Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 391: Sanavilia

Standing over a large mountain top, Alicia, Old Don, and Master Sei looked out over the land in front of them. "So this is the continent of Sanavilia? I can tell the magicules are much denser around here. I wonder why..." Alicia said as she looked at the foreign scenery.

"That is due to the abundance of magite mines. Sanavilia and the Holy Land have many of such mines. They actually are useful as a source of power since just a tiny rock can power a small village for over ten years. As far as I know, your continent had lost its mines during the war. Sadly, at one time, your continent was the most powerful. It was when the war of devils and gods happened that the continent became what it is now. That war really did a number on the lands and all your magite mines were destroyed by the devils." Master Sei explained.

"I figured as much. There are still many powerful people on the continent that are in hiding that are much more powerful than you think. More powerful than those old fools that warned my mother about the whole ruler thing." Alicia said. There were at least three powerful figures with more power than anything she had fought with before, even the old man she met in the cave who easily took out bergath.

"Ahh yeah, the ancients. They are much more powerful than the ancient ancestors of the Holy Lands. Those guys never show themselves and if you try to get near them they will use their presence alone to kill you. Many youngsters looking to make a name for themselves had gone to your continent to test their luck thinking they were all powerful. None ever returned." Master Sei said, his voice filled with a little bit of sadness.

"Not just people from the Holy Land either. But also people from Sanavilia as well. Sad to say even one of my sons died that way." Old Don shook his head and sighed.

"Everyone has their own idea of how to prove themselves. They think just because an area is said to be a backwater continent that everyone is really weak. But this is never the case. By the way, what is going on down there?" Alicia pointed out a group of people traveling along the road. There was a line of people, well beast men to be exact.

"A slave caravan. Demi humans are caught and enslaved. Unfortunately, this is not banned on this continent." Old Don shook his head in disgust. He waved his hand and the guards who were leading the slaves all died. 

"I will take care of the slaves. If they try to run away now they might just end up benign caught again." Alicia said as she flew down to the beastmen who were confused as to what was going on. "Are you all okay?" 

It was complete silence. Not a single one of the beastmen dared to speak up. It was only when a small little girl beastmen with dog ears came forward did the silence break. "Are you a goddess?" 

"Mmm… you can say that. Do you wish to be free and be treated as equals?" Alicia asked with a smile. 

"Is that possible?" The little dog girl beastmen eyes lit up at Alicia's words.

"I will send you to a place that will allow you to be free where everyone is equal okay?" Alicia said as she waved her hand getting rid of all the chains on their hands and feet. "The place I will send you is a place you can be free." Alicia sent a message to the beast king before waving her hand and sending all the beast me into her space. contemporary romance

"I wish it was so simple to do this for all the slaves out there. Even the Holy Land is over run with slavery as well." Master Sei hated the sight of slaves which is why he wanted a change in how this world worked.

"In the new world, we can ban slavery, once we take down those who wish to keep the status quo. We will have a revolution run by those who want a peaceful world. We will give freedom to all those who were enslaved so that they can have the ability to live a life they wish for." Alicia now had another reason to become the ruler. 

"We will reach the Magic Academy in a few minutes. Claude is waiting for us there." Old Don spoke up as he pointed ahead. In front of them was a large mountain that was covered in lush greenery and many waterfalls falling down its sides. Situated on a cliff side was a large white castle embedded into the rock face of the mountain. Alicia could only guess this was the Magic Academy.

"Really is a beautiful place." Alicia was in awe of the scenery.

"That it is. Claude had watched over this place for a long time. Going on a thousand years now if I am right." Old Don explained.

"How many magic points does Claude have?" Alicia asked.

"Haha, magi points are not as important as you think they are, not when he also cultivates spiritual qi." Old Don's words stunned Alicia. She did not understand, dual cultivation was lost long ago how would…

"More will be explained when we get to the academy. The things you wish to know about this world are all stored here." Master Sei explained.

Hearing this Alicia's eyes lit up. She had thought all the old records of this world were all destroyed. But if there were still records from ancient times maybe she could figure out why Phantasia seemed out of place within the galaxy.


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