Only vampire can love you forever (book 2)

Chapter 67 : TORTURE

Everyone was sitting in the hall right now, waiting for the shapeshifters to be transferred to a room so they could ask them some questions.

They were all worried, but they knew they had to wait to find out the truth, and they also wanted to stay together.

After what happened, Alyssa, Luna, and Juliet were terrified and refused to leave their mates alone for even a second.

"Sir, they have been transferred to the special cell," one of the royal guards said as he bowed slightly. They all stood up and followed the guard who led the way.

The guard came to a halt and bowed slightly before walking away, leaving them in the front of the gate.

"All right, I think it's best if Draco, Ronin, and I go inside while the rest of you go up and wait for us," Loukas said as Alyssa shook her head and held his arm.

Loukas sighed as he faced his partner and cupped her cheeks when Alyssa said, "I want to go with you."

"Look, babe, this is dangerous, and something came up, so Jace went solve it, and he won't be here to protect you if we can't, which is why you four walk up the stairs and sit on the chairs," Loukas said as Alyssa sighed and stared into his orbs.

"We know you care about us, which is why you don't want us to leave, but we care about you as well," Juliet said, hoping Ronin would agree.

As Juliet sighed and looked at Alexander, Ronin said, "We understand, and you will be able to see what is happening because it's all glass up there and you can look at us from above."

"I've never been there, so I don't know, but I'll go up and wait because Jace isn't here," Alexander explained as he smiled at Juliet, who nodded in agreement.

"Are you sure we can see you?" Luna questioned as Draco responded, "Yes, you can see us, but we can't see you, so the shape-shifters won't know you're around." Luna hummed.

"All right, I'll stay with Alex and we'll wait for you guys upstairs," Luna said, hugging Draco, who hugged her back.

"Don't we have any other options?" Juliet inquired as Alyssa hummed, adding, "I have a bad feeling about this, so let's discuss it and wait for Jace" while staring at her mate.

Luna approached Alexander as they stood near the stairs, staring at Juliet and Alyssa, who didn't want to leave their mates.

"Come on, you're going to be looking at us." Ronin tried to reason with Juliet, but she felt uneasy and didn't want her mate to leave her at all because she hoped he would agree as soon as possible. Juliet said, "Yes, but we won't be next to you," pouting as she hugged Ronin, who hugged her back, laughing.

"Isn't that better because the shape-shifters won't know you're around?" Draco asked, smiling at Juliet, who sighed and nodded, knowing Draco was correct.

"What if they do something else?" Alyssa inquired, and Loukas responded, "This time if anything happens, it will happen with you around so you can inform Jace," Alyssa hummed.

"Yeah, I agree with that," Alexander said, staring at Alyssa and Juliet, who sighed knowing they had no other option.

"Are you concerned, moon?" Draco inquired while holding Luna's hand, who shook her head.

Draco responded, "I don't know what he did, but I am glad you figured out that he isn't me," which made Luna smile.

Luna stood on tiptoe, cupping Draco's cheek and saying, "You love children as much as I do, and he was planning to use protection, and you never call me Luna. It's very rare when you do," Draco laughed nodding his head.

Draco despised the idea that the unknown shapeshifter had touched his mate and made her feel insecure, but he was relieved that Luna had figured him out before anything bad happened.

"Well, you got that right," Draco said, kissing the crown of Luna's head as she smiled at him.

"Fine, we'll keep an eye on you three from above," Alyssa said, smiling at Loukas, who smiled and said, "Good, and don't make any noise, okay?"

"We won't," Alyssa said as she let go of Loukas and went to Luna and Alexander's side, while Juliet did the same.

As Alyssa, Juliet, and Luna walked up the stairs with Alexander, they noticed a large sofa and sat on it, only to see the prisoners who were shapeshifters from above.

"Where has Jace gone?" Luna inquired, and Alexander replied, "I don't know, he was urgently called by Maya and Ruby," as he sighed, concerned.

Alyssa asked, "Why didn't you go?" Alexander held her hand and replied, "I wanted to go, but Jace said one of us should stay with you in case you need us," which made Alyssa smile.

"That is so thoughtful of you both," Juliet said as Alexander giggled and sat straight, staring at the shapeshifters.

Alyssa, Juliet, and Luna felt cared for because they knew Jace and Alexander would always be there for them no matter what.

"Do you know why Maya and Ruby called him?" Juliet inquired, and Alexander shrugged his shoulders, replying, "Must be something about Kim, Sam, and Amy."

