Reborn As A Ghost: Time To Build My Undead Army!

Chapter 869 Nyx's Almighty Strength


"Who are you skinny man?!" Nyx angrily said. "And where's mom and dad? And my aunties and uncles… And Celes and Fabian?! Were we dragged by evil magicians?"

The figure of an old, skinny man, incredibly tall, whose entire body seemed to be made of sticks slowly walked towards her, his sharp red eyes glowing beneath his black cloak.

"Indeed, they were all dragged by evil magicians~" He laughed. "And soon you'll join them in their death!"

"Death?" Nyx was confused. "There's no way mama or papa would lose… Are you dumb or something?! Idiot!"

"W-Wha…?! What with that stupid confidence, you damn brat?!" Roared the man, his black cloak suddenly flying away to reveal a tenebrous chimeric shape.

His form was monstrous, rugged, and coated on several scars resembling patchwork, as if his body had been rebuilt using other body parts. 

He was still a Vampire, but his body had been modified to the point only his head remained the same, with everything else having purple or red scales, black and brown fur, and sharp claws of many creatures.

And on its chest, Nyx could notice a huge dark blue crystal, emanating a devious and malicious power, slightly similar to the one the Paladins had when they transformed.

The skinny abomination, which resembled a cryptid right out of some creepy pasta, quickly got into all fours, his sharp fangs showing off as he hissed angrily at Nyx.

"I'm going to kill you, so start being a bit fearful, alright? Or it won't be any fun if you're this dumb!"


His entire body started overflowing with energies, as his long, skinny arms reached the motionless Nyx with a tremendous, powerful clash!


However, Nyx did not move nor evaded the attack, her entire body taking the blow head on, as an explosion of darkness, black lightning, and phantasmal energies erupted the moment the attack reached her!

"Heh, you're done for now- Eh?!"

Her foe quickly realized something wrong was going on, his hand didn't felt covered in her warm blood, nor he had felt any impact whatsoever.

Once the smoke dissipated, the truth was revealed, as an enormous black dragon emerged. Her scales shining brightly, made of black crystals, while she had long, silver hair coming from her head all the way down her neck, like a silver mane.

Her sharp red eyes glared at the vampire in front of her, showing off her sharp, draconic fangs… Nyx was not messing around anymore.

"[Void Piercing Spear Tail]!"

Her tail gathered her energies, rushing towards her foe and piercing his enormous, skinny, black-colored arm, slashing it apart in a single second!


The old Vampire shrieked in agony, surprised that he was suffering actual pain. His enormous body slowly stepping back before something of an even greater size than him.

"[Abyssal Shadow Claws]!"

His Aura expanded into an endless shadow mantle, as dozens of claws made of darkness reached Nyx! However, her senses were much sharper, as she quickly sensed the attacks and blocked them with her dragon claws, coated on phantasmal flames!

"[Phantasmal Death Claws]!"

SLASH! SLASH! SLASH! contemporary romance

Nyx's phantasmal claws divided into countless more phantasmal claws, emerging from her entire body, as she clashed against her foe's attacks, blocking his blows quite easily!


"URGH…! I-Impossible! How strong are you?! I am supposed to be as strong as an S Rank!" The old Vampire grew furious, his skin glowing with countless, crimson-colored stigmas emerging across his body. "[Blood Stigmata: Berserk Strength]!"


Suddenly, the Vampire started overflowing with a brand-new crimson blood aura, his shape becoming even more monstrous as his head turned into that of a beastly crimson furred bat!lights

"Ah, it's similar to Auntie Partner's transformation… A bit!" Said Nyx, as she saw the monster rushing towards her!

"NOBODY EVER LIVES AFTER SEEING THIS FORM OF MINE!" Laughed the Vampire. "Now die! [Blood Claws Rampage]!"


His attacks became faster and more precise. His sharp claws gaining blood energy and darkness energy made them sharper as well, as Nyx noticed her scales being torn to pieces once his attacks hit her!


However, Nyx didn't felt intimidated, constantly regrowing her scales anew as she clashed against the Vampire with her own blows. Her Phantom Claws and her Void Spear Tail created sharp, piercing strikes that constantly blocked or parried her opponent's attacks!


Eventually, she used her whole body, charging against him and pushing him away, all while her jaws gathered her energies, unleashing a blasting breath attack right into his face!


"UGHH?! AARRGH…!" The man screamed in agony as the blast of phantasmal energies and darkness reached his body. "T-This is impossible…! My body's… How strong are you?! You're… ugh…!"


Before Nyx could even learn the name of the bastard, his whole chest was blasted away, leaving a huge hole where his core was located!


His corpse fell into the floor, motionlessly, Nyx, who had yet to even reach S Rank herself, felled an S Rank with little trouble!

She wasn't a Young Calamity for nothing…

"Huh? He's dead already?!" Nyx was shocked. "O-Oh, oh well…"

Nyx grabbed the corpse and then stored it inside her shadows, which served as a small storage, she didn't wanted to eat it because she was honestly grossed out herself.

But she knew the corpse might come useful, or could turn into an undead for her mother, so she knew that it was precious enough to save it!

"Now… H-How do I get out of here?"

Nyx wondered that as she started flying amidst the void, suddenly stumbling upon a loop. She realized that whenever she reached a certain area, she would seamlessly be teleported to the other side of the void.

"It's more like a sphere! I GET IT!"

She quickly started harnessing her mothers into her giant claws, as she slashed through the empty hair!



The empty space itself started to tremble before her might, shattering apart like fine glass, until countless cracks appeared, and a hole emerged.

"Oh!" She said in surprise. "It worked!"

She quickly flew through the portal, reaching somewhere else…

Meanwhile, the one controlling the entire Domain was left speechless, dropping his jaws…

"W-Wha… What did she just do?!"


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