Only vampire can love you forever (book 2)

Chapter 56 : RESCUE MISSION (PART 2)

Loukas, Draco, Jace, and Ronin were sitting on the floor, worried, because they had searched everywhere and still couldn't find Alyssa, Juliet, and Luna.

They had no idea what to do because every time they made a mistake, they received a note informing them that their mate had been wounded.

"I honestly have no idea where this fucker hid our mates," Loukas said, as Ronin hummed in agreement and replied, "We have checked everywhere and wasted so much time," Loukas nodded.

Loukas, Draco, and Ronin felt guilty for not believing the girls, and they knew that if they believed their mates and surrounded them with guards, this would never happen.

They knew they should have listened to their mates, particularly Loukas because Draco and Ronin did believe and try, but Loukas never did because he always believed in things he felt or saw.

"I don't like this one bit," Jace groaned, rubbing his face as he looked at his cousins and noticed Draco's eyes had changed.

"Are you all right, bro?" Draco hummed as he replied, "Just trying to talk with Luna but for some odd reason I can't talk through mind link," as Jace nodded understandingly.

"Shit, she's not responding at all." Draco groaned as Loukas and Ronin nodded in response since their mates weren't replying as well.

"Concentrate Loukas and come up with a plan. You always have a backup plan, and you are the master of plans, so think of something because I don't want Luna to have any more bad memories," Draco said, glaring at Loukas, who nodded understandingly.

A loud yell was heard as the boys looked at each other and ran towards the voice that belonged to Alexander as they entered to see him crying while holding his arm with a knife in it as the blood flowed. "Take him to the nurse," Draco yelled as Jace quickly picked up Alexander as they noticed Michael and Victoria fainted.

"We must move them to our private secure room." Loukas spoke as Draco quickly picked up his mother and led her to the secure room, while Loukas and Ronin did the same with their father. Draco, Loukas, and Ronin locked the door so no one could enter as they went to the nurse after seeing Alexander crying in pain as he was bandaged and the knife was pulled out.

"What happened?!?" Ronin inquired as Jace handed the note to Ronin, who gulped as he read it before quickly passing it to Loukas, who read it aloud.


Draco fell to his knees as he heard what Loukas read, and he was now worried because Luna was seriously injured, which meant she would die quickly due to blood loss.

"Luna," Loukas said quietly as he looked at Ronin, who was also concerned, and Jace, who had now picked Alexander up bridal style.

"He will stay with me." Jace spoke as Draco, Loukas, and Ronin agreed, knowing full well that Alexander would be safer if he stayed with Jace.

"THAT'S FUCKING IT, YOU ASSHOLE. I'M SURE YOU CAN HEAR ME. JUST WAIT AND SEE. IF ANYTHING HAPPENS TO LUNA, I WON'T GIVE A FUCK AND KILL YOU IN THE DEADLIEST WAY EVER... JUST BE READY CAUSE I WILL KILL YOU "Draco yelled as Loukas attempted to calm him down, and the next thing Loukas knew, Draco had transformed into his vampire form, surprising both Loukas and Ronin.

"Y-Your real vampire form" Ronin stuttered as he stared at Draco, who nodded, while Loukas and Ronin nodded, transforming into vampire form.

"Are you two idiots coming or not?" That knife would have been in Juliet or Alyssa's arm if Luna hadn't been so troublesome, but I don't mind because she's my wife, and troublesome is her middle name," Draco said, making Loukas and Ronin smile.

"Where would I hide them if I were the kidnapper?" Ronin inquired, and Loukas shrugged his shoulders and replied, "Somewhere no one would come, like the basement," to which Ronin nodded. "But we checked that place," Jace said, staring at his cousins as they exited the nurse's office.

Draco inquired, "We have only two basements in our castle, right?" Loukas nodded, as he remembered very well.

Alexander held Draco's shirt as Draco turned and looked at Alexander, concerned. Alexander stuttered out, "I-I think I know w-where they a-are," as Draco's eyes widened as he stared at Alexander. "Tell us" Loukas spoke as Alexander shook his head and hugged Jace tightly, whispering in his ear, "The kidnappers are listening to us, and if I tell them, they will hurt the girls, create a mind link," as Jace nodded as Draco, Ronin, and Loukas looked puzzled.

Jace spoke through the mind link 'Guys, we can't talk about this openly because the kidnappers might hurt your mates if they find out that we know where they hid them.' As the boys nodded in agreement. 'So, Alex, where are our mates?' Loukas questioned through the mind link while acting as if they weren't mind-linking.

Alexander said through mind link 'When I was hit, the knife came through the window, and I'm sure you saw the glass shards.' As Loukas nodded in remembrance.

'You're saying they're outside.' Ronin said via mind link as Alexander nodded and responded via mind link. 'They are attacking us from the windows,'

'That indicates that they are outside so let's attack and save our mates.' Draco spoke through mind link while Jace hummed agreeing as Draco prepared to attack, but Alexander once again held Draco's hand. 'They have powers, so they could be witches, or they could have temporary witches' powers, or they could be trained.' Alexander said through mind link as Draco replied, "We can attack them," as Alexander shook his head.

Only Jace, Draco, Loukas, and Ronin could hear whatever Alexander was saying through mind link that is why no one knew that they had figured out where the kidnappers and their mates were. 'We can't because they are at the rooftop waiting for you three, so we need to make a plan to divert their minds.' Alexander spoke through mind link as he stared at Draco, Loukas, and Ronin. 'That would be difficult,' Jace said through mind link as Alexander replied, 'but they know we will figure it out, so we need to make a plan,' Ronin nodded agreeing.

'I believe I have a plan, but Alex, we may need your assistance.' Loukas spoke as Draco and Jace exchanged worried glances.

