
Chapter Pups 38

Chapter 38


Kate was sure Leo heard the statement she made about Cypher though it didn’t directly state that she knew anything about his whereabouts, but Leo was no fool. He had always suspected lier return back into the pack and that was enough reason for him to keep an eye on her. That was huge problem, considering the fact that she needed to see him(Cypher) and disclose her newest findings

Yes, she was a witch and could easily cast a spell to make him forget about her for the meantime, but he was an Alpha, preparing the spell would be a tedious exercise. And the last one she made to make him yearn for her alone didn’t work. She couldn’t understand why, she had made sure to put all the ingredients and all in the right amounts and measures, but somehow it didn’t work. Now that he was watching her keenly arid closely like an eagle, she couldn’t perform the spell

Raquel was also watching her closely, ever since the day she say her pouring some herbs into Leo’s coffee, she knew the woman was up to no good

It was time for Simone’s and Collins’s trial, almost all the pack members were present, When they heard the news, it was shocking, they couldn’t understand why the Gamma, who happens to be one of the best friends of their Alpha, would be the one behind all the things that had been happening. He looked so calm, so reserved and he barely spoke. If Innocence had a face, then it would be his. It was so disheartening for everyone who heard. Kate had said she would not be attending the trial as she was still traumatized by what had happened the day before. No one questioned her choice. Actually. she wasn’t there

no one cared that

That was perfect. The perfect time to meet with Cypher and tell him all that he needed to hear

“Kate!” Cypher called immediately their eyes met. She pulled off the hoodie she was putting on and sat on the couch even without an invite. That’s how lenient Cypher was, with her

“To what do I owe this impromptu visit?” He asked and she smiled “The enemy is not from another pack, and he sure doesn’t want to take over what you worked hard to build. All he wanted was I don’t know…take revenge on Leo..I don’t know for what” she explained and he breathed a sigh of relief. Now that’s some good news he wanted to hear

“It is Simone, Simone Arevalo, the Gamma. He joined forces with some guy named Collin, and together they killed one of Leo’s children. They were also the ones who attempted the Kidnap on Leo’s wife” she explained further, Cypher could not hide his smile. Finally, someone was giving his son a challenge. He liked it

He wished to have been present, to see the had succeeded in getting the woman and killing the other child. Leo thought he was now past him right? He thought he was

k on Leo’s face, that would have been more satisfying. He also wished they now all grown up and could make decisions for himself? Scoffs. He wished they had murdered them all, he wanted to see the sorry look on the face of his good for nothing son

“He caught them though and they’re going through trial as we speak” hmm! It wouldn’t hurt to pay his son a surprise visit right and he always loved to make an entrance. So he could as well just do the job himself. Killing the rest of Leo’s little family

Oh! How Leo would look. How he would prove once again that he was his father and he was forever above him. Ah! He couldn’t wait. “Get the boys ready, we have a trial to attend” he said and walked out of the room, his walking stick giving him the much needed support

“Are you all being serious right now? I didn’t do anything to the little boy. I didn’t even set eyes on him that day. Why would 1 do such a thing? There must be a mistake somewhere…” Simone was sweating profusely, trying to make everyone see reasons why they shouldn’t think he was guilty


17:15 Sun, Sep 8

Chapter 38



“The Luna said you confessed your crime to Miss Kate” Andrew interrupted and he swallowed. Elder Kai, the oldest and most respected man in the pack turned to Raquel

“Is that true?” He asked and she nodded. “Yes it is…Leo I mean the Alpha was there too, and he heard” She said. Leo, who had been quiet the whole time, nodded when Elder Kai turned to him. He only agreed for the trial because he wanted to be transparent, he had heard and seen everything there was to see, and couldn’t wait to throw the both of them in the dungeon. He still couldn’t understand why

did it

“And where is this Miss Kate Simone was

yet to admit to his crime, let alone ted them why he di

“And where is this Miss Kate? Elder Kai asked and Raquel sent for her. The guard returned almost immediately, but he wasn’t with Kate. “Where is she?” Elder Kai asked, he was beginning to get impatient. Ever since the trial started, they had made no progress. Just going back and forth. Five minutes later, Kate made an appearance

By the time the guard had gone to her room, she wasn’t back, but she made a hallucination spell before she left. So the guard thought he heard her say she would join them in a few minutes. Lucky for her, she came back just in time to ease any form of suspicions.

“Young lady, do you have any idea how…

“Elder Kai, please spare the talks, can we just go straight to the issue? Leo interrupted and the man nodded. “Is it true that Gamma Simone confessed to killing Young master Alec to you?” He asked and she nodded, maintaining eye contact with Simone. He silently begged her to say otherwise, but she stood for the truth. She couldn’t let him off the hook. What if he committed–another murder? What if it was her next? “Yes, yes he did she answered and tore her gaze away from his

“In what circumstance? Elder Kai asked, while jotting down some things known only by him “When….when he tried to Kill me” she stuttered a bit. The whole pack gasped in utmost shock. It couldn’t be. Their Gamma was a serial Killer? How cruel people could be. What grudge did he hold against their Alpha!

