Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 75: Demon Spawn

The sound of the wind could be heard rushing past Alicia and Blake's ears as they continued forward at their top speeds each using wind magic to make them move faster. Their goal now was to escape the Lost Forest as soon as possible. 

"Blake, what are demon spawns?" Alicia asked.

"Demon spawns are not demonic beasts since they did not originate from beasts. Demonic beasts were originally beasts but after the war of the devils and gods these beasts started to mutate into what they are now." Blake started to explain.

"But Loeri said that demonic beasts just appeared one day deep in the forests." Alicia was somewhat confused about what facts she should believe or not. 

"Loeri is not wrong with what she said. This was the known fact all the way up until a year ago when a research team was able to create a new type of demonic beasts using the air they isolated from the Demonic Forest. They took a regular horned rabbit and stuffed it into a chamber packed with dense air from the Demonic Forest and a month later the horned rabbit began to mutate and become more aggressive. Not only that but it was also able to form a Magi Sack. This is why we see some resemblance to the current demonic beasts and those that have yet to mutate. But this mutation is also passed to the offspring of the demonic beast. Which is why there are so many demonic beasts now." Alicia was stunned to hear this information because that would mean something within the forest is producing these demonic beasts!

"Then what are demon spawns?" Alicia asked.

"Demon spawns are something from the time of the devils and gods. They are creatures born from Magicules that have been tainted by hatred, malice, and blood lust. It is said this is also the reason the fallen god became corrupted." This was also the other reason why Blake wanted to escape the forest as soon as possible. If there was a source of tainted Magicule in a part of this forest that could create demon spawn then even he and Alicia would be tainted if they ran into it. Luckily they had not gone too deep into the forest or it could have been truly bad.

Alicia's face paled hearing what Blake said. She hated to think what would have happened if they had been corrupted as well. She knew if such Magicules could corrupt a god they would certainly be able to corrupt a regular human. As Alicia was lost in thought she noticed something charging towards them from the side that was about to attack Blake. With no hesitation, she grabbed Blake's arm and pulled him to the other side of her while at the same time firing off six fireballs. 


An ear piercing shriek was heard and a demon spawn appeared on the ground covered in flames. Blake's expression was grave as he knew if Alicia did not pull him to the side he would have been injured just now. "Thanks, Alicia..." 

"Don't thank me yet they have blocked off our path!" Alicia said as she tried to catch her breath. Through her detection magic she could tell they were almost clear of the fog but between them and the fog were hundreds of these demon spawns. Alicia knowing she needed time to think and also time to rest she quickly created a ten meter wall made of earth to surround her and Blake. 

Blake looked at Alicia with a questioning gaze. "There are a few hundred demon spawns between us and where the fog ends. I built this earth wall to give us time to think. I could use meteor rain to flatten everything  but I am not sure if there will be any damage to the village since it is so close by. I do not want to have any collateral damage. Blake, what do you think?"

"I think Alicia has been calling me Blake instead of Sir Blake recently." Blake suddenly teased. He did so to try to lighten up their troubled situation.

"Are we not friends now?" Alicia humphed and blushed a little but she knew the normally always serious Blake was just trying to lighten the mood. It was just that it would work better if this face showed some kind of expression while he did.

"All we need to do is make a path out but with so many, it would be hard. If there was some way to hold them back or push them down while we pass by it would make things easier than trying to fight our way through. " Blake said seriously.

Alicia thought for a moment and had a few ideas but she was not sure it would work or not. There was no time to try to test things out. She could only think of that magic. Magic, Berlin told her to never use it in front of others. Alicia looked at Blake and came to a decision. "Blake the magic I am about to cast you must promise to never say a word to anyone about. Master Berlin told me never to use it in front of others."

"You have my word as a knight." Blake said as he dropped to one knee giving his oath.

Alicia nodded before touching the air in front of her. She already knew where her destination would be. She just had to make sure no one was around to see her. Blake was startled when he saw a crack form in the air in front of them. Alica took Blake's hand before stepping through the crack pulling him through with her. When they reappeared again the two were right outside the fog bank Alicia quickly waved her free hand and got rid of the crack behind her. 


In a dark dingy cave within the Lost Forest, a young man with dark skin and horns on his head sat upon a throne made of bones as he looked out over the thousands of demon spawn in front of him. In the front row were a few hundred humanoid looking creatures that were kneeling on the ground. The young man looked into a shining globe that was in his hand and a sinister smile spread across his face. "Oh? So such magic exists in this world? Teleportation is one thing but translocation is another. This is very useful magic. I wonder how it works… contemporary romance

"I will need to grab this human and make her tell me. Once she does I will be nice and kill her before digging out her innards to feed my pets. It's just too bad though I do love to listen to humans scream while I dig their innards out while they're alive. It's such a calming sound! But it is not right if I do not give a little since this translocation magic would be very useful to me... " A humanoid figure walked over to the young man and whispered into his ear. The young man paused for a moment before letting out a sigh. "Seems I will have to finish up here first before I can find this little human. So, for now, she will get to live a little longer...."


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