'I am willing to do anything.' Alexander spoke through the mind link while Jace tightly hugged Alexander, all worried, making Loukas smile.

'Don't worry, all you have to do is stay in the safe room, wait for the signal, and stay connected with Jace only.' Loukas said through mind link, causing Jace to relax, as Ronin whispered, "Now let's start," and they all nodded, hoping the plan work.


Alyssa, Juliet, and Luna were in pain as they waited for Loukas, Ronin, and Draco to come to save them since the kidnappers had powers just like their mates.

Luna's hands were tied behind her back as her breathing became uneven and her eyes closed because she was seriously hurt.

Since the kidnapper figured out that Loukas, Ronin, and Draco knew where their mates were, Alyssa and Juliet's hands were tied behind their backs and they were crying while staring at the roof door. They couldn't go to Luna, who was in a lot of pain, because one man was holding Alyssa and the other was holding Juliet.

"Sorry Queen Alyssa, but it's your time to die," the kidnapper said as Alyssa yelled, trying to break free.

The kidnapper took the knife and dashed towards Alyssa, who closed her eyes when the roof door opened revealing Draco, Loukas, and Ronin.

"Let the girls go," Draco said angrily as the kidnapper laughed and whistled as Draco, Loukas, and Ronin were held down and forced to wear a necklace that made them weak as they fell on their knees and stared at Alyssa, Juliet, and Luna.

"Good thing you're here, king Loukas, because now you can see your mate die." The kidnapper laughed as he prepared to attack Alyssa when Luna appeared in front of her, taking the knife in her stomach as she gasped.

"NO LUNA," Juliet yelled as she collapsed to her knees, her breathing irregular because she couldn't process anything.

"NO, NO, NO, it's all my fault," Alyssa muttered as she watched the kidnapper pull the knife from Luna's stomach who stumbled back.

Luna's eyes landed on Draco as she tried to smile while she stared at him guilty as her eyes began to close as she fell from the roof.

"How come I didn't hear anything? there is no fuzz." One of the kidnappers laughed as the other agreed, saying, "Why isn't anyone shouting down there?" "How come I can't hear anyone?" while everyone else was laughing.

"This castle will be filled with cries in no time." The kidnapper laughed and shook his head, smirking at Alyssa and Juliet, who remained silent and stared at the kidnapper, terrified.

"IT WILL NOT BE US, BUT YOU WHO WILL CRY." THE kidnapper turned around as he saw Draco in his vampire form with Luna in his arms.

As Loukas punched the kidnapper who was holding Alyssa and Ronin punched the kidnapper who was holding Juliet, Draco yelled, "YOU'RE GONNA PAY A BIG TIME!"

The kidnappers were perplexed as they continued to stare at Draco, Loukas, and Ronin while returning their gaze to the boys who were also Draco, Loukas, and Ronin but were wearing necklaces to take away their powers.

"H-How?" The kidnapper was puzzled as Loukas smirked and said, "You are not the only one who can play games," as the roof door opened and all the guards stormed in, apprehending all the kidnappers. "How come there are two of you?" The kidnapper spoke as the boys wearing the necklace removed the ring and transformed into themselves.

The kidnapper noticed that he had made Jace, Cole, and Alex wear the necklace instead of Draco, Loukas, and Ronin.

"Shapeshift?" The kidnapper inquired, and Jace shook his head and replied, "My sister's mate is a witch, so she cast a spell that everyone would see me as Draco until I wear this ring, and everyone would see Alex as Loukas and Cole as Ronin" while laughing.

"I'll deal with you later." Draco spoke as he stroked her cheek as Luna opened her eyes.

"I'll take her to the hospital. Please take care of the rest of the stuff and make sure you just tie this fucker up and don't start the punishment just yet "Draco spoke as he quickly used his powers and dashed down the road, ordering a butler to drive them to the hospital.

"LET US GO" The kidnapper yelled as he stared at Loukas and Ronin, who had picked up their mates as they went to the hospital, while Jace smirked as he grabbed one of the kidnappers. While laughing, Jace said, "We're lucky that my sister's mate is a witch, and she cast a spell for us," making sure the kidnapper didn't flee.

"But how?" said the kidnapper. We were looking for you four," he said, confused and angry as he tried to break free.

"King Jace, may I also join you when you are causing harm to them to obtain the answers? They harmed my mate, and I want to hurt them." Cole spoke, trying to be polite since he was angry at kidnappers who hurt his mate.

Jace responded, "Obviously you can, and I will personally find out which one hurt your mate, and you can torture that person or whatever, and thank you for helping us," as he smiled at Cole, who replied, "No problem, and thank you," as Jace hummed.

With the help of all the guards and warriors, Jace, Alexander, and Michael imprisoned the kidnappers.

"It was a little scary because I couldn't use my powers, but it was fun to see your reaction when you found out you got me instead of Draco," Jace said as he leaned against the jail door. Alexander hugged Jace as he snuggled in his chest, while Jace bent down and pecked Alexander's neck while sadly looking at Alexander's arm.

"You will all pay for this because the battle had only just begun," the kidnapper laughed, prompting Jace to sigh and respond, "I think it had ended for you all because Draco, Loukas, and Ronin won't let you live" as he picked up Alexander and walked out of the dungeon.

Alexander noticed Jace's worried expression as he said, "My arm hurt, can you please take me to the hospital and I want to see if Luna, Alyssa, and Juliet are, okay?" Jace nodded and walked out of the castle taking Alexander to the hospital.

Jace was certain that the people who tried to harm them were all now in jail, but he was still concerned about what would happen because this time the rescue mission was successful and they were only slightly harmed, but what worried Jace the most was what would happen if they were attacked again.☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐

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