Only vampire can love you forever (book 2)


Loukas was concerned for Alyssa, not realizing that Alyssa had not realized the Loukas she was alone in her room with was a shapeshifter.

The shapeshifter held Alyssa's hand as he led her to her room and shut the door behind her.

They sat on the sofa as Alyssa said, "I miss the old days," as the shapeshifter stared at her and Alyssa stood up.

"We can make it like old times," the shapeshifter said as Alyssa looked at him and shook her head.

Alyssa sighed and rubbed her brow, saying, "We can't do that with all the problems that have been happening."

"If you want to do it with me, we can do anything." The shapeshifter said as Alyssa smiled and sighed.

"Come back to reality. You know better than I do that our family is in danger right now, and you always tell me not to make stupid mistakes." As the shapeshifter hummed, Alyssa said.

Alyssa sighed as she sat on the bed, motioning for the shapeshifter to join her.

The shapeshifter walked up to the bed and sat beside Alyssa, who held his hand.

Alyssa had no idea the Loukas in front of her wasn't her mate, but rather a shapeshifter.

"I am very concerned about what will happen next," Alyssa said as she rested her head on the shapeshifter's shoulder, who had been fully energized since he had rested.

"Don't worry, princess, because everything will end soon," the shapeshifter said as Alyssa giggled and hugged him.

"Trust me, everything will be over soon." The shapeshifter said as Alyssa let go of him and stared into his orbs.

Alyssa inquired "I believe you, but everything is irritating, so I think you know what to do next?" the shapeshifter hummed and replied, "No matter what, I'll be by your side." As Alyssa smiled happily. Alyssa said, "Let's go back to the human world if nothing happens," as the shapeshifter hummed while the door opened, startling Alyssa, who looked at Loukas, puzzled.

Two Loukas stood directly in front of her eyes, glaring at each other.

"Get away from him, Alyssa." Loukas, who was standing near the door, spoke as Alyssa looked at the Loukas she had just hugged, unsure of who to believe.

Alyssa stared at them, perplexed, and gulped, unsure what to do next, remembering what Luna had told her about two girls who were both Juliet standing in front of her, both knowing everything. "ALYSSA STAY AWAY FROM HIM!" Alexander yelled as he took deep breaths and Alyssa stepped back from all three of them.

The shapeshifter said, "Come on princess, both of them could be imposters as Alexander was supposed to be with Jace," as Alyssa nodded and shook her head.

"No, you always call Alexander, Alex, or Al," Alyssa said as the real Loukas hummed, nodding and smiling.

"Yes, but he isn't the real Alex, so why should I call him that?" As Alyssa groaned, the shapeshifter attempted to divert her attention.

"I AM THE REAL LOUKAS," Loukas declared as the shapeshifter yelled back. "NO, I AM THE REAL LOUKAS," which irritated Alyssa greatly.

Alyssa looked over at Alexander, who was hiding behind Loukas, who was standing next to the door.

"YOU'RE WITH MY MATE, GET LOST." The shapeshifter said as Alyssa raised her eyebrow at him when the real Loukas yelled "Alyssa is my girl, so stay away from her you two-faced bastard" Alyssa sighed, unsure what to say to both of them.

Loukas entered the room, followed by Alexander, who held the collar of the shapeshifter's shirt while the shapeshifter did the same to Loukas.

As Alyssa groaned and her gaze landed on Alexander, who looked scared.

Loukas glared at the shapeshifter, who returned his glare, both of them ready to fight.

"BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP AND LET GO OF EACH OTHER." Alyssa yelled, pointing to the sofa and saying, "SIT!" while both Loukas sat.

Alyssa sighed as she sat on the bed, knowing she needed to ask questions to confirm who her mate was.

"I'll ask a question, and both of you must answer without fighting," Alyssa said, as both of them nodded and listened.

"Okay, so who is more important, family or me?" Alyssa inquired, staring at them both for an answer.

Loukas, the shapeshifter on the left, responded, "You are the most important. You are the only one for me because you are my mate," Alyssa smiled as she turned her gaze to Loukas, who was with Alexander. "Family is more important than anything else. I'm not saying you're not important, but I know you always care about my family and your family, so for you family is more important, and you're my family, so I say, family." Alyssa hummed.

As she stared at both Loukas while Alexander sat next to the right one, Alyssa asked, "What was our relationship before mating?"

"We were friends, then you were my girlfriend, and now we are mates, but it took a long time to persuade you." the shapeshifter said as Alyssa looked at Loukas, who was holding Alexander's hand. Loukas said, "We were both enemies, I used to compete with you when I was sent to the human world to guard me until I have my vampire symptoms and powers." As Alyssa smiled.

The shapeshifter quickly reverted to his original form as he attempted to attack Alyssa, but Loukas used his firepower to pull him back.

"ARE YOU OKAY, GUYS?" Jace yelled as he saw Loukas, who punched the shapeshifter as he glared at him.

