
Chapter Pups 33

Chapter 33


I was very annoyed by Kate’s appearance in the pack and wanted to chase her away, but Raquel was adamant on letting her stay. According to her words, she wanted to get to know her better. I mean, who the hell lets their partners‘ exes be around them! Let alone wanting to get to know them. One that doesn’t see you as a partner? Connor chirped in as usual

Shut up Connor she sees me as a partner. You’re being delusional Connor being Connor ‘she said she trusts me‘ she didn’t

say that

“Yes she did‘ ‘She trusts that you wouldn’t ruin the perfect family in the eyes of the kids and the whole pack‘ it was obvious. but he didn’t have to rub it in my face. The least he could have done was allow me bask in my delulu

So you’re admitting it? Admitting what? That you’re delusional, and Raqueal doesn’t admire you the way you do for her?” What nonsense are you spitting? 1 do not admire her. Not in the way you think “yeah, whatever.‘ I rolled my eyes and when. I turned to leave the bedroom, my eyes met with a cute pair of my eyes staring directly into mine. A smile instantly appeared on my face and 1 squatted so we could be on the same eye level

“Dad! Are we going to the Training ground today?” Aiden asked, I couldn’t be more happier. I had thought that they would be scared after what had happened, but obviously, I had thought wrong. Very wrong. “You want to go?” I needed to be sure. You know kids and how easy they run their mouths and then change their minds almost immediately. He nodded energetically and I smiled broadly. He is the son of his father. That’s me, in case you missed it

Turning to Alec, he shook his head negatively with a pout and I nodded. Maybe I hadn’t thought entirely wrong. He was scared, I could feel it. I couldn’t blame him though, he was the most hurt. The pain the injury on Aiden’s leg caused him could not be compared to what he went through when the doctors tried to get him better again. I drew him closer to me and

ruffled his hair


“It’s okay if you don’t want to join us during practice but you can always watch, and whenever you’re ready, we’ll get you on equipment, what do you say to that? He was all smiles now and my smile broadened too. He was more like a son of his mother. A scardy cat, but I am not judging him though. I’ll just have to try some other measures to make him strong and fearless like a man and not be like a woman. His mother for example

Do not disrespect our mate in such a manner Leo and don’t force our child to do anything that he doesn’t want to or doesn’t feel safe with ‘Perfect, an animal advising a human. Isn’t that just perfect?

“What: What do you mean by that? We are both one and the same I smirked. “Back at you I knew just how much he g upset when I say that, so I use it whenever I wanted to get rid of him, since he mostly goes quiet for a while


“You’re silly, but you get my point though. Don’t hurt anyone, both physically or emotionally. I have hurt a lot of people in different and many ways that you could actually think of

Yeah, I don’t want to think about it, but you do know that I mean our family right?. ‘Of course I do, I’m not a monster “WE are not monsters‘ ‘Okay. it works too, if you put it that way wait! My word didn’t get to him. Does this mean I wouldn’t be able to get him to shut up whenever I want to anymore? You never got to me dum dum, I only stayed mute to make feel good about yourself. Of course. I believe you a hundred percent


Are we going to the training ground or what? Now you want me to take them there? Weren’t you the one who said we shouldn’t force them to do what we want ot

than focus on what they want to do? Yeah I said that. Let’s ask them now, just

to be clear he suggested and I noodles

“What do you want to be when you grow up?” Alden was the first to answer

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Chapter 33

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“To be like you. I want to be strong and powerful, so that I can protect mummy” no matter how wild your imagination was, you could never

have been able to imagine how wild and bright my smile got. I didn’t know it was even possible to smile that wide. Turning to Alec he smiled too and said the most shocking thing to me

“I want to an artiste. A makeup artist” why would a little boy pick interest in women stuff? Do you still think we should let him choose whatever he wants?” “Hell no! Grab that little boy and let’s make him a man’s I smiled and ruffled his hair also. I didn’t want to be like my father. I know they had responsibilities, and that was to take over from me, but I didn’t plan on out a lot of pressure on them. I didn’t want them to try pleasing me all their life. I want to be the father I never had.

How do you intend on making Alec pick interest in fighting without making it look like it’s forced? Connor asked and I thought for a while. Watch and learn dumbass I answered with a smile curved on my lips We are one and the same person you fucking idiot‘ I didn’t honor with a response. I just put the kids in the car and drove off. Raquel was still busy trying to make friends with Kate who was clearly uninterested in her. She acted as though she could not see nor hear her. It was sickening but I let her do her thing and keep trying. It was none of my business what she tried to achieve

She had no idea that I was taking the kids to the training ground again. She didn’t like it and would have stopped or at least tried to stop me but she wouldn’t have succeeded. She wouldn’t understand, she thinks I’m too hard on them, but it was for the best. My mom also thought that way, when dad ordered that I be taken to the training ground at three. He made sure to train me all by himself. And I grew up to come to terms with the fact that that’s how my life was supposed to be.

