Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 87: Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

The phrase 'let sleeping dogs lie' was something that most people were familiar with because even in this new world created by the Creators, surely one couldn't ignore everyman's friend. Yes, it wasn't only Humans who enjoyed the company of dogs, Elves and Dwarves did too. Those beloved creatures that barked and wagged their tails and their adorable furry faces...but returning back to the idiom on hand, it was meant to say that it was better to not disturb anything that could possibly cause trouble.

Alas, something had been woken up.

And though the prospect of dealing with a Colossal Beast Wyvern was terrible, something infinitely far more dangerous existed within this world and other worlds for that matter. Noise was heard from across the Endless Passes, a thousand wyverns shrieking and causing terror in the night was surely enough to cause quite a racket. Most importantly of all it awoke a legendary creature—out from a cave came out a Dragon.


Proud and glorious creatures.

Whether they came from the 'East' or the 'West' in Han Jing's words, they were known as majestic and powerful. Even in this world, only a few notable people were said to have seen one and this particular Dragon was unlike the others in this world. He was from another world, striking a deal with the Creators to live and enjoy peace and serenity. Countless worlds from earth to other named planets he had stayed in but where a Dragon stayed, many would seek after them out of conquest, aid and multitude of reasons.

And so this was his latest resting place and it had been quite quiet and calm so far.

Unlike other Races that convened and watched over their fellow species, Dragons were now mostly solitary creatures. As the Lord of the Flames stared out into the night sky, he couldn't as much barely see it as it was blocked by the clutch of wyvern in the air.

Vexation thrummed across its body.

From the edge of its tail to the mane that flowed across his long neck like waters, his golden orbed eyes flashed as he opened his jaws—revealing sharp and brilliant white teeth that sparkled like starlight. He roared and breathed out fire, dragon fire, the hottest of flames that plumed towards the night sky as the wyverns that were flying above his dwelling were burned.

Practically vaporized as they existed one moment and then vanished into thin air. 

It silenced and made the rest of the wyvern still loitering around his den leave but the majority of them were already past the territory of the Endless Passes that he couldn't be bothered to chase after them.

"Ah, someone didn't wake up on the good side of their bed this morning." A young girl giggled as she leaned back against the cave's entrance.

.. .

In this world, in the Kingdom of Man, the words of a King were final and of the highest order. To go against it was to question the King's authority and most would much prefer to meet the blade of an enemy than to be accused of treason. And it was for this reason that the Professors and the Headmaster of the Kraelonia Academy bowed in acknowledgement of his words.

The [ King ] was seated on his throne gazed out towards them from the mirror of scrying, his voice was succinct if not sharp as he addressed them, "There is something of prime importance that the City of Gloria must protect that is within its walls. Activate the barriers at once." 

It was all that was said, no clear explanations were given.contemporary romance

It was anybody's guess on what the [ King ] had meant of something of 'prime importance'. It would be something that silently plagued the back of the minds of those who were present. The communication between the King and his people was cut off as the mirror resumed back to reflecting the people as they began to move at once. The [ Mage ] that had received the [ Message ] of the [ High Commander ] had paled and nearly fainted at the presence of His Majesty.

"Well, you've heard the command from His Majesty himself, all [ Mages ] should work on it promptly now." The [ Headmaster ] motioned towards the door. Within the Kraelonia Academy, the tower where magic operations were performed was the one closest to him.

The [ Mages ] began to move and shuffle out of the room, working at once without any further prompting. Of those who were left in the room with [ Headmaster ] Pierce, he also dismissed them at once, and they left as well, except for one of them, [ Swordsman ] and former adventurer, Uriel frowned as he stopped by the door, "There are many other villages and towns that will suffer and fall prey to them."

And the man was right.

"Warnings can be given but I'm afraid of how much preparation they can do in a short amount of time."

That was the reality of things. 

.. .

The Colossal Beast Wyvern flew across the skies, its aimed destination embedded in its mind as he sought to end the reason why he hadn't been getting his proper sleep. Lightning and thunder rolled within him as he tore through clouds and blasted them away with his wings—faster and faster.

Awareness of other smaller wyverns following him was present within his mind but he couldn't care less for them, there was only one goal in mind and even the winds seemed to blow in the same direction that he was heading towards. Besides, if he was going to leave his cave then he wouldn't actually choose any of the tiny settlements that the flesh bags called their home.

He was enormous.

Colossal if one were to follow the terms used by the bestiary in adventure guilds.

And with thousands of its smaller brethren chasing along after it for some reason, he was sure that the villages and towns that were below him wouldn't be able to fit or even suffice them all. It was not suitable enough even for just him. Such tiny places. An average wyvern grew up to around twenty feet to seventy feet long from head to its tail! He was much larger than them still!

But that was something he was vaguely aware as one thing took precedence besides those thoughts. With his only definitive goal to eliminate the reason behind his unrest and to get rid of the annoying giggling noises that stayed in his cavern—he needed to head there fast and he zipped through the air, following a golden line that appeared before him.

However, despite the howling winds and his monstrous size, even he could not venture in his destination immediately within a short amount of time. Enormous he might be but when compared to the size of the land and the distance he had to travel, he was still dwarfed by such great lengths.

Still the Colossal Wyvern travelled on undeterred as he zipped through the skies alone,




Light began to emerge around the city walls as the [ Mages ] within the Kraelonia Academy to operate the necessary procedures to activate barriers. And it was what he had seen. Han could only watch as the city itself seemed to become akin to a crystal orb or a snow globe, the flashes of light blinking as shapes began to form around the walls and above it piece by piece. To be more precise he could see what seemed to be a large-scale version of the [ Mana Barrier ] occurring and surrounding the city.

Even they seemed to have been aware of what was about to happen?

Or perhaps it was due to the event that occurred thanks to the three visitors at the City? He glanced at the [ Light Elf ] that was talking merrily with the [ Mermaid ] as if they were simply two beautiful girls that had decided to take a stroll outside of the city and into the woods. It was probably a huge contrast to the [ Tiefling ] that skulked across the plain and even scared the group of deer that were nearby her as well as the [ Shadow Elf ]—he couldn't even spot the guy anymore!

Still he could only gaze out and ponder about the events that led up to the city taking action. "Uh, do you know what happened?" He glanced at the [ Half Elf ] beside him, Ellynn was simply standing around and even she was looking out into the city. 

Her lips curled into a frown as she eyed him, "Based on what I've read from perusing the hidden libraries in Kraelonia Academy, it's probably the last resort barrier that they're using now."

"Last resort?" He didn't like the sound of that. But there was also the bit about hidden libraries that he had taken note of, then again something like that made sense. "How strong is the barrier? Do you think they'd be able to keep the kind of monster that your father told us outside?"

"The barrier is said to prevent anything from being able to get in," Ellynn explained with a small frown as she stared out into the distance. "But at the same time it also prevents the people from getting out."


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