Once Upon A Rejection

Chapter 52

Grayson and I sat down at the table without answering Talen’s question but I am sure that the smile on Grayson’s face said everything Talen needed to know. I glanced over at Talen, he was smiling in my direction. When his eyes caught mine, his grin got wider and I could almost see the hope in his eyes.

I gave him an awkward smile then turned away. I found it difficult to even look at him after what Scarlett had done to him earlier. He had seen a lot more of me that I had intended, even the thought of it was making me blush.

I had purposefully chosen a seat at the opposite side of the table from Talen. I wanted to minimise my embarrassment but he wasn’t going to let me get away that easily. He stood up and walked around the table. He bent over and kissed the top of my head before taking the empty seat next to me.

I shifted awkwardly in my seat. I didn’t feel comfortable with Talen so close to me but I was also sure that it was going to be the least awkward thing that was going to happen to me today.

“Now that you have finally seen fit to join us we can get started.” One of the council members said.

He was looking at the three of us with complete disdain. I didn’t understand his hatred towards me. In the time he had been here he had only said a handful of words to me, it wasn’t enough to have formed such a strong opinion of me.

I glanced around at the rest of the council members. They were all wearing equally disgusted faces. I looked at each one of them in turn trying to work out what I could have done to upset them this much.

‘I think they are just jealous that you are stronger than they have ever been. I don’t think their ego can cope.’ Jade suggested.

“We have been looking through all the information that we have about you and the pack and we have made our decision.” One of the council members said.

“We have decided not to grant your request to become an alpha female.” he continued.

Grayson and Talen tensed up on either side of me. I could tell that both of them were only moments away from losing their temper. I on the other hand wasn’t annoyed, I was disappointed although not particularly surprised.

“What are your reasons?” Grayson asked, barely managing to hide his annoyance. I could see his jaw tensing as he tried to hold back his harsher comments.

“We think that she is a strong wolf and she has a lot of attributes that we would look for in an alpha.” The council member said, talking as though I wasn’t in the room with them.

Now I was getting annoyed. I was right here and they were talking about me as though I was some kind of object. Scarlett wanted to rip his throat out for disrespecting us.

“The problem is that I have searched all her family history. There is not a single member of her family that has any alpha b***d so we can’t let her be an alpha. I am sorry.” The council member continued.

“That is bullshit and you know it.” Talen snarled.

He stood up and slammed his hands into the table. His eyes had changed colour and he looked as though he was getting ready to rip the council members throat out. I knew that I should probably do something to calm him down before this turned into a bloodbath but I wanted answers as much as he did. I would let this continue for a little while longer but then I had to stop him.

“You should be careful how you speak to us.” One of the other council members said.

“Screw that. Molly might not have any alphas in her family but she is from a very powerful lycan family. She is stronger and more powerful than all of you put together. You should be grateful to have her on your side but instead you sit here and disrespect her.” Talen growled.

His nails were starting to elongate and turn into claws, digging into the table in front of him. His eyes had completely changed colour indicating that his lycan was in control now. Lycans had a reputation for being unpredictable and dangerous, I had to do something quickly, this was starting to get out of hand.

I stood up next to him and placed my hand on his arm. His reaction was instant. The tension in his muscles dissipated and he withdrew his claws. He turned his attention towards me, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me into his body.

“Mine.” He growled possessively.

Part of me wanted to deny it but it was never a good idea to argue with an angry lycan. Instead I nodded my head in agreement with him. He gripped me tighter, burying his face into my neck and breathing deeply of my scent.

“This is the reason you can’t trust lycans. They are aggressive creatures with no class.” Said one of the council members.

“I can’t believe you even thought a half bread would be worthy of the title of alpha.” Said another. I held Talen tightly, I knew I was the only thing standing in the way of complete chaos at this moment. If I let go of him, he was likely to lose control.

Talen however seemed almost unaware of what was going on around us. He was now kissing my neck and pressing his body against mine firmly.

“I think you need to leave.” Grayson growled.

Oh no, not him as well. If he is going to lose it I am going to end up in the middle of a man sandwich.

‘It isn’t quite how I imagined it but I will take it for now.’ Scarlett said.

“Yes I guess the meeting is over.” One of the council members said, they all started getting to their feet.

“That is not what he meant. I think you should leave our pack. You have disrespected our future luna and that is not something that we can overlook.” Grayson’s dad said.

“Are you throwing us out of the pack?” One of them asked.

“It looks like we are. You have until the end of the day to pack and leave.” Grayson’s dad replied, the expression on his face left no room for argument.

Over the next couple of minutes everyone left the room but Talen kept holding me tightly. As the door closed I felt Grayson come up behind me and placed his hands on my h**s.

“Thank-you for not pushing me away. I was a little out of control.” Talen said.

“I did notice, I was worried that you were going to kill all of them.” I said, letting out a nervous laugh.

He instantly removed his lips from my neck and took a step away from me. The hurt was clear on his face.

“Why do you hate me so much? You are my mate but you only let me touch you because you were trying to avoid a fight. What have I done to deserve this?” Talen asked.

“You are right. I haven’t been fair to you and I am sorry about that. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?” I asked, hoping that I wouldn’t regret asking him that.

“Ideally I would want you to stop fighting our bond and accept it but I know that would be asking a lot. I would settle for you letting me take you out on a date tonight.” He said.

“Ok.” I replied quickly, not giving myself time to overthink things.

“What, really?” Talen asked, a huge smile forming on his face.

“Yes.” I said.

I still didn’t know how I felt about him or having two mates but it was only fair to get to know him a bit before deciding what I was going to do. A date seemed like a perfect way of doing that. We would be in public together so there was less chance of Scarlett taking over and giving him a strip tease of something equally embarrassing.

“That is great. I will meet you near the entrance at 6pm.” He said.

He leaned forward and kissed me on the cheek before walking out of the room with a spring in his step.

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