Rejected Luna Queen

Chapter 75

Nesta’s POV

I woke up the next morning to find myself back in my room and not in Nolan’s. My heart leaped to my throat. Was the whole thing a dream? It couldn’t be.

I sat up slowly, the morning light filtering through the curtains, casting a soft glow over the room. My thoughts raced as I tried to piece together the fragments of the night before.

Then I felt it–the sting between my legs and the ache in my breasts. The bruises around my waist were still tender from when he had asked me to ride him.

The memories flooded back, causing my checks to burn with a fierce blush. The intensity of our night together, the way he had touched me, the way he had made me feel–it was all real.

The thought of it made my heart race and my body respond with a mix of lingering desire and confusion. Ugh, but it’s too early for this.

But then, as I looked around my room, the realisation hit me hard. He had brought me back here. After everything we had done, he had left me alone in my own bed. My heart sank, and a wave of hurt washed over me.

Was I just a body for him to fuck because of the mating bond? Was that all I was to him now? The thought made my chest tighten with a painful ache.

Helt tears well up in my eyes, and I blinked them away, refusing to let them fall. I had already cried too much, had already

felt too much pain. But the hurt was still there, gnawing at my insides.

I had hoped that maybe, just maybe, last night had meant something more. That there was still a connection between us beyond the physical, beyond the bond that tied us together.

But it seemed I was wrong. I was just his mistress. Just a convenient body to satisfy his needs. The thought made me feel hollow inside, as if a part of me had been ripped away.

I had wanted to believe that there was more to us, that there could be something more. But now, it seemed, I was just fooling myself. I am always trying to fool myself.

I lay back down, curling into a ball as the hurt and betrayal washed over me. I had been naive to think that things could be different.

That Nolan could see me as more than just a means to an end. The pain of that realisation cut deep, and I closed my eyes, letting the darkness of my thoughts consume me.

I lay there, I made a vow to myself. I would not let this break me. I would not let him see how much he had hurt me. I would be strong, for myself and for my baby.

I would not give him the satisfaction of seeing me crumble. If I was to be his mistress, then so be it. But I would not let him have all of me. I would keep a part of myself hidden away, safe from his reach.

With that thought in mind, I forced myself to get up and face the day. The hurt was still there, but I would not let it define. me. I would be strong. For me, and for my baby.

If he wants a mistress, then he has got one. I will do this to protect Luca, Elara, and my baby, but I won’t let my heart be involved again. I won’t entertain him ever again.

I repeated these words like a mantra, trying to steel myself against the surge of emotions threatening to overwhelm me. I had to be strong, for their sake.

I had to protect them. Nolan had already shown me where I stood, and I couldn’t afford to let my heart dictate my actions.

But it was so hard. My body still ached from our night together, the memories of his touch still fresh on my skin. My body craved his, and the desire was almost unbearable.

I could still feel the heat of his hands, the way he had moved inside me, the intensity of his gaze. It was as if my body had a mind of its own, yearning for the connection that my heart had sworn to deny.

I clenched my fists, digging my nails into my palms in an attempt to distract myself from the aching need. I had to stay strong. I had to remember why I was doing this.

It wasn’t about me; it was about keeping those I cared about safe. If becoming Nolan’s mistress was the price I had to pay. then so be it. But I wouldn’t let him have my heart. I wouldn’t let him break me again.

I stood up, taking a deep breath to steady myself. I could do this. I had to do this. I would be the mistress he wanted, but I would never let him see the pain and longing that simmered beneath the surface.

I would play the role he needed me to play, all the while keeping my heart locked away where he couldn’t reach it. Still, a part of me whispered doubts.

Could I really keep my emotions in check? Could I truly separate my heart from the physical connection my body craved? The though made me shudder, but I pushed it aside. I had no choice. I had to be strong. For Luca. For Elara. For my baby.

And for myself

With renewed determination, I squared my shoulders and prepared to face the day I would not let him see the cracks in my arinour. If he wanted a mastress, then he would have one But my heart, my true self, would remain out of his reach

I was lost in my thoughts, trying to gather the strength to face the day, Maria walked in, her presence a small comfort amidst the chaos of my emotions.

“Good morning. Nesta” she said with a warm smile, Tm here to help you get dressed for the day. I’m back to being your assigned maid”

Maria had always been a source of kindness and stability, and seeing her now felt like a small anchor in the storm. I returned her smile, though it didn’t quite reach my eyes. “Thank you, Marks.”

She moved efficiently, laying out a simple yet elegant outfit for the day. As she helped me into the dress, I tried to brace myself for whatever lay ahead

I didn’t have the energy for much, but I knew I had to keep moving, to keep playing the part I had been thrust into. Maria’s gentle hands worked quickly fastening the buttons and smoothing the fabric.

“You look lovely as always! You are glowing more, Nesta” she said stepping back to admire her work.

“Thank you, Maria. I appreciate your help.” I forced another smile, nodding

But as I looked at myself in the mirror, a sense of dread settled in my stomach. I had no idea what the day would bring, but I could feel it in my bones that it was going to get messier.

The tension in the palace was palpable, and I knew that navigating through it would require all the strength I could muster.

“Is there anything else you need. Nesta?” Maria asked, her eyes filled with concern.

I shook my head. “No, that’s all for now. Thank you”

She nodded and left the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts once more. I took a deep breath, trying to study yet Whatever happened today. I had to remember my resolve. I had to stay strong, to protect those I loved, even it is morad enduring more pain

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