Chapter 347: 347

Ibro moved towards the north mountain. The valley headed from east to west and was located in between north and south mountains. Once reached there, he put both hands over the irregular hard rocky surface of the mountain.

Once he did that, he felt huge PSR energy appearing inside his body. this energy came from the consumed PSR orbs. Once appeared, it moved immediately towards his arms and exited through his two palms to enter the huge mountain.

Ibro experienced a strange feeling as if his divine sense entered with his PSR energy to check each tiny detail of it. this mountain was really huge, as it extended for hundreds of kilometers from east to west.

When Ibro concentrated, he felt the whole body of the mountain was pitch black, with some tiny specks that shone in different colors. Although these specks were so tiny, they were strangely clear to his eyesight. 

'Move and gather those specks, these are small parts of different materials you can use.'

The sound of the system appeared in his mind guiding him. Ibro didn't know how to gather these specks.

Once his divine sense touched one of them, the speck disappeared miraculously from the huge black ocean. Ibro understood what he needed to do, so he started hunting these specks.

It was a simple job to do, but it wasn't easy, as the mountain body was immense. Ibro took nearly 3 hours to finish collecting all the specks from the mountain. 

'Now, withdraw your hand and make your palms touch each other.'

Ibro did exactly as he told; he took away his hands and attached his two palms together. Once he did that, he saw an aura of light in between his palms. This aura kept increasing in intensity as he felt the heat emanated from it. 

'Don't move, this is the trickiest step of making the material you seek. You are now merging the specks you got if you moved you will turn them into waste.'

Ibro withstood the increasing heat without complaint. A new material created through absorbed specks from within a big mountain, which was something worth the pain he was feeling right now.

After half an hour, the aura started to dim gradually. Ibro anticipated the end result, he was curious about the nature of the material he would acquire. He collected nearly 10k specks from this mountain.

He wondered about the nature of the final material, would it be unique or normal or garbage? His wait didn't last more than five minutes, as the aura totally disappeared and a small ball of silver azure color remained in his hands.

This newly created material was surprisingly cold, and heavy. Ibro held it high in front of his eyes while the system said:

'Congratulation system holder, you managed to create a rank 3 PSR material Gronuloes material. You can use this material in making rank 3 PSR pieces of equipment.'

Ibro didn't know if this material was a high grade or not. This was the first time he heard of such ranking, so he asked:

'What is this PSR ranking for materials and equipment?'

'It's like your usual game ranking of materials and equipment, but it's a lot more powerful and advance that than. For example, rank 3 PSR material you got here equals to silver tier material in any game.

The issue here is the difference between rank 3 PSR material and silver tier material is like the distance between heaven and earth.'

Ibro had some inspiration from the system explanation, so he asked:

'Is there also RO ranking for materials and equipment?'

'Yes, it's also higher in quality than PSR ranking.'

Ibro smiled as he decided:

'Let's go for the other mountain then.'

The system smelled Ibro's idea, so it asked with doubt:

'What do you intend to do?'

Ibro shrugged as he replied:

'Nothing much, I will just replace PSR with ultimatum energy.'

The system was speechless for a second then it argued:

'This is risky, your energy reserves won't sustain the usage of mineralist over this huge mountain.'

Ibro asked simply:

'Is it an issue of soul energy shortage?'

'Yes, PSR energy can be replenished via PSR orbs, but I can't replenish your soul sea energy.'

'You are mistaken, you can replenish my soul sea energy without limit.'

The system didn't reply for a second then it exclaimed:

'Do you mean those demons?'

Ibro smiled widely as he neared the next mountain while confirming:

'Yes, I didn't raise them so far for just training my army. You can kill whatever you wish to replenish both PSR and soul sea energy at the same time.' 


The system didn't say anything until Ibro reached the mountain, as it suggested:

'You should activate your ultimatum energy first then I will guide it to be used instead of your PSR energy. I want to warn you, you are trying to use a higher form of energy to use a lower rank divine ability. You might not get any difference at all.'

Ibro argued back while he activated his first spell:contemporary romance

'I don't need to activate it now, the best solution is to activate the spells first. You then guide the formed PSR energy formed from the divine ability to mix with the soul energy to form the ultimatum energy.

This way, the chances of upgrading the existed PSR rank mineralist would be higher. Activate it now.'

Ibro put both hands with great enthusiasm and anticipation onto the mountain surface. The emergence of PSR energy was detected by Ibro once appeared, he then observed it as it combined successfully with his soul energy inside his mind.

The resulted ultimatum energy was then guided by the system towards both of his palms to disseminate inside the huge mountain. Once the ultimatum energy entered the mountain body, the huge blackness of it appeared in front of Ibro's sight.

Ibro then noticed the presence of tiny specks scattered all over the mountain. At the same time, Ibro noticed the rapid depletion of both PSR and soul sea energy, though he wasn't worried. The task of replenishing both lied over the system shoulders.

He then began to inspect the shiny specks with anticipation. As he expected, there were some changes in these specks. The size of each speck was many folds larger than before, in addition to the obvious increase in their amount. 

'It increased in both quality and quantity… perfect.'

Ibro was ecstatic by such a result, but he didn't lag as he started to collect these specks without delay. Any second wasted was on the cost of his limited resources from PSR orbs and his pocket space demons.

Despite his haste, he couldn't finish collecting all specks except after 10 hours. Throughout this period, his reserves were depleted and replenished over 20 times at least.

Once he finished, he copied what he did earlier, as he pulled his hands away from the mountain and then put them against each other. This time, the aura generated in between his two palms was way brighter and thicker than before.

It also began to expand largely till it reached the radius of half a meter. It was like Ibro was trying to hold this aura with both of his hands.

The process of merging the specks he collected lasted for another 2 hours. That was an indicator of his success in making a higher rank material this time. 

'What is the rank of this material?'

After the aura faded away, a grayish gold orb appeared in his hands. It was multiple times larger, heavier, and colder than the previous orb.

The system didn't reply at once as it took some time trying to assess this orb rank. After a long period of silence, the harsh voice of the system appeared with obvious confusion:

'This orb is something I never saw before. I believe you managed to create an ultimatum rank material. My knowledge on this subject is limited, so, I will consider it as the highest rank in my database.

It will be a material of Ro rank 10 until I find more data to assess it better. Your mineralist divine ability had evolved to reach Ro rank divine ability. That's unheard of; someone at the PSR stage can use Ro rank divine abilities. Good job.'

Ibro didn't feel surprised by the upgrade his divine ability achieved. He used higher energy to support it, so it was natural to reach this grade. What surprised him though was the material he got. His system wasn't able to assess its rank, which was a first.

'What are the changes my mineralist got from this upgrade?'

'You can now use PSR energy to obtain Ro ranked materials. The variety and quality of material you obtain will be on a higher rank if you used the ultimatum energy again.

I suspect this divine ability will witness another breakthrough if you keep using the ultimatum energy every time. but I warn you, this way comes with a heavy price. Your PSR orbs had lost nearly 20 million orbs just in this single-use.'

'That much?' Ibro exclaimed in surprise, he didn't expect his consumption to be this high. If so, then this way would be a burden over him.

He needed those PSR orbs to support him in battles, upgrade his system, unlock divine abilities and function, and now for his mineralist activity. Day by day, his routes of PSR consumption were increasing while acquiring PSR orbs was a slow limited process.

Ibro sighed; he needed to find new ways to gain PSR faster than now. He set his eyes over his demon farm, should he use it now?

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