Jace quickly trapped the shapeshifter with his earth powers once more while Alexander hugged Alyssa.

"Alyssa, are you okay?" Jace inquired as Alyssa nodded and looked at Loukas, who smiled at her.

Alyssa inquired, "Are you guys really my family, or are you also one of the shapeshifters because I am tired of this?" As Alexander giggled and hugged her tightly.

"We are truly your family, and that is truly your mate," Alexander said as Alyssa let go of him and quickly hugged Loukas, who returned the hug.

"I'll take this one with the other shapeshifter, and you guys go to Luna and Draco right away," Jace said as Alexander nodded and ran away.

Jace pushed the shapeshifter towards the guard, who picked him up and carried him to the hall.

Jace joined the guards, while Loukas held Alyssa's hand as they both ran towards Luna and Draco's room, where they saw Alexander collide with Ronin and fall to the floor.

"Are you all right?" Ronin inquired as he assisted Alexander in standing up, to which Alexander replied, "You are like a wall," which made Juliet laugh.

"Guys, we need to go see Draco and Luna," Loukas reminded them as they all nodded and dashed to their room, hoping nothing bad would happen.

Everyone was concerned about Draco and Luna because they knew that, even though Draco never showed his emotions, he adored and cared for Luna.

They could all tell Draco would have been terrified and worried the entire night, and as a result, he could do anything to the shapeshifter because he despised the idea of anyone near his mate.


Luna walked into the room and sat the bed as the shapeshifter entered and closed the door.

The shapeshifter sat next to Luna, and Luna sighed as she looked at the shapeshifter, waiting for him to speak.

Luna had no idea the boy in front of her was a shapeshifter who appeared to be her mate right now.

"What exactly did you want to say?" Luna inquired, and the shapeshifter replied, "I am sorry princess, with all that is going on," which caused Luna to snort.

"Are you Draco, King of the Supernatural World apologizing for something so minor?" Luna laughed as she lightly punched the shapeshifter on the arm.

The shapeshifter said, "I thought you wanted me to say that," as Luna smiled and shook her head.

"I can't say I blame you, babe. "I'll never blame you for anything," Luna said as she smiled at the shapeshifter, who returned her smile.

"Luna, you have no idea how happy I am to hear this," the shapeshifter said as Luna stood up.

Luna leaned in front of the shapeshifter, cupping his cheeks and saying, "I remember well that you told me I am your mate so I belong to you and you belong to me that means we are not allowed to blame each other for something that has already happened" as the shapeshifter hummed and nodded.

"I am glad you are my mate Luna, and I hope you love me and be mine forever," the shapeshifter said as Luna stood straight and stared at him.

As the shapeshifter stood up, Luna said, "Silly, I am your mate, and that means I will be yours forever."

The shapeshifter drew Luna in for a hug, and her cheeks flushed as she returned the hug smiling.

Luna had no idea about the shapeshifter, so she carried on as usual.

"I love you, Queen Luna," the shapeshifter said as Luna giggled and replied, "I love you more Draco the dragon," as the shapeshifter hummed, not understanding why she said it because he had no idea it was Draco's nickname.

Luna let go of the shapeshifter when she noticed he had this confused expression on his face.

Because the shapeshifter had this poker face, Luna couldn't tell what he was feeling or thinking right now.

The shapeshifter picked Luna up while she squeaked and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"What are you doing, you moron?" Luna inquired, giggling, as the shapeshifter said, "Being with you Luna," as he gently threw her on the bed as Luna bounced.

The shapeshifter climbed on top of Luna, who averted her eyes and bit her bottom lip nervously.

"Draco, are you all right?" Luna inquired as the shapeshifter posing as Draco loosened his tie and began to open his shirt button.

The shapeshifter removed Luna's jacket as he saw her wearing a sleeveless shirt and shorts because she was at home and there were no clothing rules.

Luna flicked the shapeshifter's head and asked, "What are you doing at this time? It's noon, which means everyone is awake and they can call us," the shapeshifter smirked, shaking his head.

"No one will call us Luna," the shapeshifter said as he yanked Luna's hair back and kissed her neck before letting her go and staring at her.

Luna blushed and looked away as the shapeshifter took off his shirt and said, "You are so beautiful."

The shapeshifter removed his pants and was now only wearing his boxers, which made Luna feel embarrassed.

"Draco, you're not going to leave me, are you?" Luna inquired, staring at the shapeshifter for an answer, to which the shapeshifter replied, "Never." Luna smiled as she nodded happily and quickly kissed his cheek while he kissed her cheek back.

While pinning Luna's hands above her head, the shapeshifter kissed her ear and trailed butterfly kisses down to her neck.

Luna stared at the shapeshifter as he roughly pulled her hair while kissing her neck and sucking it, causing a moan to escape Luna's lips.

"Let's have some fun," the shapeshifter said as Luna nodded her head when she saw the shapeshifter let go of her hand to grab his pants.