"Yeah, it could be, but I hope it's not too bad." Luna spoke worriedly, and Alexander hummed in agreement because he, too, was worried.

"It could also be something about Nathanial because we felt this negative energy coming from the dungeon and I think he reported it to them because Ruby understands this energy better than we do," Alexander said, recalling the first time he felt so much negative energy in one go after transforming into a hybrid.

Juliet said, "Oh, look, Draco, Loukas, and Ronin have entered," as they looked at them, hoping for the best.

"We should now be quiet and listen," Alexander said as the girls nodded and stared at the shapeshifters, who were not afraid at all.

Luna, Alyssa, Juliet, and Alexander stared at the shapeshifters who were being tortured but they didn't respond or say anything.

"ANSWER, WHO SENT YOU?" Loukas yelled angrily as he burned one of the shapeshifters' hands, who said nothing and ignored the fact that his hand had been burned.

While glaring at them, Draco yelled, "YOU WILL PAY A BIG TIME IF YOU KEEP IGNORING US."

Ronin was irritated as he used his waterpower to try to drown the shapeshifter while his friends remained silent.

"How come they aren't saying anything?" Juliet asked, perplexed, as Alyssa shrugged her shoulders and replied, "I don't know, but I have a bad feeling about this," to which Juliet hummed in agreement. "Same here, but more importantly, look at Draco, he is struggling to transform into his vampire form or use power," Luna said worriedly, chewing her bottom lip nervously.

"That is correct, but why?" Alyssa inquired, to which Alexander replied, "Maybe he is feeling weak because they had inhibitor on them," as Alyssa hummed while nodding her head and staring at her furious mate.

"Yes, but Ronin and Loukas had it as well," Luna said, as Alexander chuckled and replied, "Oh, look, he's using his powers, but we can't see it because it's air," as Luna facepalmed and stared at her mate. "That is correct, but how do you know he is using his abilities?" Luna asked as she stared at Draco, perplexed.

"Look, those shapeshifters can't move because Jace's earth-powers are trapping them, just like when Ronin tried to drown them with water, Draco must have used his powers, which is why Ronin was only able to trap their face," Alexander replied as he smiled at Luna, who replied, "It kind of does make sense."

As they watched the shapeshifters being beaten up, Alyssa, Luna, Juliet, and Alexander remained silent.

They watched as Draco, Ronin, and Loukas punched them and even cut one of the shapeshifters' fingers, making them gasp as they closed their eyes and saw the shapeshifter scream in pain.

Juliet's tears streamed down her cheeks because she was the only one who couldn't see these things or deal with pain.

Juliet hugged Luna, burying her face in her chest, while Alyssa closed her eyes and covered her ears, blocking everything out.

Luna cast a glance at Alexander, who wore a poker face, before returning her gaze to the shapeshifters, who were crying in agony while Draco, Loukas, and Ronin yelled questions.

"WE KNOW WHO SENT YOU, SO FUCKING TELL US YOUR PLAN," Ronin yelled angrily as he punched the shapeshifter who had previously been with Juliet while Juliet stared at her mate.

Draco yelled, "TELL US OR WE WILL KILL YOU IN THE WORST WAY POSSIBLE AND SEND YOU BACK TO THEM!" as he squeezed one of the shapeshifters' throats, but Ronin drew Draco back as he shook his head.

"WE COMMAND YOU TO ANSWER US OR SUFFER," Loukas said as he smacked one of the shapeshifters across the face, causing him to hiss in pain.

"These shapeshifters are so annoying," Juliet muttered as Alyssa replied, "Yeah, just answer and you won't get hurt or die."

"I believe they would prefer to die." Luna chuckled as she looked at Alexander, who was hummed and giggled.

Alexander abruptly sat straight, which perplexed Luna, Alyssa, and Juliet, who saw him as puzzled and worried in a split second. "Jace," Alexander said quietly as he stood up, concerned, while Alyssa, Juliet, and Luna stared at him.

"Jace is attempting to connect with me," Alexander said as he looked around at his friends, who were staring back at him. "Maybe it's something important," Alyssa said as Luna hummed, adding, "Yeah, you should go and talk to him."

"He is in his wolf form," Alexander said as he opened his eyes, perplexing the girls.

"How do you know that?" Juliet asked, amazed, as Alexander giggled and replied, "I can feel it because he is my mate."

Alexander felt the connection once more as he closed his eyes and focused on Jace, then opened his eyes and felt Jace as if he were right next to him.

