
Chapter Pregnant 9

Chapter 9

When evening brought no change. I reluctantly departed after Vera promised to alert me immediately if needed

My doubts about ruling alone without Father’s wisdom threatened to overwhelm me as I hiked down the dim trail, but I forced them roughly aside. Self–pity helped nothing. I needed to be strong now for the pack’s sake.

Nearing the estate’s sprawling grounds. I hesitated at the crossroads before turning toward the Alpha’s private residence on the far grounds rather than the main house.

The with space had always felt more mausoleum than home to me, empty and echoing. Now the cold marble walls would only magnify my desolation exponentially.

But stepping through the cozy residence’s carved oaten door brought no relief Jade’s cloying floral perfume permeated the front rooms. She had dearly stopped here earlier. Y

Yet never bothered coming to see me or Father I slammed my fist against the wall, barely noticing the throbbing pain. Her callous disregard should not still have power to sting me, but it cut deeply nonetheless.

For long hours I paced restlessly as darkness fell outside, struede churning within me. The wise course was divorcing myself fully from emotions where Jade was concerned. Our marriage mattered only for show. But even spent sparks can flare to life unexpectedly, given fuel. And betrayal by a mate ignited primal fury few could overcome.

mantel clock chiming midnight jolted me from my brooding stupor Hours had slipped by somehow, and still no word from Vera on Father’s condition. Surely no news was hopeful news! But dread twisted my gut. I needed to see for myself

Pausing only to grab a lantern, I slipped into the moonlit forest, following the winding uphill trail. But I had barely reached. the halfway point when hurried footsteps approaching stopped me short. For a panicked moment I feared Jade discovering I was gone, even though I scored myself for the concern.

The tall figure hurrying around the bend was no delicate Laina, however. Derek’s imposing silhouette miqved swiftly under the pale light. I tensed. No mere social call would bring my Beta out so late. His grave expression confirmed something ill brewed.

“Alpha Derek panted, skidding to a halt before me. “Forgive the intrusion. But there is something sensitive, you must


My hands clenched at my sides, bracing for the blow to fall. “What happened?

Derek’s jaw worked, clearly conflicted. But finally he squared his shoulders. “It is Jade, Alpha. She did not journey to the Oracle’s commune today as claimed. She met with the visiting Shadow Mountain envoy. Dmitr

Red rage instantly flooded my vision. Jade sneaking off was hardly new. But openly consorting with a known rake from a rival pack while neglecting her duties Unforgivable

“Where?” I but out.

Derek’s eyes were full of regret. “The Silver Forest cottage. I followed her myself, uncertain of her intent. They are still


The gilded line palace where I had once, foolishly, hoped to build a happy life with my new bride. Now nothing but a den of lies. My boiling fury propelled me into motion before conscious thought could intervene.

“Post guards around the perimeter, I ordered Derek brusquely over my shoulder. “No one leaves until I get there”

I shafted mid–stride, paws tearing through the underbrush far swifter than feet. Within minutes the gabled rooftop of the

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Chapter 9

ornate cottage rose into view through the trees, candles flickering invitingly in the windows.

Deceitful inance hiding tawdry secrets. Snarling, I shifted back outside the unlocked front door, too incensed to announce myself civilly.

Istormed through to the sitting room first, finding it empty. Lacy undergarments draped across the was no friendly visit. A thump and giggling emanating down the hall pulled me toward the bedroom with every step.


made it clear this

te, rage building

I threw open the door with enough force to make it ricochet off the paneled wall. The intertwined couple on the bed leapt apart, but there was no disguising what I had interrupted. I fixed Jade with an icy stare as she fumbled to pull a sheet over her bare skin, watching the color drain from her face.

“N–Nathan! I can explain-” she stammered. As if anything could explain her wanton betrayal.

“Explain?” I repeated cuttingly. “I believe this scene speaks for itself. Although by all means, entertain me with how you will somehow justify your deceit.”

Jade’s mouth opened and closed wordlessly like a landed trout. Her mussed hair and smudged rouge painted a damning picture of debauchery.

Meanwhile the cretin who had coaxed her astray attempted slinking from the tangled bedding, no doubt hoping I would overlook his part while eviscerating my wayward mate. Idiot.

In one swift motion I seized Dmitri by the throat and slammed him back against the oak headboard, baring my teeth as he gasped for breath.

“Give me one reason not to tear your traitorous heart out right now,” I snarled into his scarlet face. His panicked wheezing hardly soothed my murderous intent.

Jade found her voice again, now edged by desperation. “Nathan, stop! Can’t we discuss this rationally?”

