
Chapter Pups 39

Chapter 39


“I like to make an entrance” no one found that particularly pleasing, but he didn’t

“Cypher, what are you doing here?” Andrew asked. Words alone, could not describe how much he hated this man’s guts. “Oh hey there Andrew, it is Dad, to you” he corrected. Knowing fully well that Andrew wouldn’t like the statement. Raquel stared in….In…what word am I looking for? I don’t know, but she felt like putting a bullet into his skull. She wanted to see him dead.

Staring at him alone, made her body shiver in anger. Yes, that’s how much she hated him. The pack members loved the juicy gossips, but they knew better than to stay in the same room as Cypher, not if they valued their lives. He was like a ticking time bomb waiting to explode.

All the other elders had left, leaving just Kai. He had known this man right from when he was still a little baby crawling around in diapers. He knew the man had set something in motion but he could not place his hand on what it was exactly

“Cypher!” He called. The man turned to him “Elder Kai. Good to see you after so many months” he answered. The man walked up to him and said in a very low voice “I know you have something bad set in motion. Whatever it is, please put it to a stop” his words were amusing to Cypher’s ears. Who did this man think he was? Anyway, he didn’t have enough time to waste on some old fool whose brain must have terribly deteriorated

Without saying a word, he walked away from the man and to the little boy who he felt a bond with. He squatted down, so that they could be on the same eye level. He stared at the boy a few.minutes. Leo and Raquel made to take their son away out be held his hand up, making them stop in their tracks. He still didn’t take his eyes off the boy’s, neither did the boy take his off

Cypher was impressed, most children run, cry and hide behind their mothers backs, their mothers who in turn hide behind their husbands, who in turn cower in fear. But the little boy, he didn’t look fazed. He stared challengingly at the man

“Do you know who I am?” He asked and the boy shook his head “No, but I have a feeling you’re one of the bad guysA feeling? Hm..interesting. He liked the boy. This was the type of a son he needed not the two excuses the moon goddess gave to him “You have a feeling I am bad? That’s impressive considering how little you are” How alluring, too bad he would have to cut his life short and stop him from being the promising young man he was supposed to be, and that was the fault of his father, Leo. Such a shame. He stood upright and turned to his so called sons. They were standing beside each other, glaring angrily at him. He walked past them and scoffed

Raquel was standing few feet away from Leo. He walked up to her, and stared for a considerably long time. She looked just like her mother. He stared at those eyes that reminded him of his first love before she betrayed him. Still too bad he would have to send her to join her father and her mother soon, all because he needed to teach his son a lesson.

“I hear you’re the new Luna? My sons are both in love with you. Well, I can’t blame them though, they both have. good things. I guess it wouldn’t hurt to say that, that is the only thing they got from me” It was a compliment to her mother

eyes for and not her, but he wouldn’t say that to anyone.

Leila was the only woman he loved and would ever love, he tried everything within his reach and means to make her his, but she chose Flinch instead. His sworn enemy. He didn’t like talking about it so not today. Today all he wanted to do was make sure his son Leo, shed’s a tear. If Andrew also shed’s a tear, then that would be a plus to him


Elder Kai stared at him, wondering how a man would despise his children so much, Yes, he had gone through a lot of shits in past, but it wasn’t their fault. They hadn’t even been born then. Why was he taking out off his anger and frustration on the kids? It was unfair. They didn’t deserve it. Because of their harsh upbringing, Elder Kai doesn’t judge them based on some actions that they take

For instance, Leo forcefully taking Raquel and the kids in, and making them his family against her will. Though his



17:15 Sun, Sep 8

Chapter 39

upbringing doesn’t justify his actions, Elder Kai knew that all he wanted was a family he never had. He wanted to create the picture of the perfect family he had in his head and when he got the opportunity, he seized it at once. He knew Leo wasn’t a bad person. Yes, he did and still bully people, but he was only trying to prove himself to his father. He wanted to show his father, that he was strong and was capable of being the perfect son

“I have a surprise for all of you” He announced. They all knew it was something nasty. “Leo, is this your old man? He looks a lot better than I remember” Can you guess who said that? Of course you can. He was never serious no matter the situation. One minute you think it had dawned on him that the situation was o joke, and the next minute, you see him being unserious again. Everyone ignored him, no one spared him even a second glance

my womb when

“You might want to hook me up. I can only imagine what he had in between his legs. Oh! His going to shake we do it No one could ignore him this time, not even Cypher All eyes were on him what? Why are you all staring? Oh! My bad. I’d forgotten that makes don’t have wombs. Silly me. He’s going to shake my intestines I meant to say” They were all still staring at him. And he was genuinely confused

“Is there something on my face?” He asked again. “Why the hell is this guy still here? Take them away for fuck’s sake” Leo ordered and the guards swung into action immediately

Come on, Just one last hook up before you send me to hell” The guards were dragging him out and he was winking at Cypher. “Oh come on Leo, I want me a big bad dangerous Werewolf. It is one the most important things on my wish list. We are best friends right? Aren’t you going to grant me that wish. Come oooon……” Whew! Such a character. Cypher was forced to have a confused expression on his face, but it only lasted for a few seconds before it disappeared. When he was completely out, the whole place turned dead quiet

“Ahem!” Cypher cleared his throat and all attention was drawn back to him “Where were we? Right! My surprise…Do it” He ordered. Before anyone could process what was happening, Loud sounds of gunshots filled the air. The bullets were not aimed at anyone, but anyone could be hit

Elder Kai quickly ran to where the kid (Aiden) was standing, and shielded him from the bullet that was about to hit him. directly on the head. Cypher groaned angrily. Elder Kai had always done too much. He signaled one of the shooter and he aimed directly at Elder Kai’s head and took the shot. They old man fell flatly to the ground. Leo tried to get across to his son, but his father noticed that and the shooters began to shoot at his direction, he was forced to take cover. Though Aiden was a six years old, he knew the difference between good and bad and also knew when it was safe and dangerous

He ran to a corner of the room and took cover under a chair. Not even Cypher noticed when he sneaked pass, and they didn’t know where he ran to

Cypher decided that it was time for a little break “How do you all see my surprise? Beautiful isn’t it?” He asked, Leo was literally spitting fire “You bastard! I’m going to kill you” he yelled and launched towards his father, or at least tried to. Andrew was quick to pull him backwards Before the bullet that had being aimed at him all along, waiting for him to make the slightest move against his father, hit him

A wicked smile curved on his lips and then he directed the bullets towards Raquel. She was just a little human with no super power. She didn’t even know that there were bullets aimed at her. She dropped to the ground with a loud thud.

“Raquel!” Leo shouted, fear evident in his eyes. Andrew turned towards her sharply. They both made to run but Cypher raised his hand, making them pull to a stop

“No, no” he said slowly. And looked Leo. Yes, that’s exactly the look he was hoping to see. He couldn’t help but break into a smile, but that’s not all be wanted, he wanted to see a tear. He wanted him to cry like a baby

He turned his walking stick to the right and it made a little click, the bottom part feh ott, revealing a long, slim but shiny sharp metal object. You didn’t need a genius to tell it was a knife and that he was going to stab her with it. Leo shook his head negatively, silently begging his father not to do it, but the man’s mind was already made up. He raised his hand a few inches up and the next minute the sound of piercing and blood gushing out of a body echoed in the building.



17:15 Sun, Sep 8

Chapter 39

Blood dropped out of his mouth and Cypher fell to the ground with a loud thud. He fell sideways, there by revealing Aiden, hands trembling with a knife stained with blood


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