Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 111: Stop!

The young man after being reprimanded by King Augustus, shut his mouth. King Augustus's words were all on point. The young man knew that if he had actually tried to solve the issue at hand he would have been able to pass. But instead, he spent his time waiting for someone to tell him what he needed to do even as days passed he did nothing to rectify the situation he was in. The young man could only lower his head and leave the training field with the rest of the people who did not pass.

After all, those who failed left, the ones who did pass were now all gathered in front of the stage staring up at King Augustus. "I want to start off by saying to everyone here who passed, good job! You were told you would get information on what you needed to do and when the information did not come, you still took it upon yourselves to judge the situation and complete your task!

"Decision making is a quality all squires and knights must have. Now, the next test you will undertake will be conducted in the same sense. You will not be told what your objective is. If you are able to last all the way until the end even if you are not in the top one hundred you can still become a squire! I hope, every one of you, can continue to show me what you're made of. Now onto the next test! Your next test is the test of strength!" 

"Royal Father!" A voice suddenly yelled out from the side.

King Augustus looked over and saw his second youngest daughter standing there looking up at him. "Catherine, what is it?" 

"Royal Father, I want to take the test alongside my sister! I want to understand my new little sister and undertake the test with her! I will not interfere with the test itself but I want to experience what she has to experience." Princess Catherine's eyes were shining with determination. She wanted to know exactly what Alicia had to do and how she would react in the situations she was put in.

Hearing this a big grin formed on King Augustus's face and a light flashed in his eyes. "Fine! I will allow it. You will be allowed to follow along with her. You will not be able to talk with her nor will she be able to see you. But you will experience everything from the side as she progresses through her test. Now I must warn you that some of the sights you might see will be a bit unsettling. Since Alicia has to undergo the hardest tests that the Illusion World can produce. Are you still willing?" 

"Yes! If Little Sister is able to endure then I as her older sister will also endure!" Princess Catherine determinedly stated. Alicia only had glossed over what she had to do in her first test but the look in Alicia's eye said much more when there was a tinge of sadness in it as she spoke. This made Princess Catherine want to know just what Alicia had to go through during her test. 

Prince Philip who was standing next to Princess Catherine was also about to speak up when another voice sounded out from the back of the group causing him to stop his words and turn his head. "Royal Father I will also like to undergo this test."

King Augustus turned his head to see his eldest son standing there. "Adrian… can you tell me why?"

"Royal Father, to better myself and also as Second Sister stated. To understand what my new Third Sister has to go through. I. as the eldest brother, should at least do this much." Adrian Alastine twenty three years old. Crown prince and eldest brother to Alicia. When he finally got word of having a new sister he immediately made his way here to meet this new sister of his. 

"Very good!" King Augustus smiled and turned his attention to Alicia. "Alicia this is your eldest brother Adrian go greet him."

Under the eyes of everyone present, Alicia made her way out of the crowd and walked towards Crown Prince Adrian. The sight of Alicia coming into his view caused Adrian to wrinkle his brow. For some reason, he felt a heavy pressure when looking at her. She had such an overwhelming presence that even he felt stifled by it. Even though he was feeling some kind of weird pressure from her he shook it off and gave her a smile. "So this is my new little sister."

"It is good to meet you Big Brother Adrian." Alicia gave a small bow and smiled at Adrian. 

For some reason with Alicia standing right in front of him and seeing that smiling face, Crown Prince Adrian had the sudden urge to want to snuff out her life right then and there. He suddenly felt his position was threatened. If she was to stay alive even a second longer the throne would not go to him but to this new sister instead. Crown Prince Adrian unconsciously had already reached his hand out towards Alicia's throat but when he realized what he was doing he moved his hand up towards the top of her head, trying to play it off as if he wanted to pat the top of Alica's head. When his hand was only a few centimeters from touching Alicia's head a hand suddenly gripped Crown Prince Adrian's wrist!

Both Alicia and Crown Prince Adrian turned their heads to see Blake's cold expression staring at Crown Prince Adrian. "Blake!?" contemporary romance

"Impudence!" A guard from behind Crown Prince Adrian yelled out and drew his sword.

King Augustus felt a headache coming on as he said: "Everyone stop!" He then looked at Blake and asked: "Can you let go of my son's wrist for now?" 

This simple question shocked everyone. Because King Augustus did not tell Blake to let go of Crown Prince Adrian's wrist but asked him to do so. Which meant that King Augustus had to make sure not to offend the other party. Blake looked up at King Augustus and released his hand before standing in front of Alicia blocking Crown Prince Adrian's view of her. 


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