
Chapter Pregnant 8

Chapter 8


One bleak evening, after a futile session trying to coax him to cat, I emerged red–rimmed and bleak only to find Jade waiting, flawlessly groomed as always. Her tapping foot signaled bad news brew

Sure enough, she fixed me with a glare. “Going to explain where you’ve been all day? Not that you would even notice my


I sighed deeply, much too exhausted for another fight. “The healer was here for hours again. Father is…not improving. I need to be there for him now.”

Jade rolled her eyes. “Always dramatic excuses. You know I need you here representing the pack, not wasting time at your father’s sickbed.”

Her callousness ignited my simmering temper. “He’s your pack Alpha still, however convenient you find it to forget,” I hissed through clenched teeth. “Show some respect”

“Or you’ll what?” Jade challenged, stepping closer. Sickly sweet perfume cloyed the air between us. “Face it, Nathan. You need me to play doting mate, keep this pack behind you. Where would you be otherwise?”

The ugly truth in her words doused my anger as swiftly as it flared. I had no rejoinder. However twisted, I did need her by my side to maintain stability. Jade knew my hopeless position and shamelessly exploited it.

Without answering, I turned and retreated to my locked office, her taunting laughter chasing me down the corridor, Collapsing into the leather chair. I massaged my throbbing temples futilely. No good options awaited me. Perhaps it was best to simply accept my fate.

Sunlight streamed into the quiet cottage bedroom, casting Father’s face in a deceptively healthy glow. But I knew the tranquil scene was an illusion.

Beneath the blankets, his body wasted away more each day, no magical or modern remedies able to halt the mysterious decline.

I clasped his bony hand, wishing desperately I could transfer some of my own vitality into his weakening form. But such power remained beyond my grasp.

“How are you feeling today, Dad?” I asked, keeping my tone light despite the dread congealing inside me. Losing him seemed unthinkable.

Father’s chest rose with the effort of speech. “Well enough…for now. But we both know…my time grows short.”

“Don’t say that, I protested, though we both knew it was true. “Elder Vera will keep searching for better treatments, Just hang on a little longer.”

He gave my hand a feeble pat, eyes crinkling with bittersweet fondness. “You always were…an optimist, son. But there are some battles…not meant to be won.” His voice rasped into silence, exhaustion claiming him again.

I bent my head as hot tears pricked my eyes, struggling to contain the emotions churning within me–grief, rage, helpless frustration Father had been my anchor through every crisis. Without his wisdom to guide me, the future seemed impossibly bleak.

The gentle touch of Elder Vera’s wrinkled hand on my shoulder pulled me back. The white–haired she–wolf had helped raise me since my mother passed years ago. Now she cared for Father tirelessly, her healing magic and compassion the only comfort easing his restless nights.


“Come sit with me awhile, dear,” Vera murmured. With an encouraging pat, she led me from the room to spare Father the disturbance.

I sank into a plush chair by the fireplace, weariness sinking into my bones. Vera pressed a steaming mug into my hands. before settling across from me.

“Drink up now. It’s laryngitis leaf and chamomile, for your nerves

Despite everything, her fussy attention brought a hint of smile to my face. Some things never changed, thank the goddess. I sipped the fragrant tea as Vera regarded me critically, her keen gize missing nothing.

“You’re taking on too much, child, she remarked, though her tone held more compassion than rebuke. “Between your father’s illness and ruling alone, it’s no wonder your spirit is weary”

I sighed, staring into the dancing flames. “You’re right. But what choice do I have? The pack relies on my strength. I must put their needs first.”

Vera clicked her tongue. “No need to be the fearless hero all the time. Share your burdens. That’s what your mate is for.”

I tensed at the mention of Jade, keeping my eyes carefully lowered. After Father, Vera was the last person I wanted knowing just how fractured my marriage had become. She had never approved of my choice in Luna, making no secret of her distaste for fade. Learning the full truth would only deepen her disappointment in me.

Jade is quite busy now with her own duties,” I hedged. Besides, Father shouldn’t see me faltering. It would only distress him further

Vera studied me for a long moment, sage eyes seeing past my feeble excuses. But she simply patted my hand reassuringly, “Very well, dear. Just remember–even the strongest warriors need rest.

I left an hour later after Vera ensured Father was comfortable, the weight of all my unspoken troubles sitting heavy in my chest. She was right that I faced more strain than I could bear alone much longer. But opening up remained unthinkable.

Jade had made it abundantly clear she considered my preoccupation with Father’s illness an annoyance distracting me from attending to her. The deep companionship I once thought we shared was little more than illusion. Now the yawning gulf between us felt unbridgeable.

But I had no time to dwell on personal unhappiness. Urgent Alpha duties kept me cloistered in tedious meetings until late in the evening.

My shoulders knotted tighter each time another self–important advisor droned on about matters barely disguising their own thirst for power. I understood now why Father preferred the quiet solitude of his cottage whenever possible.

After the last tedious formality concluded, I wanted only to collapse into bed and forget the day’s troubles for a few precious


But stepping into the silent master suite, I found the expansive space empty. Jade was nowhere to be seen, the fine bed linens smooth and undisturbed. So she had found an excuse not to come home yet again

Bone–deep exhaustion kept me from mustering much reaction. I simply changed and crawled into the too–large bed alone, yearning for the comforting presence fate in its cruelty denied ine. She was so close, iny true mate, yet worlds apart now. Our time had passed, our paths permanently diverged. Only in dreams could I still find solace in Terra’s loving arms.

I woke late the next morning to an empty estate, Jade clearly not having bothered to return at all last night. Bitter resignation replaced the jealousy that might once have ignited me. Let her keep her secrets and entanglements.

Our pretenses could not conceal the lifeless bond between us. I focused only on maintaining the outward fiction of ‘devotion, for the pack’s sake..

After a quick breakfast I raced up the forested mountain paths to Father’s cottage, anxious to see if the night brought any


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Chapter 8


improvement. My heart sank at the weary sorrow in Elder Vera’s eyes when she greeted me. One glance told me Father now hovered at the precipice between here and the next realm.

Still he fought to offer me a frail smile, eyes lightin he rasped fondly. “My greatest…legacy.

up as I clasped his bony hand between both of mine. “There’s…my boy.”

Emotion clogged my throat, preventing any response. I could only nod, trying to convey with my grip all the love and gratitude brimming inside me, knowing our time left was cruelly brief.

Father’s labored breaths grew progressively more ragged as we sat in silence. Against my prayers, our goodbye loomed.

I promise to find you the Best healer to treat you. Wherever she is.

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