Once Upon A Rejection

Part 2 Chapter 21

Molly Morgan’s POV

My mates rushed me through the remaining corridors of the hospital and out into the cool night air. There was nobody out on the streets and my mind was already drifting to all the dirty things we could do together.

“We will be back home in no time.” Grayson held me close in an attempt to keep my calm but it wasn’t working. I could feel Scarlett and Jade’s desire to run in the forest, they were fighting me for control but I knew better than to give in. I knew it would end up as more than a run and almost being caught once was enough for one evening.

‘Oh come on, I have been looking forward to Talen getting his claws into me.” Scarlett then sent me a mental image of her and Talen together in their lycan forms. My wolf was purring in appreciation of Scarlett’s suggestion because they were both kinky as hell. When I said I wanted to experiment, this wasn’t exactly what I had in mind.

Sensing my discomfort Talen gripped me tighter, sandwiching me securely between himself and Grayson. They had both been a lot more protective over me since my heat hit. In the past I would have found their constant need to be pressed against me difficult to deal with after years of having nobody looking after me. Now everything was different, I had two mates and I loved every ounce of the attention they were giving me.

They kept their arms around me for the rest of the walk and I could feel my excitement rising with every step we took. I had another exam tomorrow afternoon but I had a feeling that I wasn’t going to be getting much sleep for the rest of the night. Not that I was complaining.

Scarlett and Jade were sending me constant dirty images and I could feel my heat picking up once again. I wanted to try something different but I just wasn’t sure what. We were walking down the hallway to our room when I had a sudden brain wave.

“Tonight I don’t want you to both focus all of your energy on me. I want to watch you pleasure each other as well.” I said, looking between the two of them. I could feel Grayson’s arousal even though he looked a little shy as he leaned in to bury his face into my neck. Talen didn’t seem fazed at all, he just smiled at me as he replied.

“Your wish is my command.” Sending chills down my spine. He kissed my cheek as we walked into our room and came face to face with Grayson’s father. Judging from the look on his face I was pretty sure that he had heard exactly what I had said but thankfully he didn’t say a word about it.

“I know you have just got back but I need to talk to you about what you learnt.” He was mostly addressing Talen but he glanced briefly at Grayson who still hadn’t removed his face from my neck. His embarrassment and his arousal mixing together in a confusing knot. He sat down on the edge of our bed and pulled me into his lap while Talen answered alpha Ward.

“Of course, what do you want to know?” Talen asked.

“Your father gave me the list of packs that we need to contact. I will start contacting them first thing tomorrow but what he didn’t tell me was what they were actually planning to do.” Alpha Ward replied.

I didn’t know Talen’s father very well, I spoke to him over breakfast this morning but that was about it. Even so I had a good idea what he was like. He was emotionally distant and he had the stern outlook on life that comes from a life of fighting numerous wars. He had lost his mate many years ago after a friend betrayed him and it had left him unable to trust anyone.

“They are planning to ambush the meeting as we suspected. They were planning to kill everyone who came along with all of Finn’s pack.” Talen responded. I inhaled sharply. There were so many werewolves in that pack, so many innocent wolves who had done nothing wrong and so many children. They would kill them over some ridiculous fear that had no basis in fact.

The needless loss of life wasn’t the only thing we had to prevent. Killing so many would force the werewolves to retaliate and that would be disastrous for everyone. It could even be enough to shatter the fragile peace between lycans and werewolves and lead to yet another war.

“How would you suggest we deal with this?” Alpha Ward asked. I am sure this was difficult for him. An alpha never enjoys asking for assistance from others, even those of an equal or higher rank than them. Talen and his father may have had a lot more experience of war than alpha Ward but that wouldn’t make it any easier.

“We can’t wait until the meeting to make our move. I know the man who is behind this and they likely have the whole pack wired to blow up.” Talen said before stopping abruptly. He looked as though he was deep in thought, there was definitely something bothering him, I didn’t know if it was just the impending battle or if there was something else.

“I think the best move would be to attack them tomorrow night when most of them will be asleep.” Talen concluded.

“It will be difficult but I should be able to get everything organised by then.” Alpha Ward replied before turning to leave the room. Something was still bothering me, it didn’t feel like we had all the information we needed.

“Who is the man in charge?” I asked. Everyone in the room abruptly turned to look at me. My heart rate increased and I got a sick feeling in my stomach. Maybe I shouldn’t have said anything. I didn’t know anything about war, maybe it didn’t matter who our adversary was. I looked down to the floor. I was biting into my bottom l*p, a nervous habit that I had thought I had shaken a long time ago.

Talen sat down on the bed beside me and Grayson. He leaned in towards me stroking my back softly. He placed a chaste k**s on my cheek as he tried to comfort me.

“That was a good question, I should have mentioned that. His name is Vaughn and he is my ex’s brother.” Talen gave me an apologetic look before continuing.

“He was one of my father’s enforcers until he took an extended leave of absence after his mate was killed in the last war. He hasn’t been the same since then, he has become cold and vicious.” Talen told us.

That wasn’t too unusual, losing a mate changed you. If you didn’t have a good support system then you could lose your mind or sometimes even your life. It was one of the many reasons that werewolves lived in packs, the pack helped to keep each of us sane. What worried me more was the mention of the last war.

“Was his mate killed by a werewolf?” I asked.

“Yes. She wasn’t feeling well so she stayed at home while he went to fight the werewolves attacking their town. When he got back she was dead, as was the pup that they didn’t even know she was carrying.” Talen said.

“That’s awful,” I mumbled. Talen shuffled closer to me and wrapped his arms around me. His embrace was comforting and seductive but there was one more thing that needed to be said.

“We have to tell the council,” I said. Grayson growled, he was still annoyed with the council for making him grovel after the way they treated me.

“We don’t need their help,” he growled.

“Of course we don’t but I think this guy is trying to start another war.” I replied.

Alpha Ward’s eyes widened as he thought about my words. The actions of a few lycans acting against hybrids wouldn’t be enough to start a war between lycans and werewolves. Killing a numerous alphas and betas while also wiping out a whole pack probably would be. The packs who’s alphas got wiped out would demand revenge and the peace that we had all spent years trying to maintain would be at an end.

“I will contact them immediately,” Alpha Ward replied. He gave me a smile before walking out of our room, closing the door behind him.

“Now where were we?” Talen said huskily in my ear while Grayson’s hands started to explore my curves.

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