Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 102: Test Of Courage Part One

Everyone looked at the round object that had appeared in awe. Some knew what this object was and others did not. Alicia was one of the ones who did not know what the object was used for or what it had to do with the test. Luckily the knight in light leather armor did not make her wait in anticipation. "This object is called, Illusion World. It creates a different scenario for each person who steps inside. Everything in this Illusion world will seem real! If you die within the Illusion world you will be ejected out. Remember failure means you fail the test. Only the one hundred who pass all seven tests with the highest scores will become squires. I wish you all good luck!" 

Once the knight in light leather armor finished speaking he waved his hand and two squires came walking forward. One of them, a young man around seventeen years old, shouted out: "Please form a line and one by one enter the Illusion World." 

"Young Miss, from what I understand once you enter you will be told what the scenario is about. After that it lets you complete the scenario in whichever way you think is best. These tests do not just test your ability to follow the seven virtues but also your decision making skills. It is said that every test is different and no one will ever have the same scenario. Making it impossible to pass along information on how to complete each scenario." Rose explained. 

"If that is the case I hope all four of us can pass." Alicia wondered what was in store for her when she entered. The first test was a test of courage so it might have something to do with battle or it could be something completely different.

"Alicia what do I do if I fail!?" Starla suddenly pulled on Alicia's sleeve. Her eyes filled with worry.contemporary romance

Alicia turned and looked at Starla who appeared to be beyond nervous. She took Starla's hand and tried to console her. "Whether you fail or not does not matter. I will talk to my father and make sure you can stay by my side either way. But I have a feeling that you will pass with flying colors. So try your best!" 

Starla felt a bit of relief as she took a deep breath. "Your right. I will do my best! It's just that if I fail I have a feeling that your father will put me through some inhumane training that will most likely kill me. " This was the real reason for her nervousness!

Alicia let out a laugh but she did not deny it. King Augustus as Berlin, had put her through very tough training. But as she thought about it more there was one solid conclusion that Alicia was sure of. "Starla, I do not think it matters whether we pass or not. Father will definitely put us all through rigorous training no matter what the outcome is." 

This statement made the other three girls pale. They were lucky that King Augustus had finally allowed them to take their weights off. They could not imagine what they would need to wear next after the squire's test.

Time passed by quickly and it was finally Alicia's turn to enter the Illusion World. "Just stick your hand on to the Illusion World and it will bring you in." The young squire who stood to the side directed.

Alicia nodded her head and placed her hand on the Illusion world. The feeling in her hand was as if she was placing her hand on a round ball of gelatin. Her hand had only just touched the Illusion world for a few seconds when everything went white and she felt as if her whole body was being sucked into a vacuum. When she finally opened her eyes again. She found herself in an unfamiliar room.

Alicia looked around and saw that the room was quite dirty. All the wooden furniture was old and falling apart. Alicia sat up and felt a little strange. She suddenly felt that her line of sight seemed a bit higher. She looked down at her hands to find that they were much bigger than before. These hands showed no hint of using a sword for years on end. They were tanned, rough, and dirty, but they did not have a single callus in the right spot. These hands of hers did not have any sign of ever wielding a sword. Alicia looked down at herself to discover she was not even wearing the same clothes as before. When she entered the Illusion world she had on leather armor and metal plating. Now she was wearing a long dirty shirt that seemed to have been white at some point but now was grey.

The bed she laid on was made of straw that was covered by a thin sheet. So thin that the straw was poking through it. There was also a thin blank as well but it did little to keep one warm. What surprised Alicia the most was the two small bulges on her chest. This alone told Alicia that this was no longer her body. This point actually scared Alicia. As someone who had already died once, to suddenly find your body had changed once again was a scary thing. Because of this sudden change, Alicia's breathing became erratic. She quickly got out of bed and opened the window as she did her best to try to catch her breath. The cold air from outside pushed past Alicia's face somewhat calming her nerves. "Calm down Alicia this is just an illusion set up for the test!" Alica muttered to herself. She had never expected that the Illusion World would be so real to the point that it would make you a different person altogether.


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