Only vampire can love you forever (book 2)


Draco had brought Luna to the hospital, where she was taken to the emergency room by the nurses.

Draco's worried expression said it all: he just wanted to be with Luna, but he had no choice but to wait for the doctors' verdict.

As he saw Loukas and Ronin jogging towards the nurses with their mates in their arms, Draco rubbed his brow in frustration. When the nurses arrived, they made Alyssa and Juliet lay on the stretcher while they carried them away.

Ronin sat on the chair with Loukas next to him as they waited for the doctor, hoping that their mates would recover soon.

"Where is Luna?" Ronin inquired, worried, in a sad tone, as Draco sighed and pointed to the emergency room, Ronin's eyes widening because Alyssa and Juliet were only taken to have their wounds treated.

Draco stood up as the doctor exited the emergency room, holding a piece of paper in his hand, and Loukas and Ronin followed.

"Draco Allan," the doctor said, as Draco quickly walked over to the doctor and said, "Yeah, I am Draco," as the doctor nodded.

"Are you Mrs. Luna's mate?" The doctor inquired as Draco hummed, nodding his head and speaking, "Yeah, I am Luna's mate," while feeling uneasy.

"Is my mate all right?" Draco inquired, concerned, while Loukas rested his hand on Draco's shoulder to assure him that he was here for him.

"Your mate is safe because you brought her on time; if you were a little late, it would have been dangerous but she needs to rest to heal faster." the doctor said as Draco sighed, stumbling back and looking up at the ceiling, trying not to cry.

"Your mate is left with a few bruises and stitches that may take some time to heal so bed rest is important." the doctor said. I advise you not to use your powers on her because she needs to heal herself. After all, she will become a vampire one day, and I saw vampire symptoms in her." Draco sighed relievedly as he sat on the sofa, Ronin patting his back.

"Where is she now?" Loukas inquired, and the doctor replied, "For the time being, she's unconscious, but you can go see her after we transfer her to a room," Draco nodded his head as the doctor walked away.

"I'm relieved she's okay." Draco whispered relived when Draco's gaze landed on Alexander and Jace, who were running towards them.

"What happened to Luna, Alyssa, and Juliet?" Alexander inquired, concerned, as Loukas sighed and replied, "Alyssa is still inside, and the doctor said nothing about her," while Alexander nodded and glanced at Ronin.

"Same here, just waiting to hear from the doctor." Ronin spoke as Alexander frowned, glancing at Draco, who smiled and said, "The doctor said Luna is out of danger and they are transferring her to a room where we can meet her."

"Now we must wait for Alyssa and Juliet, and I am confident they will be fine." Jace said as Loukas and Ronin hummed in agreement.

"Loukas Allan?" A doctor said as Loukas rushed to him, followed by Alexander, Draco, Jace, and Ronin.

"Yes, I am Loukas." Loukas said as he stood in front of the doctor, who asked, "Are you Mrs. Alyssa's mate?" Loukas nodded.

"Yes, is she okay?" Loukas inquired. while the doctor smiled and replied, "Yes, she is doing great, but she needs to stay in bed for a while. Mrs. Alyssa needs to rest as much as possible, and you are welcome to visit her. She is in room 6," Loukas sighed with relief.

"Thank you so much, doctor." Loukas said while the doctor replied "You're welcome." as he walked away.

"You can go see Alyssa, and we will stay with Ronin and inform you," Jace said while Draco and Ronin agreed.

Alexander inquired, "Can I go see her as well?" Jace shook his head and replied, "I need to get your wound checked in a bit so stay with me," Alexander pouted and nodded.

Loukas hurriedly went to see his mate as Draco sighed, feeling uneasy because he wished to meet Luna soon.

"Is Katie all right?" Ronin inquired, and Jace responded, "Yeah, Cole took her to the hospital while uncle said he will cover all the fees, plus uncle and my dad are taking care of the kidnappers with the vampire and wolf guards for safety," as Draco and Ronin nodded.

"That's great because she was hurt because of me," Draco said as Jace shook his head and frowned at Draco, who shrugged.

"It is not your fault," Jace stated. It was planned, and we have no choice but to see where it all leads us, but we need to hold a meeting soon," Draco and Ronin agreed.

"Ronin Allan?" Ronin heard his name as he stood up and quickly approached the doctor who called his name.

"Yes, I am Ronin Allan and Juliet's my mate," Ronin said as he smiled at the doctor as she smiled back and glancing at the paper once more.

The doctor stated, "Mrs. Juliet is fine; she is hurt and needs some bed rest, but everything else is fine. She needs to rest as much as she can," Ronin hummed nodding understandingly.

"She was shocked and kept crying, so you should tell her that whatever happened is over." the doctor said as Ronin felt guilty while he nodded understandingly.

Draco inquired, "Doctor, can Ronin go see her?" The doctor smiled and replied, "Yes, he can, and she is in room 10," Ronin nodded and the doctor walked away.

"Go see her," Draco said, giving Ronin a push, and Ronin dashed to Room 10 to meet Juliet while Draco sighed.

Jace cast a glance at Draco, who had sat back on the chair while he waited, so Jace and Alexander sat next to him.

"Jace, Alex needs to get his wounds checked," Draco said, as Jace nodded but did not get up.

"I'll go later," Alexander said as Draco shook his head and turned around, cupping Alexander's cheek.

Draco said "You must go immediately, and I will inform you via mind link, just as Ronin informed Loukas that Juliet was fine," as Alexander and Jace hugged Draco.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine," Jace said as he let go of Draco and stood up, followed by Alexander.

Draco hummed as he watched Alexander and Jace walk away to the doctor while he sighed and waited.

After some time had passed, a nurse approached Draco and asked, "Are you Mrs. Luna's mate?" Draco quickly stood up as he nodded his head.

