Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 392: Phantasia

"Good, you're here. We are almost ready. There are a few things we need to tidy up on our end and will be ready in the next two days." Claude said as soon as he saw Alicia.

"That's fine. Take your time. There seems to be no movement anyways from the other side." Alicia paused her words for a few seconds before continuing. "Claude, I heard you have a record of Phantasia from ancient times." 

"Yes we do, would Princess like to look at it? It is from before the great move." Claude answered.

"Great move?" Alicia was confused. What did he mean by the great move?

"It is best if you read the texts. They will explain everything." Claude said with a smile before motioning for Alicia to follow him.

The two went to a large library that had shelves upon shelves of books reaching the ceiling but their destination was not the library itself but a secret room hidden behind one of the shelves. This room was located at the bottom of a long spiral staircase with only blue magic flames placed in small inlets along the wall lighting the way. When they reached the bottom there was a single door which led into a small room with a desk and a bookshelf with a few old scrolls and books placed upon it. "This is the only place that I know of in this world that still has these ancient texts which the Academy's forefathers were able to keep safe before the purge many millions of years ago. These texts date back to the beginning of everything."

Alicia heard the word beginning of everything and her eyes opened wide. 'Did this mean that these texts dated back to the beginning of the universe as we know it?

Seeing Alicia's interest in the books Claude smiled and said: "Take your time. I will come and tell you when we are ready." 

"Thanks." Alicia said as she went right to the bookcase and looked at each book and the scrolls. She could tell right away that the scrolls were actually newer than the books so she went for the oldest looking book first. They had no titles so Alicia did not know if she was starting from the beginning or not but it did not matter since she planned to read through everything.


Tens of millions of years ago, our universe was in a state of non-existence. There were no planets or suns. It was just a dark void that had nothing but dense particles and dust. That was when the Origin showed up. A being of a higher power from a different time and place. I was only able to meet the Origin once. He was a young man who felt like life itself. The power that flowed within him was very strong. Beside him were the left and right hands of the Origin. Each wielding power of the same magnitude of the Origin. They were indeed great beings.

 From what was learned during that time the Origin and his left and right hands created the universe we live in today. But during that time the planets of each solar system of each galaxy were full of life. No planet was uninhabitable. Each world had its own unique look on life. The universe was very prosperous and travel between worlds was as easy as taking a stroll. -Tain Fen

The History of Phantasia -Tain Fen

In the beginning, there were four planets. Three of these planets had only a single source of energy and were the first creations of the Origin and the left and right hands. One with chaos qi, one with holy power, and one with magicules. Then there was a fourth planet which was a mix of all three and flourished as a central hub between the three distinctive sides. 

After the disappearance of the Origin and his right and left hands, the power on the fourth planet became greater and greater until one day the world itself exploded. Sending bits of the planet spirling throughout the universe. The original size of the planet was bigger than the largest suns and its inhabitants were just as strong. In order to preserve their world or what was left of it, the powerful beings on the planet came together and used everything they had to reconstruct the world from the dust and matter they passed by as they zoomed throughout the universe. 

Then one day they finally succeeded in creating a new world. Three continents were created and a vast ocean now wrapped around the planet. But sadly with how much energy and power it took almost all of its inhabitants died off. Only a few clans survived the hardships. These clans came from each faction of life and because of their dwindled numbers they combined into one clan and called themselves Phantasiams and the planet was then named Phantasia.contemporary romance

Phantasia floated throughout the universe until one day finally settling down in a small solar system in the middle of nowhere. This planet looked out of place since it orbited around a star many times smaller than itself. Even the other planets could hardly compare to the size of Phantasia. Strangely enough, even though this world was far from the sun it was hardly a cold world. It had its seasons and life flourished on it without issue. 

Life on Phantasia went on with just the Phantasiams roaming the lands. Until one day a new group of people came to this world. They were very powerful and began creating new life on Phantasia. And soon the planet was filled with many races. The Phantasiams went into seclusion not wanting to be part of the new influx of beings to be hidden away from the world for many, many years.


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