Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 112: Stripping The Crown

King Augustus was not stupid, he clearly saw the malice that flashed in his son's eyes. He took a step off the stage and disappeared, reappearing in front of Crown Prince Adrian. King Augustus looked at his son who seemed to know he was caught. He let out a sigh and said: "Adrian… You have disappointed me… You will stay here, we will have a talk after I get the next test started."

Alicia who was standing behind Blake was extremely confused as to what was going on. She, herself had no idea that Crown Prince Adrian actually wanted to harm her. Blake turned his head to look at the confused Alicia, grabbed her little hand, and pulled her over to where Princess Catherine was standing. 

A few minutes later the test of strength began. One after the other the squire hopefuls all entered to take their next challenge. After the last person entered the Illusion World, King Augustus waved his hand and created a barrier around him and Crown Prince Adrian. This barrier blocked both sound and sight. So those on the outside could not hear or see what was going on inside the barrier.

"Give me a good explanation on why you just tried to harm Alicia!" King Augustus's eyes were filled with anger.

"Royal Father! You are going to reprimand me for some girl who came out of nowhere!?" Crown Prince Adrian's calm facade dropped as he shouted his question.

"A girl who came out of nowhere? She is your sister! Whether you like it or not, she is now my daughter and your sister! Even knowing this you still had thoughts of trying to harm her and even acted on it! Not only in the presence of others but also in front of me! Do you think I am stupid? Do you think everyone here is stupid? Did you feel threatened? Are you feeling threatened by a girl who is just over ten years old!? You are twenty three years old Adrian! Twenty three years old and you acted against a damn ten year old! You are the Crown Prince of my Alastine Kingdom! But today, you looked no different than a damn bandit! What the hell is the matter with you!? Let me tell you this… You are lucky that you did not do what you had in mind today. Otherwise, you would not have been able to live to see the sun rise tomorrow!" King Augustus was so mad as he yelled his whole face was red and veins were popping out of his forehead. 

"I wouldn't see the sun rise? Royal Father, are you threatening to kill me if I harmed some little bitch? I'd like to see you tr..." 


A loud crisp clear sound of skin hitting skin could be heard echoing throughout the Barrier. "Call her a bitch one more time and I will pull your tongue right out of your head! That little girl has done nothing to wrong you. She is a fair and upright little girl. She strives for nothing more than to be a knight. Her ideals and path in life have nothing to do with the crown. She didn't even know I had adopted her until just recently and here you are slandering her and calling her names while having thoughts of getting rid of her. Is this the son I raised? What the hell happened to you? If this is the kind of person you want to be then fine. But I will never hand over the rule of my kingdom to someone who acts like a lowlife. As of this day you are no longer the Crown Prince of my kingdom. You will need to spend time under confinement to think about what you actually tried to do here today. Don't even think of trying to escape. You will be under heavy guard. Also… It would not be me that you would need to have to deal with if you harmed Alicia… You have been warned." contemporary romance

Crown Prince Adrian… Now Prince Adrian stood rooted to the ground, his mouth open. He had still yet to recover from his shock of being slapped and then he was slammed with more shocking news one after the other. He really had no retort this time. But he also did not understand what King Augustus meant with those last two sentences. While Prince Adrian was in his daze King Augustus waved his hand dispersing the barrier before motioning to a group of guards to come over. After giving some instructions the guards seized Prince Adrian and left the training field. 

Prince Philip, who was still standing there, was confused as to what was going on. He had never seen his father this mad before. And from the looks of it, it seemed that his brother had done something seriously wrong! Prince Philip nervously called out "Umm... Royal Father..." 

King Augustus heard his name being called and turned around. "What is it, Philip?" 

"Royal Father can… can I take the test too?" Prince Philip asked.

"Of course, you can! Go over to the Illusion World and one of the mages will let you enter." King Augustus smiled. 

Prince Philip's mood perked right up as he happily said: "Thank you Royal Father!" Any thoughts about what had just happened to his brother flew out the window.


Turning back time a little bit, Alicia entered the Illusion World once again. She was still in the process of trying to figure out what had just happened. All of a sudden, Blake and her father were standing in front of her. Alicia did not have much time to continue thinking when she felt an intense blood lust and killing intent, smash down on to her. Reflexively she swung her hand up to block the incoming attack.


The sound of metal against metal was heard as sparks flew out. "You damn Dorians! You all shall die! Hahaha!" 


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