He taught me that being hard on people and not showing them any kind of remorse was the qualities of a powerful man. He taught me to never shed tears or show any form of emotion whatsoever apart from anger and rage. At the little age of six. I wasn’t allowed to cry, no matter what. If he caught me then I’d be in soup and serve lots of punishment. At that age I was already kicking grown men asses

I didn’t plan on doing that to my boys. Although I would have wished they would be able to kick people’s asses by now, that would not be possible. I only wanted them to have the basic knowledge and experience. It would help them a lot better as they grow up

We arrived at the training ground minutes later and Aiden rushed down immediately while Alec was calm and collected. I could feel his excitement, but I don’t know why he refused to show it. But then again, I noticed that Aiden was the energetic one, while Alec was reserved. Always running away from things that could hurt him. That explained why he wanted to be a makeup artist.

Aiden and I set out on the field and we began the training. I made sure it was fun for the both of us, and no tedious exercises. I guided him step by step and he was a pretty good and fast learner. That ought to have been taken from me ‘If everything good was taken from you, what was taken from Our mate?‘ Connor asked ‘The bad things we both laughed and continued with training exercises. Few minutes later, Alec decided to join in and he was an even faster learner. I was more than impressed. He didn’t have to show all the excitement, but he was learning. He didn’t look like he was having any fun, because of how expressionless his face was. But I could feel his emotions

We had fun, lots of fun, but the day came to an end and it was time to go home. Aiden was tired from all the excitement that he fell asleep on my laps

I smelt something fishy. Something foul was coming to play but I could not place my fingers on it. It was better I get the kids out of here first and then come back to check it out.

“Alec, let’s go” I said and gathered Aiden then stood up, but Alec wasn’t there. “Alec!” I called out but got no response. “Alec!” My voice was alarmed now. It was dark already. Where had he wandered off to? Then I remembered the incident when we first met. But that was Aiden and not Alec. Or maybe he had decided to play a prank on me. I hoped so. But after two minutes of waiting and still no sign of him, I called Cade and he took Aiden home and came back to meet me. This time he came in with Raquel, Kate, Raymond and Andrew

I did not ask this fucker to make an announcement, jeez! Raquel walked up to me, fear evident in her eyes. “Where is he?” She asked and I held her shoulder. “Calm do…” Her palm collided with my cheek, cutting me off from

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Chapter 33

whatever I was saying. Hurned to her, with my right palm on my cheek that she slapped


“What was that for?” I was calm now and my voice was low. No one…no one except my damn father had ever laid a finger on me and I loved it that way. The people who had tried always have a story to tell but surprisingly, I didn’t do anything. Don’t get me started on the never hit a woman shit. Because if that woman hit me first, then she was going to be sorry. I was brought up that way and it was the best, but somehow I didn’t grab her by the hair and twist it till there was no more room for twisting, I didn’t grab her neck and try to choke her to death. I didn’t do anything. I just there waiting for her answer

“You were never supposed to bring them back here after what happened the first time. What kind of a father are you? You like to see your kids get hurt? Is that what you like?” She yelled. I could see how angry she was, “I do not wish to hurt them, I’m only doing what’s best for them, for usI defended and she scoffed

“This is the best for them? This is torture Léo. They’re kids for heaven’s sake. They’re six years old” I knew all that, and I knew what I was doing it was never my intention to lose Alec. I mean, he was right beside me, leaning on my body. I didn’t feel any living being around. It was just a signal of foul play

“Guys Save the arguments for later okay? We need to find Alec, that’s the only thing we should be thinking about now” Andrew said and the others nodded. Raquel locked eye contact with me for a minute, she didn’t have to say the words. I knew what it meant

We searched the whole area till midnight but couldn’t find a thing. No hints or clues. But I could feel foul play. We all could. It was certain that whoever did this, surely saw it as a game. And it was pretty obvious that he was behind Raquel’s attempted kidnap too. This was all a fucking game

I had just come to that conclusion when we came across a large placard with words written in the handwriting of a kid.

“Welcome, I knew you would not give up on me so easily. Are you all ready for a game of hide and seek? Of course you are. It’s not like you have a choice anyway. There is a bomb tied to my body and it’s ticking. The moment you made eye contact with these words, the timer was set to five minutes. If you do not find me before then. It would go off and y’all would never find me again. Ha–ha

Raquel fell to the ground and began to cry. “He is just a kid, who could be so cruel to have to put him through this?” She lamented and I lifted her up. This was no time for lamentation. We had a son to find

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