Rejected Luna Queen

Chapter 9

Rowan’s POV

With a newfound sense of freedom coursing through my veins, I rose from my bed with a lightness of spirit that I had not felt in years. I always look forward to waking up because I could finally walk.

Gone were the chains of confinement that had bound me to the prison of my wheelchair, replaced instead by the sweet sensation of strength and vitality coursing through my limbs,

I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and marveled at the sensation of solid ground beneath my feet, the cool touch of the hardwood floor sending a thrill of exhilaration racing up my spine.

With each step forward, I felt the weight of the past falling away, replaced by a boundless sense of possibility and hope. It’s been a week since I found out I could walk again and since then, I use it at every given opportunity.

Gone were the days of relying on others for assistance, of feeling like a burden weighed down by my own limitations. Now, I strode forward with purpose and determination, eager to embrace the world with open arms and unbridled enthusiasm.

I made my way out of my room and into the hallway beyond, I reveled in the simple joy of movement, savoring each moment as though it were a precious gift bestowed upon me by some benevolent force. A force we rejected.

Every step felt like a triumph, a telltale to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of perseverance. I moved gracefully like any other king would.

As I walked, the world seemed to unfold before me in all its splendor, beckoning me forth with promises of adventure and

discovery. For I was no longer confined by the limitations of my past, but instead liberated by the boundless potential of my future.

And with each step I took, I embraced that future with open arms, eager to seize every opportunity that lay before me. This is the time to rule like never before..

With a newfound sense of determination fueling my every step, I made my way to the bathroom, the familiar tiles cool beneath my feet as I basked in the simple pleasure of restored mobility.

The steady rhythm of my strides echoed through the empty hallway, a testament to the resilience that had carried me through countless trials and tribulations.

I entered the bathroom, the sound of running water filled the air, a soothing melody that beckoned me forward with the promise of renewal and rebirth.

With practiced ease, I shed the remnants of sleep and stepped beneath the warm cascade, the water washing away the last vestiges of doubt and insecurity that clung to me like shadows in the night.

Emerging from the shower, I felt rejuvenated, the weight of the world lifted from my shoulders as I wrapped myself in a plush towel and made my way back into the bedroom.

With a sense of purpose driving me forward, I dressed quickly in my royal fit, the anticipation of what lay ahead sending a thrill of excitement coursing through my veins. I haven’t felt so in a long time.

Each passing moment, my resolve grew stronger, fueled by the memory of Nora and the love that had once bound us together. Though our paths had diverged in the wake of my injury, I refused to let the specter of rejection stand in the way of our reconciliation.

And so, with a heart full of hope and determination, I set out to find Nora, ready to lay my heart bare and reclaim the love that had always belonged to us. I want us to start where we stopped. This time around, for good.

For though the journey may be fraught with uncertainty, I knew that together, we could overcome any obstacle that stood in our way. I know she wants me too with the way she stares at me with doe eyes filled with heart.

Following the pull I felt with my brother, I walked around the palace with the guards closely behind me. I don’t see why they keep doing that but my mother won’t have it any other way.

Lentered the dining room, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and warm pastries greeted me like an old friend, wrapping me in a comforting embrace that eased the lingering tension in my chest.

But it was the sight that greeted me as I stepped through the threshold that stole the breath from my lungs and sent my heart racing in disbelief. I shouldn’t feel like this but I do.

I might have shared Nesta with Nolan but I cannot share Nora with anyone. I shared Nesta because I knew it was not going to be permanent one way or the other.

There, seated at the table, was Nora, her radiant smile illuminating the room like a beacon of light amidst the morning shadows. I clenched my hands together and stared at them hard

Beside her sat my twin brother, their heads bent together in quiet conversation, their laughter mingling with the gentle clink of silverware against porcelain.

For a moment. I stood frozen in place, my mind struggling to reconcile the sight before me with the reality I had come to expect. But as I watched them, the pieces began to fall into place, the puzzle of my past unraveling before my eyes with startling clarity.

With each step forward, the distance between us narrowed, until at last I stood before them, my heart pounding in my chest as I gazed into Nora’s eyes. Those beautiful eyes

In that moment, the weight of the world seemed to fall away, leaving only the three of us suspended in a bubble of shared history and unspoken truths.

When I reached the table, I reached out to take her hand in mine, I felt a surge of emotion welling up inside me, threatening to spill over at any moment.

But before I could find the words to express the depth of my feelings. Nora turned to me with a smile that lit up her face like the dawn breaking over the horizon. I was just being paranoid. Nolan found her and brought her back for me after all.

“Good morning,” she said softly, her voice like a gentle breeze on a summer’s day.

And in that simple greeting, I heard the echo of a promise, a silent acknowledgment of the love that had endured even in the face of adversity. The smile on her face was not the kind she gave Nolan.

With a smile of my own, I took my place at the table beside them, ready to embrace the future that lay ahead, hand in hand with the ones I held most dear. I kissed the back of her hand gingerly.

For though the road may be long and fraught with obstacles, I knew that with Nora and my twin brother by my side, I could weather any storm that came my way. No matter what my mother thinks.

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