
Chapter CHAPTER 65

Chapter 65 

Aurora had to breath deeply to calm herself down. 

You are doing it again,” she said and tilted her head, putting a little distance between them. There was a hint of accusation 

in her voice. 

Doing what?” 

“Treating me like an innocent little girl and trying to fool me with sweet talks Aurora struggled out of his arms and said, “You taking a bullet for me. That’s total crap.” 

“Why?” Damien stepped aside and blocked her way of leaving. You don’t think I can do it?” 

“Well yeah, I don’t think so. You are the Alpha…and it makes no sense for you to put y another park’s Gamma- 

your own safety at risk to protect me, 

“Who says an Alpha can’t protect his loved one?” Damien asked. 

Words froze on Aurora’s lips. 

She was stunned. Shocked by Damien’s “loved one.” 

What did he mean by that? 

Was he saying that she–Aurora–was his loved one?! 

“You are being ridiculous again.” Aurora snapped in panic. Her cheek was going red. She was glad that it was so dark right now that Damien couldn’t see it 


Damien seemed that he had something else to say. But before he said anything, Aurora turned around abruptly and dashed 


She ran all the way back to her car, jumped in and started the engine. As the car fast–forwarded down the countryside road, she finally let out that breathe she had been holding for a long time. 

Her heart was thumping like crazy. She had to clench her grip tightly on the wheel to focus on the driving. 

She hated to have her feelings and emotions being manipulated by Damien, which reminded her of her past, when she was crazily in love with Damien and would overthink the meaning of the smallest stuff he did. 

But that was in t the past now

Right now, she should be focusing on training soldiers and going to war with rogues. 

As for Damien.Well, he could go ahead and hit on any girls he liked. 

Just not on her. 

The following week, an explosive news spread across the entire Silver Blade Pack 

-Gamma Baron had been charged with o 


corruption, false imprisonment, torture, abuse, and a series of other serious 


15.10 Tue, Jul 23 GG. 

Chapter 65 

Alpha Dansien presented an account book to the elders, which detailly documented all the dirty trade Baron had been doing Apparently, 80% of the military budget was pocket by Barn himself. 

And a large group of people from the lumber camp was willing to testify for Baron’s false imprisonment. 

Everyone was shocked, especially those in the army. 

Silver Blade soldiers all respected Baron’s father very much. Naturally, they reflected some parts of that feeling on Baron, thinking that Baron was a decent guy too. 

This news took a pretty hard strike on these people. 

Aurora found many soldiers getting distracted during the recent couple of days. Everyone’s mind was on the Baron case, which had a more profound influence on the public than Chloe. 

With Chloe, she was an upper–class lady, and the public would love to see her dirt get dug out. But she didn’t have the power to shake things up in the society. 

Yet Baron was the Gamma. Everything about him was tightly associated with the future of Silver Blade Pack. 

Especially since this was a sensitive time–they were going to war with rogues with soon. 

If Baron was taken down, who would become Gamma? And who would lead Silver Blade’s troops

It was natural for soldiers to get anxious. 

On the fourth day after the news was released, Maxie went to talk to Aurora during the training. 

“How’s it going? How are your families?” Aurora asked her. 

A smile came across Maxie’s face at the mention of her family, “They are good. Thanks for asking. My parents might need to get their physical checkup and my brother and sister need to find a new school…but everything is on the right track now.” 

Glad to hear that,” Aurora smiled. “Let me know if you need my help.” 

“Actually, I do right now. And it is about Baron.” 

Maxie showed Aurora some text messages. And they were all from Baron during the last couple of days. 

His tone in some earlier texts were nasty as ever. 

[You bitch… You gave the account book to them, didn’t you“] 

[Your families are so dead! Prepare to receive body parts of your families!] 

And then he gradually started to panic. 

[How did you get your families out? Did you ask Aurora to help you?!] 

Are you working with them right now?] 

We should be a team, Maxie! Wake up already!] 

Then he practically started begging in the messages that he sent to Maxie this morning. 

(Please come and talk to me Maxie.] 

[We can work this out.] 

Tue, Jul 23 

Chapter 65 

Aurora chuckled and gave the phone back to Maxie, “You basically owned him right now. But why does he want to meet with you anyway! 

“I bet he wants me to take the blame for him, which had happened many times before,” Maxie said icily. 

“That bastard… You know you can totally ignore him, right?” 

“Yeah, I do. But_*_/ 

Maxie paused and bit her lips. There was a reluctant look on her face

“It’s just that most people in the army still didn’t believe Baron was guilty,” Maxie said with a heavy tone. 

Aurora frowned, “Really? Why? The evidence is right there.” 

“It’s no secret that Alpha Damien didn’t like Baron. Some soldiers believed that the evidence that Alpha Damien presented are all fabricated. And this whole thing is a conspiracy 

The look on Aurora’s face became sullen. 

These soldiers were more stubborn than she thought. 

But these people’s opinion couldn’t be ignored. Damien might have the right to sentence Baron guilty, but he couldn’t control the public opinion. If soldiers were convinced that their Alpha was a calculating tyrant, the whole army would fall apart. And it would be harder for them to win the war against rogues. 

So what do you think?” Maxie asked, “Do you have any good idea, Camma Aurora?” 

Aurora pondered for a while. 

“I do have an idea,” she said slowly. “But it might require you to meet with Baron again. And I totally understand if you don’t want to do it.” 


“I do it!” 

Maxie said eagerly without hesitation, “My families are safe now Baron has no way to control me anymore. I want help Alpha Damien to take Baron down. And I will do anything for it 


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