As Luna looked at him puzzledly, the shapeshifter took out protection and sat on the bed.

"From where you got this?" Luna questioned as the shapeshifter replied, " I asked the butler last night to buy it, but I didn't use it because I got extremely tired, so let's use it now."

Luna was taken aback when she saw him wearing protection while sitting on the bed.

"Why? What is the point of using this?" Luna inquired, pointing to the protection, while the shapeshifter laughed and shook his head.

The shapeshifter tugged Luna's hair behind her ear as he said, "Luna, my queen, we might end up having a baby if we don't use this." As he went back to kissing her neck.

"Wait," Luna said as she pushed the shapeshifter who didn't move, adding "Stop wait" as he continued kissing her, which enraged Luna, so she yelled "WAIT" until the shapeshifter stopped kissing her neck. "What exactly is it, Luna?" The shapeshifter questioned as Luna rolled her eyes and picked up his pants and shirt.

Luna threw the shirt and pants on his face and yelled angrily, "OUT...GET OUT OF MY ROOM," as he stared at her, perplexed.

"Are you listening? I, queen Luna, command you to leave right now," Luna said as she stared at the shapeshifter who didn't move.

"How come you're saying this?" The shapeshifter inquired as Luna scoffed and crossed her arms across her chest.

"You can fool anyone, but you cannot fool me because my Draco would never use protection because he loves children and wants to have a lot with me," Luna said as she glared at the shapeshifter who was surprised.

Luna saw how the imposter wasn't getting off the bed and leaving the room, so she said, "You are an imposter, I command you to get lost and never return to my and Draco's room ever again" as the shapeshifter laughed.

"It's incredible how you figured me out." While Luna stared at him, the shapeshifter said as he stood up.

"I should have realized it sooner because Draco never calls me Luna, and thankfully I know he loves kids," Luna said as she motioned for the shapeshifter to leave her room.

"I will not be leaving so soon." The shapeshifter said as Luna replied, "You have no other option because if Draco finds out, he will kill you without even thinking twice," as she smirked and bravely stared into his eyes.

The shapeshifter grabbed Luna's hand and pushed her onto the bed, saying, "wow, I never knew you'd find out this soon," as he sat on top of her.

Luna struggled to break free as she kicked and punched the shapeshifter who kept dodging her moves.

"DRACO HELP ME...DRACO..." Luna yelled as she realized Draco was nowhere to be found, which enraged her because she knew the person in front of her was the cause of her mate's disappearance. Luna looked around to see if she could hit the shapeshifter with it, but nothing was there, making her terrified.

While Luna struggled to break free from his strong grip, the shapeshifter continued to kiss her.

Luna tried her hardest not to cry when she remembered Jace had told her to call him if she needed anything or was in trouble.

"JACE...JACE..." Luna yelled, hoping he heard her as she saw the shapeshifter take off his boxers, which Luna took advantage of by kicking his stomach as he fell from the bed.

Luna jumped to her feet and dashed towards the door when she noticed Draco's shirt on the sofa, which she grabbed and wore without buttoning.

"COME BACK HERE" The shapeshifter yelled angrily as Luna quickly unlocked the door and returned her gaze to the shapeshifter one last time.

Luna opened the door and took a step forward, only to collide with someone and stumble back, but she felt an arm wrap around her waist, pulling her back and making her stand straight. "Moon," Draco said as Luna quickly looked up while tears prickled her eyes as she tightly hugged him while trembling in his arms. Draco knew Luna had experienced something terrible, so he wrapped his arms around her as she burst into tears, terrified.

"I am here now, baby," Draco said, as Luna could tell it was her mate because only a few people knew her nickname was Moon.

Draco desired to transform into his vampire form, but he felt weak, so he used his air power to bring the shapeshifter forward as he held his throat and squeezed it.

The shapeshifter attempted to break free from Draco's grasp when Luna noticed the shapeshifter struggling to breathe so she quickly hugged Draco to calm him down. "Draco, we need answers, so don't kill him." Luna said as Draco let go of the shapeshifter, who fell to the floor as he took deep breaths.

Draco noticed Luna was frightened, and he didn't blame her because he knew she had been tricked by someone who looked like him.

"LUNA...DRACO" A yell from Alexander could be heard as he ran towards them, hugging both of them tightly.

"Are you both all right?" Alexander inquired, and Luna replied, "I am fine now," while holding Draco's hand.

Draco sighed as he kissed his Luna on the forehead while she smiled.

"I am here now," Draco said into Luna's ear, kissing her cheek as she nodded.

Jace used his earth powers to trap the last shapeshifter inside rocks so that only his face was visible while the guards took him to where the other shapeshifters were.

"You three can rest while I question these shapeshifters," Jace said as Alexander held Jace's hands.

"We all need answers, and it's better if we all stay close to each other," Loukas said, as Jace nodded understandingly.

They all went to the hall where the shape-shifters were hoping to get the answers they were looking for.☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐

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