Rejected Luna Queen

Chapter 74

1 od tade their door, listening to the sounds of Nolan and Nesta having sex like it was the end of the world, and they ག༽ །

Each man, each cry of pleasure, felt like a dagger in my heart. Iknew my brother had been restless since the came back, but I had novice they were going to patch things up this way,

My heart prounded in my chest, a mix of jealousy and posesiveness wurging through me. Nolan and I had always shared everything, especially Nesta

We were a mat, inseparable, bound together by the mate bond Hearing them now, the raw, primal sounds of their passion,

like they were ripping that bond apart, leaving me on the outside.

16hy am I jealous? Why do I feel left out?

This is their first time having sex without me. We used to be a trio, all three of us tangled together in a web of lust and

The memory of our bodies moving in sync, the pleasure we shared, it was all–consuming, And now, hearing them without me, feels like a part of me is being tom away.

I lea against the wall, the sounds of their intimacy filling my ears. Nesta’s gasps, Nolan’s deep groans, it all makes my blood

with a mix of anger and longing,

How could they do this without me? We were supposed to be together, always. I thought our bond was unbreakable. At first I wacted to manage Kesta

Why am I made

I rejected her too, and I have a mate now. Nora. She is everything I should want and need. She is kind, beautiful, and my

Yes, standing here, feeling the raw energy and passion coming from the room, I can’t help but feel a deep, aching emptiness An emptines that Nora’s presence can’t seem to fill anymore.

1 clench my fists, the posesivenes burning through me. I hate that I feel this way. I hate that I’m questioning everything. Bex mout of all, I hate that they’ve found a way back to each other without me.

The thought of Nolan touching Nesta, of her responding to him, it makes my chest tighten with a mix of anger and heartbreak

We were supposed to be a unit, all three of us. And now, they’ve shut me out, leaving me to grapple with the shards of our Broken bond. The sounds of their lovemaking grow louder, more desperate, and I feel a wave of fury crash over me.

How dare they exclude me? How dare they find solace in each other while I stand here, tormented by the memories of what

1 he that I care this much. I hate that their connection still has this power over me. But most of all, I hate that despite everything, despite having Nora, a part of me still longs for the Bond we shared, the unity we had.

The jealouvy news at the, a constant reminder of what I’ve lost and what I may never regain.I chide myself, feeling ridiculous for standing here, consumed by jealousy and longing

This is abourd 1 shouldn’t feel this way. Nolan and Nesta are free to do whatever they want. I have Nora now. I should be focused on my mate, not dwelling on the past.

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She laughed lyhdy, patting my arm. Of course, dear. You know I only want the best for you?

sts that she walked past me, her presence lingering in the hallway. I took a deep breath, trying to shake off the unsettling

min of emotions

This night was turning out to be more complicated than I had anticipated. And the last thing I needed was another mystery to upraved

1 walked away from my mother’s lingering presence, I couldn’t help but wonder what else might be unfolding behind closed- dars. The palace seemed to be teeming with secrets, and I had a feeling that whatever was happening was only the tip of the rberg

I found Nora, my mate and childhood friend, lying in bed. She looked up at me with one of her seductive smiles, the kind that usually sent a thrill through me

But tragist, as I stood there, I felt… nothing. No spark, no excitement, no arousal.

“Hey, we,” she purred, her voice a silky invitation. She stretched languidly, her body a tempting display under the soft

I should feel something, I thought. This is Nora. She’s been with me through everything. But instead, my mind was a chaotic shes censured by the image of Nolan and Nesta, their passionate cries echoing in my ears.

I forced a smit, trying to ignore the uncomfortable emptiness inside me. “Hey,” I said, my voice sounding hollow even to

Nora’s eyes searched one, a flicker of confusion crossing her face. She reached out, her hand brushing against my arm.

“What’s wrong? You seem distracted”

Distracted didn’t even begin to cover it. My mind was a battlefield, torn between loyalty to Nora and the primal, possessive rage 1 ich towards Nolan and Nesta They were inescapable, their presence a constant, maddening itch I couldn’t scratch.

“Im just used.” I bed, sining on the edge of the bed. Nora moved closer, her fingers trailing down my chest, but her touch ich foreign, almost repellent

“You don’t seem like yourself. Is there something you’re not telling me?” She frowned, clearly sensing the shift.

How could I tell her? How could I explain that the woman I had rejected, the woman now entwined with my brother, was the only one igniting any real passion in me? That her cries, not hers were the ones haunting my dreams?

“I just need some sleep. I said, pulling away gently. “It’s been a long day,”

Nora’s seductive smile faltered, replaced by a look of hurt and confusion. She nodded slowly, withdrawing her hand. “Alright. But if you ever need to talk…”

I nodded, knowing I couldn’t confide in her about this. “Thanks, Nora. I appreciate it.”

I lay down beside her, my thoughts drifted back to Nolan and Nesta. Their raw, unfiltered desire contrasted starkly with the empty shell of what Nora and I had become.

It was a harsh truth, one I wasn’t ready to confront. For now, all I could do was pretend, hoping that someday, these tangled emotions would untangle themselves.

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