Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 74: Lost Forest Part Two

Sounds of crickets could be heard all around, the dual moons were rested high in the night sky. Their dim light lighting the ground below. Alicia stretched her arms and straightened her armor. She picked up Frey who was soundly sleeping in the grass next to her and walked over to Claire. "Claire I leave Frey in your hands."contemporary romance

"Yes, Young Miss." Claire gently took Frey into her hands before disappearing into Alicia's space.

"We need to get into position." Alicia said as she nodded to the rest. Alicia and Blake were to be the main attackers. While Rose and Starla acted accordingly. 


The sounds of a wolf's howl could be heard in the distances. "Get ready they are coming." Blake shouted out.

Not too long after, five meter tall earth wolves burst out from the tree line. These earth wolves got their names because they seemed to be made out of earth. They had a brown crusted shell of dirt packed on to their bodies that acted like their fur. The difficult thing about earth wolves was their defense and size. The dirt that was packed on their bodies could be hardened at will making it very tough to kill them with swords alone. 

"Use magic attacks to break through their armor!" Blake shouted out as a group of twenty earth wolves came bounding towards the village. 

Starla was up first as she casted ten water swords firing them at the earth wolves to try to soften up the packed earth on their bodies. Alicia and Blake rushed in with swords drawn covering their swords with water magic. The biggest weakness of earth wolves was water magic. The biggest issue was for the four was their size. Being around five meters tall they basically towered over Alicia by a lot. Because of this Alicia could only aim for the legs at the joints to bring them down to her level or jump up on their backs.

Rose and Starla would attack any earth wolf that was brought down to help quickly finish them off. with the addition of Blake the group quickly took down seventy percent of the earth wolves before the rest fled. Seeing this Alicia and Blake nodded at each other and followed suit expanding their detection magic to its fullest.

The earth wolves as expected did, in fact, rush into the forest and into the fog. Alicia with Blake on her heels rushed straight into the fog without any hesitation. Of course, Alicia kept Blake in view the entire time.

In such dense fog at this time of night where no light was able to penetrate through, it was very hard to see what was in front of you. If not for the detection magic Alicia might have crashed into many trees by now. "Blake they are not stopping at all. It seems they are heading towards the center of the forest. We need to be extra careful especially since there seems to be a creature out there that can hide from detection magic."

"Yeah, you are right. But it's okay I have a magical tool that can get a better read on those hidden in the dark." Blake explained as he waved a small device in his hand.

"Wait does that item pick up body heat?! That's it!" Alicia was hit with a brilliant idea and wondered why she did not think of that before. Although detection magic was good it would pick up on things hit by the waves of magicules that were extended out. But if say a demonic beast had a way to bypass such magic by letting the magicules pass through them it would render the detection magic useless. But if she were to add in the ability to detect heat signatures she could actually improve the current detection magic to account for such demonic beasts. Thinking of this, Alicia now needed a way to visualize such magic.

'On earth, such things are used by a camera or goggles. And seen through the eye….' Alicia pondered a bit until finally she waved her hand and a glowing soccer ball sized eye formed in front of her. With a wave of her hand, she sent it far up into the sky high above the fog line. In her mind, she was starting to receive images of the ground below. In combination with the detection magic she was able to map out a larger range than before and in finer detail. But what she saw right away shocked her. "Blake we are surrounded!" Multiple heat signatures in the form of some kind of creature were following them and surrounding them.

"What!?" Blake looked at the magic tool in his hand and saw nothing out of the ordinary which shocked him. This tool was well known for picking up things that hide from Magicules!

Seeing how Blake looked confused Alicia yelled out: "Fire an attack spell straight to your front and to the right."

Blake quickly fired off a wind blade in the direction Alicia had told him only to be startled when he heard a shriek and a spurt of black blood come from in front of him. A black sludge like creature came into view and fell to the ground. "What the hell is that!?" Blake yelled out.

"Have you never seen one of those before?" Alicia asked.

"No. This is a completely new kind of demonic beasts! No, wait… This is a demon spawn! Shit! Alicia, turn back! We have to leave and we have to leave now!" Black exclaimed. 

"Huh why!?" Alica was confused as to why they would need to turn around.

"Just do as I say! No time to explain." Blake did not wait for Alicia to ask questions any further before grabbing her hand and running off in the direction they came.


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