Once Upon A Rejection

Part 2 Chapter 19

Molly Morgan’s POV

It took the doctors hours to finally stabilise Ellie. They managed to find a lycan among Talen’s warriors who was a universal donor. The healing enzymes in his b***d helped her body heal enough to accept the change. The difference was obvious almost as soon as the transfusion started. Her b***d pressure and heart rate returned to normal and she stopped whining in her sleep.

Even given her improved state she continued to sleep for the next few hours. After a while the doctors and nurses left the room, only coming back in every so often to see how things were progressing. They thought that she was out of danger now but they had no idea how long she would sleep for.

Hayden had gone back to laying on the bed next to Ellie as she slept. I told him that it was a bad idea on more than one occasion but he didn’t listen to me and I was sick of trying to warn him. More fool him, she was a black belt in karate before he gave her super strength.

“How long do you think it will be before she wakes up?” June asked. I could tell that she felt awkward asking about such things but I was glad she did, Even though I was half lycan I felt as though I knew almost nothing about them. I had tried asking Scarlett questions about it but she was still heavily under the influence of my heat and she was less than helpful.

“It’s hard to say, I have only seen two humans successfully transition into lycans. One of them took a couple of hours, the other one took almost a day.” Talen replied. I had been pacing the space beside Ellie’s bed for the last few hours but his words made me pause in my tracks. I didn’t like the way he said ‘sucsessfully’ as though he had seen others that were not so successful. Just thinking of that made me worried.

Sensing my discomfort both Talen and Grayson rushed to my side and embraced me. Feeling their arms around me gave me an instant sense of calm that was almost impossible to resist. I leaned backwards into their arms and took a few deep breaths.

“I know this is scary but she is in good hands.” Talen said, his lips only centimetres away from my ear. I nodded my head in agreement as I leaned deeper into their embrace. My heat wasn’t as bad as it was before but I still needed them both badly. If I wasn’t so worried about Ellie then I would have dragged them back to our room hours ago.

“Maybe you should take a break, we will let you know if anything happens,” Ezra suggested. I know he was only offering because he was worried that my heat would cause my lycan or wolf to take over again. I was more than willing to take advantage of that though, who knows how long it would be before she woke up. Maybe working off some of this excess energy was exactly what I needed right now.

“That sounds good, I could do with a bit of a rest,” I replied.

‘Rest is the last thing I need,’ Scarlett purred.

Ellie mumbled and stirred slightly in her sleep. Everyone in the room looked in her direction. This was the first noise that she had made since the doctors had managed to stabilise her condition. We all started inching closer to the bed, barely breathing as we slowly moved towards her. Hayden ran his fingers through her hair and spoke to her.

“Come back to me baby,” he whispered. Ellie g*****d and stirred for a few more seconds before opening her eyes. She was pretty out of it but she certainly recognised Hayden. She gave him a stern look then started trying to push him away from her. Hayden was having none of it though. His hands were still bound but he threw his arms over her and held her tightly to stop her from struggling.

“Baby please stop this, you are going to hurt yourself.” He shouted, the concern was clear in his voice but this only seemed to upset Ellie more.

“Get your fricking hands off me.” Ellie shouted. She had stopped struggling but the look in her eye told me she was far from done with him. Hayden noticed that she was no longer struggling, a smile crossed his face as he looked at her.

“I’m never letting you go, you are my princess and we will be together forever.” He whispered looking lovingly in her eyes.

Ellie laughed then headbutted him. He instantly let go of her so he could check on the damage she had done to his face but that was a mistake. She used her arms and her legs to push him away from her until he fell out of bed and landed on the floor with a grunt.

“You tried to kill me you d**k and you think I am just going to forget that?” She screamed at him. Hayden turned to look at her. There was b***d dripping out of his nose and down his face but he made no move to pull himself off the floor or clean the b***d from his face. He just looked at her as though his heart was shattering into a million pieces.

“I imagine that I am going to have a lot of work to do to make this up to you.” He said. Ellie shook her head.

“It doesn’t work like that. I am not some computer, you can’t just erase what you did to me and pretend it didn’t happen.” She growled. Hayden slowly got to his feet. He looked at her with such longing. I could tell he was fighting the desire to take her into his arms and hold her close.

“I know you are worried but it will all work out in the end trust me,” he said. He sat down on the edge of the bed beside Ellie and held out his hand towards her. Ellie looked at his hand, she was probably already feeling drawn to him even though she wanted to fight it so badly.

“Is there anything I can do about this?” Ellie asked, waving her hand over the mark Hayden had left on her neck and looking around the room at each of us.

“Normally no, once you are marked by your mate it is forever but this might be different. He isn’t your mate and he marked you without consent. There might be a way to get the goddess to remove your mark.” Talen said. Hayden glanced over his shoulder at Talen and growled. If he wasn’t still restrained then I am sure he would have tried to rip Talen’s throat out.

“She is mine,” Hayden growled.

“This is ridiculous,” Ellie replied. She rolled her eyes and started trying to extract herself from layers of covers, pulling at her IV’s as she tried to remove them. Hayden grabbed hold of her arms to stop her from hurting herself. Ellie looked at him and let out a low warning growl.

“At least let a doctor check you over before we leave.” Hayden said as he ran his fingers along her arms. Ellie opened her mouth to object but decided against it.

“I will go find a doctor.” I told them before quickly leaving the room. The sooner I could get Ellie out of here and into a room of her own the better. She needed time to think and Hayden wasn’t letting her have any space. As far as he was concerned Ellie was his mate now and he wanted to be touching her constantly. He didn’t seem to understand that was precisely the opposite of what she wanted right now.

The corridors of the hospital were deserted. It was late in the evening and most of the visitors had gone home hours ago but there should still have been doctors and nurses walking around. I searched for a few minutes before calling out.

A few seconds later a young male doctor came around the corner to see what was going on. He must have just been starting his shift, he still had his jacket on over the top of his uniform. I filled him in on what was going on as we walked together back to Ellie’s room. He opened the door to the room then froze.

“Mine.” He said as his eyes locked with Ellie’s. I guess the moon goddess thought that Ellie deserved better than to be stuck with Hayden for the rest of her life.

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