador exchanged his name in the game with Ibro so that they could add each other.

Ibro still had a part of the deal that he did not make yet. Then Siraj showed up again to sit next to him, and then he said in a whisper. :

It's all done. We found about 200 Heptians trapped in this place. we freed them all, and now they're on their way to Hept ."

Ibro turned to him abruptly and said eagerly. :

"Tell me when will they arrive?"

Siraj felt how anxious Ibro seemed to be. that was not the same Ibro he used to know. He deepened his sense of the importance of these players in the future. He also decided within him that he needed to tighten his relationship with them.

he replied rapidly :

"They've got about two hours till they arrive here ."

Then he pulled out his phone and opened a draft full of names, and he said :

"These are the names of the people we've rescued, and your friend's name is at the top of the list ."

This time he didn't use the name of a partner but a friend.

In his short experience with Ibro, he understood how important this girl was in his life. Siraj didn't mind a relationship between the two. That was normal. But this made him realize that he needed to be careful in dealing with that special girl.

He had already asked for a report about her. Her secret report had no major problem except that her temper was intense. She was easy to get angry at and her reactions were usually very intense.

He didn't want to face the wrath of someone as difficult to deal with as Ibro, that If he managed to piss her off. Ibro grabbed the phone and started reading the names carefully.

The name Aya Darwish was decorating the list on the top. But after he read a few other names, he remembered who they were in the game in his past life.

Most of these would become legends in the future and would play a pivotal role in leading Heptian players in the game. They were the majority and not all because he discovered the names of a number of traitors.

These traitors caused massive destruction against Hept and its players. He also remembered that girl who caused the death of Aya Darwish by revealing her secrets to everyone.

A flash of thought shone in his mind. Why wouldn't he use this opportunity to cut many cancers dead before they grew later? Ibro grabbed the phone and started tagging a number of names he knew.

Siraj was surprised at what Ibro was doing but did not comment waiting for Ibro to finish. After minutes of careful reading and checking the list more than once, Ibro selected 47 people. he then returned the phone to Siraj and said :

"The ones I marked are double agents. You must dispose of them in complete secrecy after they return to Hept ."contemporary romance

Siraj grabbed the phone and checked the names again. All the names Ibro referred to didn't have a single speck on them. Siraj sat alone reviewing these people's files without finding any evidence of wrong with them.

He looked back at Ibro who was busy talking to the Armonian ambassador about the game. Ibro noticed the way Siraj looked at him. he stopped talking as he looked very seriously at him saying :

"Trust me. If you checked their files you won't be able to find a hair of doubt about them. but they are traitors who will betray us later. Don't take any risks. we don't have the luxury of failing ."

Siraj was surprised by the seriousness in Ibro's tone of speech. He decided for the second time betting on Ibro. He didn't know where he gained all this confidence at this young age.

He also didn't know how you could determine the names of the traitors in the game among all these names. He remembered the paper Ibro gave to the Armonian President.

It was filled with many names of Armonian players that he wrote from his memory. If he could identify traitors in a country as strange as Armon, then how could he not know traitors in Hept?

Siraj grabbed his phone and instructed his followers to dispose of these names in secret after landing at the Modern city of Docair airport. Through this, he began seriously thinking about the source of information that Ibro knew.

Who was this mysterious person who knew all these secrets about the game? How did Ibro know this guy in the game? Was that all Ibro knew about game secrets, or was this just the tip of a giant iceberg?

He didn't know the answer. Regardless of all of this now he had to do a lot of things in a short time. He had an important meeting with the Heptian president. This meeting would determine his fate and his future.

Luckily he knew a lot of secrets about Rioneed from Ibro either directly or through hearing his words with the Armonians.

His mind was starting to organize all this information automatically so that these could be presented to the presidency in an orderly fashion. He was aware that the Armonian President had engaged his Heptian counterpart to some of the secrets of the game.

there was no problem boasting his knowledge of those secrets, and there might be some secrets that the president of Hept didn't know about. As for the source of his information, he would refer only to Ibro.

Siraj looked again towards him, as he was saying goodbye to the ambassador before they got out of the building. Siraj knew well that without this young man in front of him he couldn't reach the position he had now.

Ibro looked at Siraj as they were heading towards the gate of the Palace and said :

"Give me your phone number so I could reach you easily ."

"What about your number ?"

"I'm sorry I can't give you my number! but if something happened and you needed me, you could communicate with me in the game. you know my name now and you could add me as a friend when you enter later."

Siraj almost argued with him, but he backed off. He knew very well that if Aya hadn't been discovered and captured, Ibro would not have appeared before him now. Siraj surrendered and decided to keep Ibro as a friend.

Having him as a friend was much better to him and to everyone than an enemy. He told Ibro his phone number, and then he said :

"Everyone would be transported back from the airport to a highly classified location. What do you want me to do about Aya ?"

"Take her to Soura city at these coordinates and I'll meet her myself ."

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