' clothes bring...' Jace spoke through mind-link as Alexander questioned back 'I'll bring your clothes, but are you all right?' He was worried, but he received no response. 'No... Stay with me...bring clothes quickly...important' Jace's voice cracked as Alexander didn't understand half of what Jace was saying but still replied, "Okay." Alexander was perplexed when the connection went down while he was calling out Jace's name a few times, but no response was received, leaving him perplexed. "Something happened," Alexander worriedly said as he sat back on the sofa, terrified.

"What?" Luna inquired. Is Jace all right?" As Alexander replied, "Yes, but I'll go talk to him," Luna hummed in agreement.

"Yeah, do that, and let us know if it's something important," Alyssa said, as Alexander nodded in agreement.

"I will, and I have to take his clothes to him, so I will go now," Alexander said, to which Juliet replied, "Yeah sure, but be careful," as Alexander nodded and stood up.

"I will stay safe and you guys make sure you three don't go anywhere and just stay here," Alexander sighed, concerned.

Alexander remembered how he should have stayed with the girls, but Jace was calling him, so he had no choice but to go to him.

"Okay so go now," Alyssa said as Alexander hummed as he walked towards the stairs.

Alexander smiled back at Juliet, Luna, and Alyssa as he carefully walked away to his room.

The room was dark, which worried Alexander when he saw two guards standing there, so he dashed over to them.

"Jace told me to tell you that you need to guard me," Alexander said as the guards bowed slightly.

"Yes, sir, where do you want to go?" The guard inquired, and Alexander responded, "I feel like someone is in my room."

"We will go check it out first," the guard said as he walked away, followed by the other guard.

Alexander hummed as he followed the guards who opened the door and turned on the light to find no one.

Alexander sighed as he quickly opened the cupboard and took out a boxer, trousers, and a t-shirt.

"Thank you, you may go do your work now," Alexander said as the guards nodded and walked away as Alexander dashed towards the main gate clutching Jace's clothes.

The guard opened the main gate for Alexander, who smiled and walked out of the castle quickly.

Alexander looked around when he noticed a wolf approaching him, and just by looking at him, he knew it was Jace.

The wolf came to a halt in front of Alexander as he changed into a human form.

Alexander stared at Jace, who quickly took the boxers from Alexander's grasp and put them on.

"What happened? What was the problem with the connection?" Alexander inquired as Jace wore the trousers.

"We need to get my cousins and their mates out of the castle right now. We need to evacuate this place as soon as possible," Jace said as he wore his shirt and held Alexander's hand.

"Why?" Alexander inquired. "Why are we evacuating this place?" Jace replied "That negative energy is dangerous and could kill the girls, and Ruby said we need to evacuate because she can't figure it out, but whatever it is, it is very dangerous," Alexander hummed understandingly.

Alexander hurriedly led Jace to the girls who were sitting on the sofa as they noticed Jace's heavy breathing.

"Are you both all right?" Luna questioned as she grabbed two water bottles and handed it to them as they drank the water quickly.

Jace spoke up. "We're okay for now, but not for long, so we need to get out of here quickly. I asked your mate's parents, and you will stay at their house for the time being," as Alexander quickly grabbed Juliet and Alyssa's hands and pulled them.

"Come on, we need to go now," Alexander said as Jace pulled Luna and they all ran after Alexander.

They all dashed towards the door, where Draco, Ronin, and Loukas were torturing the shapeshifters.

Draco, Loukas, and Ronin walked out with a poker face before Jace could open the door.

"Thank God, you're fine," Jace said as he hugged Draco, who hugged him back.

Jace let go of Draco and closed the door, saying, "We need to go now," while Alexander hummed while holding Jace's hand.

Luna pulled Draco's hand as she said, "Babe, we need to go now, so stop daydreaming."

Draco pushed Luna back, but Jace caught her before she could fall and hurt herself.

"What the hell, Draco? You almost hurt your mate" Jace said angrily as he glared at Draco, who glared back.

"Who exactly is she? She isn't my mate," Draco said as he took a step back, while Loukas and Ronin looked at Alyssa and Juliet, puzzled.

"She is Luna, your mate Draco," Jace said, pointing at Luna, who looked at Draco with concern, while Alexander said, "This is Alyssa, and she is your mate Loukas," while Loukas rolled his eyes at Jace and Alexander.

"While Juliet is your mate Ronin," Jace said, motioning to Juliet, who was worriedly holding Alexander's arm.

"What are you talking about, Jace?" Ronin inquired, while Loukas stated, "They aren't our mates," to which Draco agreed while adding, "We don't have mates," scaring and perplexing everyone.000☐☐☐

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