Chapter 348: 348

Ibro moved this idea to the back of his head for now. He would do that as his last choice anyway. He still had the option of farming those demons via the system if he needed to.

Although that would be much slower than his speed if he acted, that would help to alleviate part of the pressure on him. the trial was over with great success, so he started to move around in a try to assess his armies' state.

After a few hours of search, he found out that his armies managed to kill their way through the deepest parts of the southern empire. The enemy troops failed to pose any threat to or even hinder the advancement of his skeletons.

When Ibro neared the main city of the emperor, he found that only 100 cities stood between his armies and this main stronghold.

These 100 cities weren't an easy rock to crack, as each city was full of huge defenses. Ibro decided to act, after all, he was idle for so long. He wanted to speed up the events. 

'Can you absorb energy from the area covered by my divine sense?'

Ibro asked the system trying to confirm his guess. His divine sense could cover 50k kilometers easily, if he could use that to his advantage, then he could fasten things up. The system warned:

'This would be risky, you should play it safe. Speeding things up would solve some but it will also create more problems.'

Ibro argued back:

'I want to test the ambush these demons sat for me. if I managed to provoke them to move outside the walls of their cities, then I could avoid this ambush easily.'

The system didn't reply for a while, then it said:

'If you want to do so, then I can give you a piece of advice. Your strikes are lethal, but they had limited power against huge quantities of demons. So, I suggest that you move part of the demons into your pocket space and kill the rest.'

Ibro smiled widely as he was satisfied by his system's way of thinking. Finally, his system began to match his ideas.

'I have no objection here, partner. Let's kick some demons seeds back to hell.'

'Be ready, I will start absorbing their energy now.'

Ibro didn't delay as he muttered:

'Nefrisca Santo Janigmay.'contemporary romance

'Nefrisca Santo Janigmay.'

'Nefrisca Santo Janigmay.'




'Nefrisca Santo Janigmay.'

'Sa Romy Dai.'

'Alfa Ta Shtoy.'

'Sa Romy Dai.'

'Alfa Ta Shtoy.'

His preparations were complete, as a big defensive ball emerged to surround him in a radius of 100 meters, with the appearance of two gigantic swords plus two huge hands holding them. Ibro was ready to use his most lethal strike, the sword whirlpool strike.

Once he finished, he felt huge streams of energy gushing into his body without ending. Ibro stood firmly in the air while he observed his main goal. The main city was crowded by huge armies, but he couldn't spot his main enemy there or even his culprits.

After a few moments, huge screams echoed from far that even Ibro from his place managed to hear them. he didn't flinch, either, as he wanted to disturb his enemy's plans. To do so, he needed to hold his ground for an as long period as he could.

Dealing with billions of enemies in a short time was a real challenge for him, but he was excited about it. His wait didn't last long, as in just ten minutes he managed to spot endless streams moving at rapid speed towards here.

Although these demons tried to move fast, they couldn't even match the speed of their energies. So, every second passed, Ibro gained millions of PSR orbs, PSR energy, and demon energy that replenished his reserves.

Ibro didn't wait for the arrival of his enemies, or else he would be surrounded. When he felt the distance was appropriate, he started to issue his strikes one after another.

As he started absorbing their energies from the farthest point to the north, all of the demons moved in a cone-shape towards him. that made it easier for him to cover this area with just a small number of strikes.

Ibro tried to be efficient here, as this was, after all, a war of attrition. Every strike managed to kill huge quantities of incoming demons, but they weren't enough to wipe them out.

Ibro had to use his utmost speed trying to match the speed of these demons, but he failed. many demons managed to escape the net of his strikes. Through the way here, more demons merged to form bigger demons.

So, when they reached Ibro, he felt he was facing an army of giants. Although he was surrounded, he wasn't stressed. He had his defense that they couldn't break it easily. Without any suspense, all the demons that reached him and tried to attack him failed without exception.

Ibro didn't direct any attack towards them as he tried to minimize the numbers of these escapers. During these strikes, some of the gigantic demons suffered from collateral damage if they stood in the path of any strike.

Away from these unlucky demons, most of the remaining gigantic ones tried their best to penetrate Ibro's defenses without vain. Some of them even died as they got purified from Ibro's ultimatum energy.

Ibro maintained his high attack speed for nearly an hour, during which the area around him became crowded with gigantic demons. He sighed; he knew he neared his limit, so he began to direct his strikes towards these surrounding demons while he retreated step by step backward.

Creating a space between him and the far demons managed to buy him some time to eliminate all of those gigantic ones. When he managed to eliminate those gigantic demons, he returned to releasing his strikes densely towards the far distance while he stopped his retreat.

He kept repeating this rhythm one time after another until nearly most of the demons moved from their initial places by a far distance. 

'That's enough, let's take a break.'

Ibro issued this order for his system which stopped absorbing energy. The mad flow of energy disappeared abruptly, accompanied by the sudden calm in the universe.

Ibro's move made the demons packed organized lines of defense crumbled, as they were now scattered everywhere without any organization. Ibro's skeletons didn't need the invitation to start massacring these demons without mercy.

The sudden shift in battle type from chasing Ibro to be chased by Ibro's skeletons made the battle result apparent, it would be Ibro's win.

"Sigh, I didn't think to deal with some ant-like you would be this difficult."

Ibro heard this soft sigh with a low pitched voice from far, but he heard it clearly like that demon was standing next to him. Via his divine sense, Ibro managed to spot his speaker, it was a huge body demon that made Ibro believe it was a fiend, might be a lower rank fiend. 

"Can we be civilized and use words instead of fight to reach an agreement?"

These words piqued Ibro's interest. He was surprised by them, so he said in return:

"This is my first time to meet such a fiend who tries to use diplomacy instead of war. Or, is this a new plot from you?"

Ibro's voice wasn't high, but it was clear. The fiend appeared to hear him from such a long distance, while it replied:

"I'm not like those warmongerings who tried to solve everything with a fight. Let me offer you a deal I'm sure you will be interested in."

Ibro just kept his silence neither approving nor declining, while the fiend continued:

"I have heard about your name and learned about your deeds like many demons in my world. That's quite a feat you did, but I want to clarify some facts to you. You aren't the first system holder to make his name in our world, and you won't be the last.

Every system holder before you either killed or reached an agreement with us, that's a law with no exception so far. So, I advise you to think carefully about my offer and consider accepting it.

After all, either you accept it and live peacefully ever after, or you deny it and face the inevitable death soon."

Ibro interrupted its long talk as he said:

"That's quite a speech from low-rank fiend like yourself, why don't you sum things up and say you are just a mere messenger?"

The fiend didn't seem to be offended by Ibro's words as it continued with the same spirit:

"Consider me a messenger or a friend, it's up to you. All I want to do is give you this piece of advice, or warning. Join us and stop resisting, no human stood against us and lived to tell the story.

Your resistance here is doomed to fail. As we speak, there are huge powerful reinforcements are heading to this world in haste. They would reach here in a few months. even if you managed to annex this world here and many other worlds, you will be killed eventually.

No system holder dared to stand against us and managed to escape with his life. So, think carefully about this offer of mine. if you agreed, we will withdraw from this whole universe and give some other universes to you as a gift to rule.

Our two conditions are to never try to hinder our plans by going to other universes than assigned to you, and the second condition is to let us delete all your memories regarding spells and the usage of demon energy.

Spells and demons energy are unique existence solely for us, so you will understand our request here."

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