
Chapter CHAPTER 64

Chapter 64 

Daten soldiers poured into the tomber camp and controlled all guante All labors in the camp were shivering in fear 

Kiventa quickly went to calm there people down. 

Maxe still couldn’t believe what Aurora was saying. “But how did you know where my families are. 

Dhamsen walked over and answered on Aurora’s behalf, “Aurora believed that Baron must have something on you to have you work for hum. She found that your family hadn’t returned to your old house for almost 3 years. And I have my men dug out the old surveillance footage from 3 years ago and found out where Baron took them” 

He paused and then said with a deep voice, “Sorry Maxie, I should have found out that you were living under his control eather” 

Maxic covered her mouth and shook her head in tears. She and her families fell into each other’s arms, sobbing on each other’s shoulders, venting out everything they had suffered for the last 3 years. 

Aurora looked at them and felt her heart swell. She knew what it felt like to reunite with families. She got the same feeling when Lance brought her home almost an year ago

At the meantime, Damien’s soldiers brought the guard of this lumber camp over. The guard was no longer harsh and violent like he was earlier. 

Instead, he dropped on his knees involuntarily in front of Damien in fear and trembled like a sheep. 

“Alpha Damien,” the guard quivered. “Please forgive us…We know nothing–We were simply told to keep an eye on these 


“By whom?” Damien asked in a freezing voice. 

The guard hesitated. The soldier standing behind his back grabbed his left hand and pinned it on the ground forcefully. Picking up an axe, the solider looked at Damien and waited for his order. 

“Chop his hand off,” Damien sneered icily. “Maybe that will get him to talk” 

“Yes Alpha 


The soldier raised the axe high in the air. The lumber guard let out a horrific screaming. “NO–Wait! My boss is Gamma Baron! Please let me go!” 

The soldier dropped the axe back down and grabbed his collar bringing him to Damien. 

Damien looked down at his fearful and sweaty face and asked, “Who are these workers? And what is this lumber. 

The guard almost wet his pants earlier. He was ready to spill everything out now. 

camp. for?” 

“T–These workers are all Camma Baron’s hostage. If someone defied him at work, Gamma Baron would abduct that person’s family and brought people here. We got the family of his father’s former captain who refused to take his order now, the accountant who wouldn’t cook the book for him, a journalist who threatened to expose him and a few girls who didn’t. want to be his mistress…. 

The longer that list went, the darker the look on Aurora’s face was 

She thought Baron was just a gutless puss. But as it turned out, he was so much more than that, 

She regretted not getting to the bottom of this when Baron first set her up in the crazy bear incident. 


Chapter 64 

Damien seeised fujous as well. He glareil at the guard and snapped, “So what do you have these people do all day? Chopping woody?” 

Well yeah. This lumber camp is actually very lucrative, made damma Haron lot of money. And if somebody refused to collaborate, we’ll take them into the forest and kill them there… 

Maxie’s little sister gasped a small cry and buried her face into Maxie’s arms. Maxie patted her shoulder and casted a resentful look at the guard. 

Then she bent down to pick up the whip on the ground and turned to ask Damien, “Alpha, if I may?” 

Damien gave her an affirmative nod. 

Maxie strode forward, raising the whip up in the air, and laid a firsh lash across the guard’s face, “-This one if for my father!” 

The guard screamed covering his face, rolling around in pain. But Maxie continued anyway, lashing that whip mercilessly. “And my mother! My brothert My sister..And all the innocent people in this lumber camp” 

Workers gathered around them and they watched Maxie beat that guard up. When she was through with it, the guard was on the ground half–dead. A round of enthusiastic applause broke out from the crowd. 

Maxic dropped the whip and turned back to Aurora and Damien Grateful tears were shinning in her eyes. 

“Thank you…Alpha Damien, for stepping up for me and my family. She choked, “And Gamma Aurora, thank you for getting to the bottom of this, I treated you terribly earlier today and I feel awful…” 

“You were threatened by Baron. We all get it,” Aurora comforted her. “We’ll let the soldiers clean up this mess. But at the meantime, is there a place we can talk

Maxie’s father quickly wiped the tears away from his eyes and nodded. “Of course. Please follow us, Alpha and Gamma 


They led Damien and Aurora into a small cabin and closed the door. 

“Your family is safe now, Maxic. Damien said, “And I believe that you have come to realize what an evil person Baron is. All Silver Blade Pack’s soldiers need to know that too. They can’t go to the battlefield with that bastard. So to accomplish that, 

we will have to- 

get that account book. Yeah, I get it,” Maxie said in a low voice 

She fumbled in her collar and pulled out a necklace. There was a tiny golden locket on the necklace. 

“Here.” she handed the locket to Damien, “There was an address and a number engraved inside of the locket. The address is the safe where I kept Baron’s account book. And the number is the password” 

Damien took the locket and gripped it firmly. 

“Thank you for your trust,” he said solemnly to Maxie. 

“No need.” Maxie took a deep breath and replied to Damien with a smile, “I know that you are a wonderful Alpha. And I am -glad to continue serving in your troops.” 

With this lumber camp being taken down, all workers/prisoners needed to be sent back home. Damien spent a few hours talking to these people, making arrangement for them, and documenting their testimonies, 

When all those works were done, Damien turned around and found that Aurora still hadn’t left. 





Chapter 64 

She was leaning against the wall, smiling to him. 

A gentle smile touched Damien’s lips as well as he walked toward her, “What happened? I thought you left already 

“I wanted to see if you need any help. Aurora looked up into his gorgeous eyes. “You are quite a badass today, Alpha 


Damien chuckled and backed against the same wall next to Aurora, “Not as badass as the Gamma who slaughtered a bunch 

of crazy bears” 

The night breeze brushed their cheeks. The silver moonlight was soft and beautiful. After a long night of chaos, they both felt relaxed at this moment. 

“You know- 

Aurora broke the silence all of a sudden. There was a hint of nostalgic in her voice. 

-I was very happy when I found out that you are my mate. But not because you are handsome, or that you are the Alpha,” she said. 

Damien averted his head to look at her. His voice became hoarse. “Then what’s the reason?” 

“Because you always give people a sense of security. Like these prisoners here. The moment they saw you by the front gate. they instantly knew that they were safe. You have that kind of power in you, Damien.” 

But I let you down. Didn’t I?” he asked. 

ut a small 

Aurora let sneer, “Yeah, because you were so busy protecting someone else.But why are we talking about it now? It’s so in the past already.” 

She stood up straight and wanted to leave. But a large hand caught her wrist and spined her around. 

The next second she fell back into his arm. 

“I know you don’t need my protection anymore but…” 

His sexy and husky voice whispered in her ears. And his muscular arms tightly wrapped around her slim waist. 

“… But I’m willing to take a bullet for you anytime, Aurora,” He said. 

His firm chest was on an inch away from her nose. The familiar smell of his scent filled her nostrils. 

Aurora felt her heart skipped a leap at this moment. 


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