Rejected Luna Queen

Chapter 8

Nesta’s POV

I drifted into the embrace of sleep in the woods again even after days, the familiar warmth of nostalgia enveloped me like a soft blanket, transporting me to a realm where memories dlanced like stars in the night sky.

In the depths of my slumber, I found myself reunited with Nolan and Rowan, the echoes of their laughter echoing like music in my ears. It felt so good remembering the smiles and lit up eyes.

We lay entwined in a tangle of limbs and laughter, the afterglow of our shared passion lingering like a sweet fragrance in the air. Each time we had sex one gets better than the other and I love it.

Though Nolan couldn’t hear, our connection transcended mere words, our thoughts intertwining in a dance of intimacy that surpassed the limitations of speech. We talked through mindlink so he could join the conversations.

In the cocoon of our shared dreams, we revealed in the simple pleasure of each other’s company, trading playful banter and whispered confessions beneath the veil of moonlight. The weight of the world melted away, leaving only the three of us suspended in a moment of pure bliss.

And as the night stretched on, our laughter mingled with the soft rustle of sheets, a symphony of love and longing that echoed through the chambers of my heart.

For in that fleeting moment, I knew that no matter where life may lead us, the bond we shared would endure, a beacon of light in the darkness of the unknown. Even though deep down I knew they were not my light anymore. It is a dream though.

With a contented sigh. I surrendered to the embrace of sleep, cherishing the precious moments spent in the company of those who held my heart.

And as the dreamscape faded into the gentle embrace of morning, I carried with me the memory of our shared laughter, a reminder that even in the darkest of times, love would always find a way to light our path. The dream continued.

The moon cast its gentle glow upon us, I found the courage to bare my soul to Nolan and Rowan, recounting the trials and tribulations I had endured in my former pack.

With each word that fell from my lips, the weight of my past burdens seemed to lift, carried away on the wings of the night. I told them how servants were treated, how I got rejected by my mate and everything else.

Nolan’s eyes softened with empathy as he reached out to brush away the tears that stained my checks, his touch a comforting anchor amidst the storm of emotions raging within me.

“I had no idea,” he murmured, his voice laced with regret. “I wish I could have been there for you sooner.”

Rowan’s hand found mine, his fingers intertwined with mine in a silent gesture of solidarity. Always the gentlest one. The fierce anger in his eyes melted my heart because I feel much more safer now with them.

“You are not alone anymore,” he vowed, his voice a soothing balm to my wounded spirit. “We will stand by your side, through thick and thin, come what may,”

Their words washed over me like a healing tide, banishing the shadows of doubt and despair that had haunted me for so long. In their embrace, I found the strength to believe in a brighter tomorrow, where love and acceptance reigned supreme.

And as we nestled together in the warmth of our shared intimacy, the weight of the world seemed to melt away, leaving only the three of us suspended in a bubble of blissful serenity.

For in that fleeting moment, I knew that no matter what trials may lie ahead, I would face them with courage and grace, buoyed by the unwavering support of those who held my heart in their hands. If only.

As the first rays of dawn filtered through the canopy above, I stirred from the depths of sleep, my mind still ensnared in the tender embrace of the dream that had unfolded before me.

For a moment, the warmth of Nolan and Rowan’s love lingered, casting a golden glow upon the tangled undergrowth that surrounded me. I held onto that memory hoping and coveting it would come true that them rejecting me is the nightmare.

No such luck.

But as consciousness slowly seeps back into my weary limbs, a cold shiver of reality coursed through me like a sudden chill in the air. The memories of their rejection flooded back with brutal clarity, washing away the fragile illusion of warmth and acceptance that had held me captive in my shumber

With a heavy heart. I rose from the cold earth, the echoes of their broken promises ringing in my ears like a haunting refrain. How could I have been so foolish to believe their words, to trust in the empty assurances of love and devotion?

I stumbled forward, the weight of betrayal pressing down upon me like a leaden weight, I felt a hollow ache gnawing at the core of my being. The dream had been nothing more than a cruel taunt, a reminder of the love I had lost and the emptiness. that now lay in its wake.

But even as despair threatened to consume me whole, a spark of defiance flickered to life within me.

Though Nolan and Rowan may have turned their backs on me, refused to surrender to the darkness of their betrayal. I would forge my own path, carve out a new destiny untainted by the shadows of their deceit

With each step forward, I vowed to reclaim my own worth, to find solace in the strength of my own spirit. For though their promises may have been empty, my resolve remained unbroken

And as I disappeared into the depths of the forest, a lone figure against the backdrop of an indifferent world, I knew that my journey was just starting. The baby made a restless move in my tummy

“Mommy will take care of you, baby.” I said as I place my hand in my tummy.

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