Reborn As A Ghost: Time To Build My Undead Army!

Chapter 868 Trapped


It happened in a flash, as everyone were suddenly sucked inside of a void, and transported completely elsewhere. And not only that, if they could had been transported together, things might had been easier to deal with, but they were separated.

"Huh? What's going on in here?" Partner, who was clueless, wondered, glancing into the dark world. 

"Don't tell me we were sent somewhere else?! Ah, the kids!" Emeraldine who was right by her side panicked, immediately thinking about the kids. "Who did this?! Are they here?!"

"There." Partner pointed into the distance, as her Vampiric Senses immediately noticed the presence of something.

"You shouldn't be worrying about the kids right now…" A dark figure emerged from the shadows.

It resembled a single man cloaked on black robes, holding a small, black crystal staff imbue with a small dark blue jewel…

"Who are you?! How did you get us in here?!" Emeraldine asked furiously.

"I can't even break from this?!" Partner had tried shooting a beam into the shadows, but it was simply absorbed into the void, it was as if there was no ceiling to begin with.

"Hehehe, I don't think that matters right now, foolish ones." The old man laughed, his body slowly beginning to transform… "I'll rip apart your souls and offer them to our Great Lord!"

As Partner and Emeraldine got ready to fight, the same situation happened with Lucifer and… Jonathan.

"Lucifer! A Dark Force has pulled us into this strange space… Some sort of pseudo dimension?! How did they even conjured such a power?!" Jonathan panicked, holding his sword tightly. "Ah, I even got off my armor!"

"I can tell…" Lucifer inspected his surroundings. "This space is some sort of highly advanced domain… It is fueled with many energy sources and a single, strong core… But it's all… Void?"

"Over there! Look!" Jonathan heroically said, pointing at something.

Something strange slowly dragged itself out of the shadows, an old man covered on black cloaks, which slowly was lifted off the ground, revealing itself to be attached to a long scaly neck, belonging to a much larger, and stranger body behind.

"Hehehehe… The soul of a strong human and a majin… Our Great Lord will surely be pleased!"

"You're behind this, huh?" Lucifer asked, his claws beginning to conjure Abyssal Death Flames. "I'll burn you to ashes and then ask your soul what you're trying to do."


"W-Wait, Lucifer, don't jump the shark!" Jonathan followed him from behind.

A similar situation repeated itself once more, this time it was Tear, Takeshi, and Laura who were sent somewhere else together. There was a pattern, those that were close with one another would usually be sent together, but there was some sort of limit to it.

"Is this a domain?" Takeshi asked desperately. "But it feels weird… This is really fishy! I don't like this one bit…"contemporary romance

"Calm down, Takeshi! Something so strong that it can even caught off-guard S Ranks such as us is not something to scoff at, let's calm down and assess things." Laura said.

"I agree… Children, stay behind me if possible." Tear took the rails of the situation, knowing she was the adult between the three, desiring to protect them.

"Hoh, such a dedicated leader… An Ice Giant is not something you see every day around here…" A woman wearing black robes, covering her and most of her body except her foot, which revealed black sandals appeared, holding two black daggers. "What an interesting mismatch… Sadly for you, I'll have to quickly take you down, hehehe…" Her eyes glowed with bright red light.

"If she's bold enough to come to us, she might mean business… Or is just stupid." Laura smiled.

"Alright, I was itching for some warmup!" Takeshi was actually excited.

"I'm actually rather worried about the children than ourselves…" Tear sighed. "Three against one seems quite unfair, don't you think?"

"Heheh…" The Vampire Lady laughed. "Really?"lights

Her Miasmic Aura suddenly spread around, channeling dark powers from her "Great Lord" as dozens of clones of herself made of Miasma and Darkness were summoned!

"I think you might be the ones on a disadvantage here…"

At the same time as this was happening, in another side of this strange Realm conjured by the Warlock's sorcery, Fabian and his friends were all teleported together into an area which was closer to a river made of… blood.

"W-Where are we?!" Asked Nick, panicking.

"W-We were teleported? How?!" Garon was the same.

"C-Calm down you too…" Beery was trembling, trying to remain calm was hard for him.

"This space…" Spectra closed her eyes, sensing her surroundings. "Yeah, we're trapped, and this is not Aunt Maria's Shadow Realm, this is something much more complex and sinister, fueled by a strange entity."

"Is that so?" Fabian wondered, squinting his eyes. "Looks like whoever had a beef with us decided to make the first move, isn't it?" His sharp eyes glanced into the distance, as two figures emerged from within the shadows.

They resembled two small children, even slightly smaller than the kids here, yet they had huge wings behind their backs, and beak-shaped plague doctor masks.

They were holding hands, giggling maliciously. 

"Hehehe~ Time to play, sis."

"Yep, bro! Tehee!"

Fabian and his friends felt a strange, unease feeling as these two children laughed, their power seemingly resembling an endless black and red mist spreading around.

In a similar situation found themselves Catarina and Silva, both trapped together once more, this time, confronted by an incredibly tall, muscular man, covered on black robes, and with three glowing red eyes…

"W-Where are we? Who is he?!" Silva cried.

"Calm down kid." Catarina glanced at the giant in front of them. "Whoever they are and whatever they want from us, they mean business if they trapped us here so seamlessly, without even Maria realizing…" Her fists started glowing with her aura. 

"Oooohhh…" The tall man groaned, wearing a plague doctor mask. "Such wonderful specimens! You will make a great part of my collection!" He laughed, revealing what was beneath his black cloak, showing a horrifying scene…

And while this happened, Nyx and Maria found themselves alone, separated from everyone else as they were seen as the most dangerous by their enemies, both confronting Warlocks that had been handpicked to fight them.

"Mom… everyone… Where is everyone?!" Nyx cried.

"Heheh… Calm down, sweetheart." Giggled the skinny man that confronted her. "You'll join them soon yourself~ In death, that's it."

"I didn't even felt it! And this Void… It feels so endless…!" Maria thought, gritting her teeth as she was thinking about what to do, glaring at the approaching foe, a tall man with big shoulders, large arms, and a strong physique. "Those clothes, don't tell me you're part of the clowns from the Warlocks?"

"Clowns?" Asked the man, wearing a plague doctor mask. "I would prefer if you called us enlightened, or even talented people!" He laughed. "Milady, I will show you that you should had never tried to mess around with our territory. We, Warlocks of the Underworld, are an organization not to be messed around, even if you're S Ranks…"

"Hoh, bring it on, jackass." Maria smiled defiantly.

And as all these events were happening, their leader, an old man with sharp crimson eyes glanced at dozens of black bubbles floating in midair, where everyone was trapped, fighting members of the organization.

In the middle of these bubbles, there was a large, dark blue crystal floating in midair, harnessing an incredible amount of dark and divine powers…

"Now this is getting interesting…"


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