“No, I.” He didn’t bother, what use was it, he had messed things up when he said those words. He shouldn’t have. But how would he have known that Leo was there! The guy was so good to have hid his scent and that of his wife’s. He was good and deserved his flowers. He had better start confessing now

Gamma Simone, do you have anything to say for yourself?” Elder Kai turned to Simone. He looked at the man and he was sorry for him. There was more to the story. More than he was letting on, he could feel it. But he just didn’t know how to make him let them out

“Enough!” Leo sprang up and slammed his fist on the table causing it to shatter into pieces. He has had enough already Elder Kai was clearly trying to find a way to redeem these two idiots. He had seen and heard everything. He had told Elder Kai all of it, but the man was still dragging the shit on

“Sentence these fucking bastards to a life in prisonment with hard labour right now. They are responsible for the death of my son and you’re wasting my time, going through these bullshits” He yelled. His outburst made a few people yelp

“Well, I’m sorry Alpha Leo if you’re impatient but this is due process and we have to follow it” Elder Kai said and Leo only stared at him for a while before sitting back on his seat. The broken table had already been replaced with a new one.

“Co on Gamma Simone” Elder Kai urged and Simone shrugged. What else was there to say? Nothing “I have nothing to say- for myself Elder Kai. I am guilty as charged and I am willing to take full responsibility for my actions” He said. Elder Kai was disappointed, but he couldn’t press further, otherwise it would be too obvious that he was trying to turn things around and acquit Simone. “What about you Mr. Collin? Do you have anything to say for yourself?” Collinsniiled and nodded cheerfully. You just know he is about to say something foolish

“Of course I have something to say for myself. Actually I have a lot, but I know that he would not permit me to do it. So here is what I have to say for myself but first of all…I would like to thank you Elder Kai for giving me the honor to speak in front of this many people. I have been longing to do that for a long time now, but never really got the chance…so Hi everyone. How are you all doing?” He waved at the crowd and Simone’s face palmed. What kind of a partner did he entangle himself with?, Leo was expecting a thing as such, so was Raquel and every other person who knew him




17:15 Sun, Sep 8

Chapter 38


The pack members were confused. They passed each other weird glances and then back to him. Did he take this as a joke or what? What kind of a person was he?

“No one is waving back? Why aren’t you all waving back? I…”

“It’s obvious you have nothing to say which means you are guilty as charged. Before I sentence you two. We would like to know the motive and reason behind this” Elder Kai Collin didn’t understand


“I am not guilty. I am very innocent” there was no hint of playfulness in his voice. Maybe it had finally dawned on him what he was in for. “I didn’t hurt the boy, I’m not a monster, I would never…”

“Your speaking privilege has elapsed Mr Collin. You are not allowed to speak to anyone or say anything until you are told to do so Elder Kai cut him off and gestured to Simone to start talking

1.We did that because I was jealous…we were Jealous of Leo. I liked and still like his mate….”

“What?” Collin exclaimed, interrupting Simone. He turned to him and creased his brows. “Allow me, will you?” He whispered yell, Collin rolled his eyes and a deep frown appeared on his face. Simone shook his head and continued with his explanation

“As I was saying. I liked his mate. Raquel, you all know her. She’s our Luna. I mean look at her, who wouldn’t like a person like that? We all know Collin has not been in town for years, so hit him up and told him about my plan to take over Leo’s empire. He was happy about it and accepted without thinking twice, then he came into town and we set our plan in motion. We tried to Kidnap the Luna but failed. And then we realized that it was a very bad plan. Starting with the Luna was irrational, then we decided to start with the kids. I wanted to be the father of her kids after I successfully eliminated Leo, but Collin advised that I eliminate the kids too, because they were like you know..incarnates of their father. I reasoned with him and I discovered it was true, so we decided to start with the kids then w…….. He went on and on in that manner, explaining bullshit. At first, he looked like he didn’t know what he was going to say, but then, as he kept going. The ideas flowed in like


He gave them what they wanted to hear and seemed to be enjoying himself. At least, no one said he couldn’t find a way to have fun before being thrown into the dungeon to suffer, die and rot in there. The members shook their heads, taking in everything he was pouring out

The elders, the Alpha and Luna, beta, Chief guard, Andrew and Kate knew he was messing with them. They knew that was a cooked up story but there was nothing they could do. They let him finish. After two hours of story telling,

Land that’s how we ended up here” Collin began to applaud, his smile back on his face. He only stopped when he noticed the weird looks he was getting from people. “He is Psychopathic, eww!” The man sitting beside Andrew said and Aiden raised his head to look at him. His father had already explained to him in the most fatherly and gentle way possible, that his brother was gone and never coming back. Now they were here and he didn’t even understand what was going on

“Having listened to both parties, the council finds you, Simone Arevalo and Collin Versa guilty for the murder of Young master Alec Gildorer. You are hereby sentenced to a live in prisonment with hard labor” The smile on Collins’s face faded. instantly

He had thought this was a joke but now, everything seemed real. He couldn’t go to prison, he had a life ahead of him and

“Ah!” Screams from different angles of the building. The maddening sound of gunshots filled the place up. Three bodies were already lying dead on the floor when the gunshots stopped and the door flew open. Everyone had gone down to take cover and shield their loved ones. The first thing they saw, was a fancy walking stick, followed by a pair of legs

Cypher emerged with a stoic expression. Raquel was the first to stand up, followed immediately by her husband, Leo and then the Elders, slowly everyone was up again. The relatives of the dead mean rushed to the bodies and began to weep

What was that for?” Leo and Andrew asked in chorus, And they were too angry to notice it. A humorless smile appeared on


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