I laughed harshly without releasing my grip on her whimpering lover. “Discuss? I believe we are far past pleasant


“Please!” she tried again. “Dmitri offered me things missing from our union. Surely you understand a wolf must follow their True desires.”

Understand? Her deluded belief in my complacency only enflared me further. With a guttural snarl I flung Dmitri aside to crumple gasping against the wall. Let him watch what came of poaching another’s mate.

Jade’s eyes widened with animal fear as I stalked closer. The traitorous wretch scrabbled back against the headboard, sheet clutched to her heaving chest, as if flimsy fabric could shield her now.

“Nathan, think of the pack, she pleaded desperately. “This scandal…”

“You dare lecture me of the pack?” I thundered. “You lost any right to that concern when you spread your legs for an


Jade flinched. Mustering the last of her composure, she rose on trembling legs, chin lifted in cool defiance. “What happens between mates is no concern of yours now, Alpha. I renounce our bond. It decays from neglect. My path lies with Dmitri.”

Her haughty words snapped the last thread of reason holding back my fury. She thought to abandon me and her sacred vows so lightly? Before she could blink I seized her slender throat in an iron grip, squeezing just shy of crushing her delicate windpipe as she clawed at my hand. Behind me Dmitri shouted garbled protests.

You miserable serpent, I hissed, her bulging eyes now leveled with mine. “You believe you can simply slither off into the arms of another without consequences?”



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Chapter 9

Jade choked out desperate pleas for mercy. But the girl who once professed to love me was gone. This groveling stranger meam nothing With a guttural shout I flung her aside to land in a sobbing heap of silk and tangled limbs beside her dazed lover. Let them comfort each other, if they could find any scrap of courage between them.

I towered over the quivering wretches, hands clenched and shaking with the urge to tear the I would not sully myself further by touching these traitors. The packing had lost one Lun have ΠΕ deemed savage and unhinged when it needed strong guidance.

both limb from limb. But no.

  1. dy. It could not afford to

With effort I leashed my wild fury, focusing on each harsh breath until the haze of violence receded. Jade and her sniveling whelp were unworthy of even my rage. But they would both learn the steep price that came with crossing me.

When I could trust my voice not to shake with temper, I pinned them beneath a frigid stare. “Get out. You are henceforth exiled on pain of death.”

“Nathan, be reasonable!” Jade tried one final time, tears tracking through her smudged face powder.

“It is Alpha to you, faithless wretch,” I snarled. “You are dead to this pack. Now flee before I change my mind about letting you leave breathing

Sputtering apologies and useless promises, the disgraced pair scrambled to dress and gather a few belongings before fleeing into the night like whipped curs. I watched their retreat with grim satisfaction. Let the frigid forest claim them.

Only once the enviably silence settled around the opulent cottage did I sag back against the wall, the furious energy sustaining me draining away. Despite the bitter vindication at having the truth revealed at last, agony clawed raw and hollow in my chest. However strained, a mate bond broken could never cease haunting you.

Ibraced for the fresh burden of donning the strong Alpha mask yet again after this visceral betrayal. But before resuming that tiresome role, I needed time to grieve what was lost between us. To mourn the steady erosion of trust, compassion, and. joy until naught remained between two souls once so entwined.

Slumping onto the steps outside, I dropped my head into my hands and wept, giving voice to the grief and yearning I had for so long choked down. All my bitter tears could not wash away the memories we had made together in this place. But perhaps they could cleanse my spirit enough to someday find peace, and maybe even love, once again. The moon’s light would guide me if I let it. For now, I simply had to endure the darkness.

A twig snapping nearby startled me from my sorrow. I hastily dashed the dampness from my face, steeling myself for the intruder. But no threat emerged from the laurel bushes bordering the cottage yard. Only Derek’s broad familiar silhouette filled the entryway, eyeing me with grave concern.

“The traitors have fled,” he informed me gruffly. “Shall we pursue?

I shook my head wearily. “Let them run. Whether fate or the harsh weather reaps them, they are no longer our concern.

Derek appraised me silently for a long moment before nodding. “A wide choice, Alpha. There has been enough ugliness tonight. He hesitated, then added gently, “What she did…it was a poor reflection on her alone. No one who knows your heart is swayed.”

I managed the ghost of a smile at his gruff sincerity. In the blizzard of chaos stirred up tonight, Derek proved yet again the sturdy mast holding me steady against the storms. Perhaps with him at my side, I could still lead our pack justly. And someday emerge whole again on the other side of this pain.

My dear friend grasped my shoulder firmly, bolstering me with his silent solidarity.

I don’t need her anymore, and her betrayal and rejection doesn’t cut deep. It’s just I feel hurt for choosing The goddess Mate over my lifetime friend and love. My Terra.

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