Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 101: Illusion World

Alicia did not have to wait long before a knight in light leather armor with metal plating came to stand in front of everyone. They had a small stage for this knight in light armor to stand on built so that he could be seen by everyone present. Alicia was in a very good mood since she was getting to see all these different types of knights up close. With eyes shining she looked up on stage at waiting in anticipation. 

Clearing his throat the knight in light leather armor looked over everyone and began speaking. "Ahem… Today a lot of you have come to try your luck to make it into the top one hundred to become a squire. I wish we could allow all of you to join but if you do not pass you can always try your luck again next year. Our tests are not like normal testing. We do not test the same way the Adventurer's Guild does. Knights differ from Adventurers! Although as squires you will still work out of the Adventurer's Guild to gain experience, make some extra Cors, and some merits at the same time. But the main thing you want to gain is merits! Some of you might have already gained a few merits before you even registered today. Those merits are also counted towards the sum that is needed to be promoted to a Knight and assigned to an order. 

" Knights live by a code of honor! We have seven virtues that we live by! These virtues decide our decision making while out in the field! By following these virtues we have a better understanding of what our comrades are thinking! These virtues are Courage! Strength! No Mercy! Generosity! Justice! Nobility and lastly Hope! Can anyone here tell me what each of these seven virtues mean?" The knight in leather armor asked.

"Me!" A small angelic voice rang out from within the crowd. Alicia had her hand raised and was jumping up and down. Just this sight of this made the knight in light leather armor chuckle. 

"Alright, then Little Lady come on up and tell us what they mean." Pausing for a second a light flashed in his eyes as he continued: "For each one, you get wrong you will need to do one hundred pushups!"

Alicia paid no mind to what the knight said as she pushed her way through the crowd and made her way to the stage. "Excuse! Let me through please!" 

Alicia jumped up on stage and stood in front of everyone, her golden blonde hair swayed in the wind while her bright blue eyes gazed out over everyone present. She took a deep breath and began speaking. "Courage is to have the courage to charge into any dangerous situation! Even at the cost of your own life! 

"Strength to over power your foes and stand on top of those who try to do harm to your king, its land, and its people!

"No mercy to any of those who dare try to harm your king, its land, and its people! 

"Generosity to help the people of your land and assist if there is ever a need. 

"Justice to uphold the law of the land that is handed down by your king! To bring those to justice for committing crimes against your king, its land, and its people! 

"Nobility to become a role model for everyone around you. 

" Hope, In the eyes of the people of this land, knights are a shining star in the night during times of need. You are a symbol that the king has not abandoned its people." Alicia proudly stated her eyes sparkling as she spoke. 

"Haha! Little lady, you are good! Not a single mistake!" The knight in light leather armor said as he clapped his hands. 

"It was the first thing I memorized when I first learned to read and write!" Alicia stated. contemporary romance

"And it's a very good thing to memorize! As you heard the virtues the little lady just spoke of are what knights live by in order to maintain order and keep a clear state of mind no matter what the situation!" The knight in light armor explained. He then looked at Alicia and said: "You can go back down now. The first test will begin soon." 

Alicia nodded and trotted back to Starla and the rest. She was in an even better mood now that she got to recite those virtues out loud like that. Just hearing them made her body shiver with excitement. 

"The virtues that the little lady spoke of will be used throughout the tests. There are seven phases each phase will be graded on how well you reacted to the situation. If you fail one phase you fail the test altogether. Alright, I have said enough. The first test is the test of courage!" After finishing speaking, the knight in light armor nodded his head to a few people dressed in robes not too far away. 

These people in robes raised their staves to the sky and started to chant some kind of magic incantation. Intricate lines began to appear in the sky slowly forming into a massive magic circle. After a few minutes, a void seemed to open up in the sky and a large white object came out of it and floated down to the ground. Alicia stared wide eyed at the scene in front of her. She wondered what this white object was. It was milky white and round almost like a pearl you would see in a piece of jewelry. But it was massive about half the size of the training grounds. It slowly landed on the ground silently not even kicking up any dust as it did.

"This object is called the illusion world!"


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