"You can go see her, and she is in room 8," while Draco happily nodded and quickly thanked the nurse before walking away to see his mate in room 8.

Draco entered room number 8 as he saw his mate laying on the bed with her eyes closed and many drips.

"I'm so sorry, baby," Draco said as he grabbed a chair and sat it next to the bed, holding Luna's hand and kissing it.

Draco gripped Luna's hand tightly and said, "I know you'll recover quickly because you're my strong mate. I believe in you and love you more than anyone else in the world," he said, laughing and shaking his head as he tucked her hair behind her ear.

Luna was still unconscious as Draco observed where she had her stitches and where she had been hurt so that he could hurt the kidnapper in the same place.

Staying at the hospital was permitted, so Draco knew he would stay no matter what because, for him, Luna came first, followed by his responsibilities.

Draco was well aware that he needed to consult with the doctor first, as he had no idea when Luna would wake up.

Luna slept peacefully as Draco rubbed her arm up and down while he waited for her while he stared at her face sadly.

Draco kissed Luna's forehead, cheek, lips, and neck lightly while whispering, "I will kill that kidnapper," as he groaned waiting for Luna to wake up and respond. Alexander and Jace walked up to Draco and stood behind him as they entered the room.

"She will be fine," Jace said as Draco sighed and nodded his head while Alexander spoke, "She is strong, so don't use your powers on her," as Draco nodded understandingly.

"I know, and I won't even though I want to because I'm worried about my mate. I adore her, and it always breaks my heart that I can't save her. She's been through a lot." Draco sighed and rubbed his forehead. "Hey, there is light in every darkness," Jace said, smiling at Draco, who chuckled and nodded.

"I know, but first I left her after that she suffered because of her abusive ex, then Eliot, and then she got pregnant," Draco explained. Luna lost her child because I was too late and had no powers. I was on the verge of going insane, but she saved me instead of me saving her. She lost her father, and whenever she finds happiness, something bad happens." Jace and Alexander sighed, sensing Draco's unease. Jace and Alexander exchanged glances as they realized they needed to leave Draco with Luna for a while so he could calm down.

"We'll go check on Alyssa and Juliet now," Alexander said, as Jace hummed in agreement and Draco nodded as Alexander and Jace exited room 8.

Jace and Alexander approached Alyssa and Loukas, who were chatting as they glanced at the door and smiled at Jace and Alexander.

"How are you doing, Alyssa?" Alexander inquired, and Alyssa responded, "It hurts all over," which made Alexander laugh.

"Obviously, it does, which is why you need to rest so you can recover quickly," Alexander said as Alyssa smiled and nodded her head while holding Alexander's hand, who smiled back.

Jace inquired, "How many days does she need to stay in the hospital?" as Loukas sighed as he responded, "1 day only so she can come back home tomorrow night." While Jace hummed understandingly.

"I think she should stay at our private house until she recovers," Jace said as Loukas nodded and thought for a moment.

Loukas replied, "I'll think about it, but I like that idea," as he was certain it was for the best because he wanted Alyssa to be safe. "How are Luna and Juliet?" Alyssa stuttered as she attempted to sit, but Loukas shook his head and made her lie down comfortably. Jace said, "Luna still hasn't woken up, and we'll go see Juliet after this." As Alyssa and Loukas nodded understandingly.

"All right, let us know about her condition later." Loukas expressed concern for Juliet and Luna because he cared about them.

Jace spoke up. "Sure, I will, but for now, Alyssa needs to rest, so we will go," he said, smiling at Loukas, who nodded.

Loukas' gaze landed on Alexander's arm as he inquired, "How is your wound Alex?" Alexander glanced at his wound and replied, "The doctor said to rest and gave me stitches but rest is okay," as Alyssa stared sadly at Alexander's wound.

"Well, after you see Juliet, go home and rest," Loukas said, as Jace nodded and replied, "I will take him home after we see Juliet."

Loukas spoke up. "Okay, and inform us about the kidnapper," Jace hummed while Alexander waved to Alyssa and Loukas.

Jace and Alexander exited the room and proceeded to the room where Juliet had been admitted, where they knocked and entered.

"Oh, hey guys," Ronin said, smiling at Alexander and Juliet, who both looked at Juliet.

Alexander spoke up. "How are you doing, Juliet?" as he stood next to Ronin, holding Juliet's hand.

"I-I'm doing fine. I-It hurts a lot, but I-I think I'll be fine soon." Juliet stuttered as Alexander smiled and said, "That's good to hear," making Juliet smile.

"You should get as much rest as possible." Jace spoke as Ronin hummed and replied, "Yeah, the doctor said I can take her home after one day, but they will still check."

"I offered it to Loukas, and I offer it to you, that you take Juliet to my private house until this whole situation is over and Juliet is fully recovered," Jace said as Ronin smiled.

"I like that offer, and I will accept it." Ronin said as Jace whispered, "Great," while he smiled.

Ronin knew Juliet would be safe in Jace and Alexander's private house, and she would be safe until she recovered.

"A-Are Luna and A-Alyssa all right?" Juliet inquired, concerned, as Alexander hummed and spoke, "Yeah, Alyssa is doing okay while Luna is still unconscious but she will wake up soon so don't worry," Juliet nodded smiling.

"How about your injury, Alex?" Ronin inquired as Juliet looked worriedly at Alexander, asking, "Does it hurt?" Alexander nodded his head.

"It hurts, but it's okay," Alexander said as Ronin smiled and responded, "Go home and rest," as Alexander nodded.

"Yeah, I'll take him home now, so call me if anything happens." Jace said as Ronin replied with a smile, "I will."

Jace and Alexander said their goodbyes and returned home, hoping Juliet, Alyssa, and Luna would recover as soon as possible.00000

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