Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 88: Mistrust and Dragons

The [ Tiefling ] stalked across the grasslands with vehemence. She couldn't understand how the [ Wood Elf ] would trust a mere [ Human ] to make a plan that risked the safety of their group, and on top of that, both of them were said to receive a mission much like hers. She summoned infernal flames that procured the words in her language:

[ SPECIAL: New Quest ]

Danger lurks near and will shake the place

Ensure that all [ Allies ] will be safe

[ Ongoing Quest: Overcoming Mistrust XXXII ]

Your Race has always been overcome with mistrust

Gain the trust of a new person from another Race

Time Remaining (Refer To World Clock): 

450 days, 23 hours and fifty-six minutes remaining

Her last quest was a stupid one and yet her [ Allies ] had insisted on visiting the human's territory for fulfillment of this case of overcoming mistrust. Now look on what it brought them now! Some kind of ghastly creature would come around and hunt them because of it and they all had to stick together? It was infuriating at the very least.

She rubbed her face and grumbled underneath her breath as she looked around the place that was called the [ Human ]'s territory. It was an unfair world that was made here, even in this Creators' world, the mistrust and judgement on her kind were apparent.

And now she was here to listen to some Human that just arrived? Everybody else here had been around for decades at least and were doing things that held more value than doing. They should be grovelling around for peace and mercy as he wasn't being killed yet.

Even she couldn't comprehend the purpose of this world but she still returned time and time again. A sigh escaped her lips as she rubbed her temples as a red fire appeared before her:

[ Alliance Chat ]

Shadow Elf: Intruder from the City

Light Elf: Oof… we have to deal with them, I'll leave it up to you guys

Were they not going to inform the human? Glancing back allowed her to see the Human accompanied by the spawn of the Wood Elf as she turned away from them. Better let them be ignorant.

A smirk formed on her lips as she awaited a prey.

Soon enough a figure came into the distance, rushing out in their armor, an epitome of beauty—not anywhere close to her companion, Lucia, but it still irked her to see them. Her smirk dropped as she recognized the [ Cleric ] She would have welcomed the other human with the spear more gladly than this saintess, "Ah, did you come back for another round of beating?"

Well regardless of who or what came, it was a chance to accomplish her 'help' in this mission by acting as sentry. Even if the woman before her activated that blasted holy light from whatever deity they called to, she would be ready.

The human that now stood in front of her, glared at her, their eyes were encapsulated by a holy light that spilled out from her eyes. "Where is the boy that you've kidnapped? If you return him, then the city shall not pursue you nor your people down." Once again she held her blade in her hands, ready to engage in combat along with a shield in the other.contemporary romance

The [ Tiefling ]'s eyes narrowed at her, "Are you making terms when we haven't even made an agreement? How arrogant of you and to even come alone at that. Do you wish for your death?"

"What do you want with him? Or is he a bargaining piece? What is your purpose for arriving into the City of Gloria?" The [ Cleric ]'s questioning shifted again, from concern of the boy to trying to understand their reason here. Perhaps they realized it a little too late that much larger stakes were placed for her homeland.

Pitiful thing.

How much disappointment would the woman feel if they learned the truth? That the 'boy' was far more important than someone like them and had come out of their own volition? Alas people would paint whatever scenario they'd wish and blind themselves with whatever truth that they chose.

Still it was irritating trying to even talk to beings lesser than them.

The [ Tiefling ] gazed at the woman, her armor, from the top of her head to the sole of her boots. She focused her inner energies—the chaotic and infernal energy and redirected it to her.

Flames bursted around the woman, erupting all around her, the woman shrieking on her own.

Music to her ears before they were dispersed quickly.

Unfortunately she hadn't had the chance to master hellfire completely, and was aware of what it meant if she continued to listen and use the energies that called forth for her to give in to destruction and atrocity. It was a never ending cycle but it didn't mean that she couldn't use it for her advantage. She assessed the damage done and found them too little to her liking when a [ Cleric ] like them could easily recover.

"If you do not wish to speak then I am afraid that I must slay you, hellspawn."

The [ Tiefling ] tried not to laugh, "I think you are aware that I am not alone, you've already been bested before and if I spare you this time around then that would be idiotic of me—"

[ Alliance Chat ]

Light Elf: @Tiefling No Deaths! 

Dismissing the notification from her gaze, she grumbled and got into a stance. "I'll give you the time to flee and run back into your city. If you do not wish to die by my hands then it's imperative that you leave now." 

Changing her tone was annoying.

.. .

A Dragon sighed as he gazed at the belligerent being beside him, he eyed her and chose to ignore her question as he started to return back to his cave. There were better things to do than dealing with that child—like sleeping.

"Hey, I don't like being ignored." A whine came from the girl and it was loud.

He sighed and glanced down at her, the small being in front of him, if he sneezed by accident then he could blow dragonfire at her, if he flicked his tail without care then she could be flung out but that wouldn't be the end. And the least he could do to the being was give them a moment of his time, such a small thing for a Dragon like himself, "Indeed, then I suggest you find something or someone else to play with, child."

Child was not the right term.

But he refused to use anything as such.

Despite the darkness that loomed around them, the being beside him was unaffected by the darkness. As if such a thing was naught. With a dress that resembled a white flower and untainted by the night and the world—it was a contrast to their actual self.

The child frowned for a moment as she summoned a large screen into the air and sighed, "Ah with the rate of that Colossal Winged Wyvern's speed they'd be taking some hours to get to the City of Gloria, I suppose I'll just have to speed that up then." 

In the screen before the young child was displayed the ill-bred bag of scales that most other Races associated as one of his kind. It was annoying. Wyverns acted more like birds. But he hated to silently admit that if anything they were related… distantly so. Along with those other annoying Wyrms, Hydras, Yinglongs, and perhaps even Jormungand if they had to acknowledge that strange one.

Regardless he shook his head and continued on his return to his cave, he only wished to sleep and rest now. Perhap a thousand year nap would help with his foul mood.

But the child would not let him be as she called, "Would you like to wager with me, Lord of Flames? Do you think that the company there would survive?"


A bargain.

"And what do you have that is not within my trove of treasures, child?" He had already collected countless artifacts, tomes, gold and other items that many in this world and other worlds would sacrifice themselves for. Treasures that he had guarded securely and possessively so. Now what more could this 'child' offer him?

The child pouted and crossed her arms, "I heard that you made a bet with the Faerie regarding the arrival of the Human?"

"That Fae had asked all of us and it was simply out of respect to their King and the Court that I offered an answer with a trifle gift in exchange if I were mistaken." In the back of his mind he could already see the [ Messages ] that were sent of the Faerie declaring them that somebody else had won and she would be collecting the stash of gold in one of the treasure chests.

He felt a sigh escape his lips as smoke escaped with them.

Others would have coughed and have difficulty breathing but the child simply giggled, "And you were wrong pfft…Humans have really changed and advanced so quickly that I think the Creators allowed several to join their multiple ongoing 'projects', each one is unique and so I wish to see them struggle. You were off by a few centuries by the way, I've come to collect."

"Of course you would know the answer." He eyed them with distaste.

The child shrugged, "The position helps, but regarding that bet, what do you say? I'm transferring the Colossal Winged Wyvern now." In the screen before her was the sight of the beast and with her fingers, she pinched the wyvern before scrolling through the screen atop the peak of the city of Gloria. When she released the hold on the Wyvern, it appeared back on the screen. She let out a satisfied sigh and turned to the Dragon with a grin.

"You could always turn the tide into your favor if I were winning, that would be unsightly."


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