Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 66: Guild Test Part Five

Grayson looked at the two girls that were left and pondered for a minute. "You two girls will most likely instakill this dummy as well so let's skip D rank and C Rank and jump to the B rank dummy.  This normally does not happen but with the skill you two have shown so far, I think the challenge needs to be upped a bit. Let's start with Starla." 

Starla took her position with a sword in hand. She waited for the dummy to rise up from the floor before starting her incantation as she did before. But this time she had ten swords made of water that flew towards the dummy.

*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*

Loud booming sounds were heard as the swords made of water magic smashed into their targets. Unfortunately unlike last time where the dummy was smashed to bits, this time the dummy was completely unharmed which caused Starla to frown. She waved her sword in a circular motion causing the air in front of her to glow as she used her magic power to draw a magic circle. "Water Blade!"

Starla yelled out as a  thin blade of water shot forward smashing into the dummy. Once again the dummy came out completely unscathed. At this point, it seemed Starla was unsure of what to do so she only raised her hand and said: "I give up!" 

"Mhm very good. Starla your magic attacks are close to being able to breach the defense of a B rank. You just need another year or two to reach that point. It also seems you did not use all your strength. Do you want to stop here or would you like to test your mettle against a C rank dummy?" Grayson was not surprised that  Starla gave up he had expected this since B rank dummies were very tough. One would need very high attack power to take one down. But he could tell Starla did not give it her all and he could only guess that it had to do with Alicia who was also going to be taking the squires test soon. He chuckled inside. 'Kids these days always want to come out on top.'

"I will try the C rank dummy after." Starla was not mad she understood her current strength she showed was not enough for the enemies that the guild considers B rank. She glanced at Alicia and let out a sigh. If it was not for her she would have gone all out. 

"Alright good, we will have you test with Rose after Alicia's turn. Alicia, you are next." Grayson said as he got the dummy back to its starting position.

Alicia walked up and drew her sword. She was as calm as ever. "Okay start!"contemporary romance

Alicia shot forward as did the dummy. Alicia showed no signs of using any magic so far which surprised Grayson because Alicia's speed was faster than most A rank adventurers who used magic to boost their speed! Alicia raised her sword and just as she passed the dummy she swung it horizontally before stopping a few meters away.

*Plop!* *Bam!*

The dummy's head fell to the ground first followed by its body. Dead silence. From start to finish only a few seconds had passed by. Even Grayson had his eyes wide open in shock. After a few minutes, Grayson composed himself and said: "Ahem… Alicia, do you mind trying out an S rank dummy?"

"I don't mind." Alicia did not mind at all she was actually having fun because she could finally find out just how strong she was at this time. She knew Dalton was very strong without magic. To the point where she could not win against him at all but that also comes from his experiences as well.  If she used magic she might be able to overcome the experience and beat Dalton. But that would have defeated the purpose of the spar between the two. Now she could go all out against these dummies. So she was very excited to see where she stood.

"Alright good. For this fight, everyone but Alicia is not allowed to stay in the room. We will go to a viewing booth. Alicia, if your life is in danger I will stop the dummy immediately." Grayson said as he motioned for everyone to follow him. 

Once every one exited the room a loud humming noise was heard as a large hole opened up in the floor and a huge dummy about ten times the size of Alicia rose up from it. Alicia was surprised to see such a huge dummy. It was only now that she understood why this room was so big. They had dummies as big as a 4 or 5 story building! Just the size of this dummy was very intimidating. But Alicia did not let that get to her as she readied her sword. 


The dummy actually let out a loud roar that shook the whole room! Its whole body glowed a bright gold color as it took a step forward. The dummy itself looked less like a dummy and more like a real monster as this one had eyes that looked at Alicia giving off a massive killing intent that would make most people wet themselves out of fear. In its hand was a large battle axe that was as tall as its body. The Dummy let out another roar at Alicia before lifting its axe off the ground and slamming it down on the ground in front of it causing the whole room to shake violently. But instead of the floor cracking open large spikes made out of rocks shot out in a line straight at Alicia!

Alicia snorted as she jumped into the air and did a front flip landing on the tip of one of the spikes that had already formed. "You want to use magic then so will I!" With a wave of her hand hundreds of fireballs formed in the air and hovered around Alicia. "Go!" The hundreds of fireballs shot forward smashing into the dummy!  


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