Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 67: Guild Test Part Six

*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*

Loud explosions rocked the testing room. Causing even those outside the room to be able to feel the vibrations. This confused some of the higher up staff members because the only thing that could shake a testing room was if an S rank test was going on. Two people, one old man, and a middle aged woman entered the viewing room of the testing room Alicia was in. "Grayson, what's going on? There are no tests for any S rank adventurers scheduled for today." 

Greyson did not even look at two who entered and only waved them over and pointed out the window. "Just watch. This little girl is defying all knowledge." 

The old man looked out the window and saw Alicia fighting an S rank dummy and wanted to faint. He knew who Alicia was and knew if anything happened to this little girl the entire Adventurers Guild would be ripped down. "Grayson stop the fight this instant. If anything happens to this girl we would need the help of the gods to stop the destruction that would come." 

"I do not think I need to stop  the fight..." Grayson was dumbfounded as he watched Alicia cast spell after spell without even taking time to chant words. It was only once and a while she would shout the name of the attack. Her speed alone was enough to make one look on in awe. The S rank dummy could not even touch a hair on her hair never mind hurt Alicia.

In the testing area, Alicia was getting annoyed by how tough the S rank dummy actually was. She had casted spell after spell trying to penetrate its defense with no luck. "Since normal spells from this world are not working then I guess I can only try ideas from earth! And the spells would need to be on a whole new scale..." 

Alicia started to think of some things she saw in movies, manga, anime, and things from other sources. Since magic was based on one's own image, with her knowledge that she gained in her past life there were a lot of things she could imagine. Arches of lightning could be seen running down Alicia's arms. She sheathed her sword before cupping her hands together at her side as she condensed the lightning into a ball between her hands. She almost wanted to shout out a famous saying from a certain Japanese animation show. All she was missing was an old man with a turtle shell on his back standing next to her.

As the ball of lightning condensed to its extreme Alicia moved her arms straight out in front of her and like a railgun, the condensed ball of lightning shot out in a beam hitting the S rank dummy on the arm that was holding the large axe. The attack was a clean hit right at the joint where the arm connected to the shoulder.

*Boom!* *Bang!*

The right arm of the dummy was severed clean off and fell to the ground with a loud bang. Everyone in the viewing booth was dumbstruck. No one had any idea what kind of magic Alicia had just used. But the destructive power of it was above the S rank level by far. But what came next stunned them even more as Alicia raised her hands above her head causing several black holes fifty meters in diameter to appear on the high ceiling of the room.

"Meteor Rain."

When her words fell large molten flaming rocks rained down from the black holes at frightening speeds before smashing into the S rank dummy. One after the other massive explosions were set off from the impact of the meteors. Never mind the S rank dummy the room itself could not take the level of this attack as the protection magic that was casted on it failed. The floor around the S rank dummy along with the S rank dummy itself was completely destroyed as huge craters formed.

When the dust settled all that was left in the room were the freshly made craters and standing proudly in front of them was a little girl with golden blond hair. Grayson, the old man, and the middle aged woman's eyes almost bulged out of their heads. In all their years they have never seen such a level of destruction. Although the two attacks could not be used in a fight where the opponent was fast but for large slow moving demonic beasts and demonic beast waves they were the perfect spells.

What they did not know was that Alicia used these two spells because she wanted to test to see how powerful her magic was now. In other words, she was using an S rank dummy for testing her magic and could have ended the fight a lot sooner with just her sword. Alicia knew in actual fact she would probably never get a chance to use such magic again since enemies like this were definitely not an everyday occurrence. Even during her training with Berlin she never trained on any demonic beasts or dummies this big. 

Alicia sat down on the floor as she waited for the others to return. The old man was the first to snap out of his shock and only shook his head. "No matter how strong she is, still start her off at F rank. She is to get no special treatment. All new adventurers start off at F rank. But for those who can defeat C rank and above dummies. Your names will be added to a list for times when a Red Call is issued." The old man looked over everyone as he spoke. When he was finished with what he had to say he left the room. The middle aged woman quickly followed behind him. contemporary romance

Grayson let out a sigh as he said: "Alright let's not make Alicia wait for us. Let's go finish the test. Rose and Starla still need to fight a C rank dummy and the final sparring matches need to be held." 

Needless to say, the test ended with Rose and Starla defeating the C rank dummy with a bit of difficulty and abstaining from testing against the higher ranked dummies. When it came down to the one on one sparring matches everyone who went against Alicia quickly gave up causing Alicia to be a bit sad. But she understood that her display fighting prowess vs the S rank dummy was a bit over the top. With everything now done and out of the way, they were now waiting on their actual rankings. Although these rankings would not allow them to start off at said rank it was still good to know where you stood in fighting prowess.


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