Once Upon A Rejection

Chapter 42

The dinner that Grayson had suggested earlier ended up being some kind of triple date with Carly, Leyton, Ezra, June, Grayson and I. They all made their way to our house then we walked down to the restaurant together. It was a pleasant evening and it wasn’t a long walk.

Leyton wanted to go somewhere posh but the rest of us overruled him. There was only one really posh restaurant in town and it was usually full of people on dates or celebrating some kind of occasion. It wasn’t really the kind of place you went to for a relaxing evening.

The place that we ended up going to had a laid back atmosphere. It was a small family owned restaurant that mostly served Italian food. There wasn’t an available table big enough for all of us but the owner was more than happy to push a couple of tables together for the future alpha.

It only took them a few minutes to rearrange the tables and take our orders. They were so quick that the waitress came back to the table with our drinks before we had fully settled into our seats.

“Wow, they are really efficient in this place. It usually takes me ages to get served.” June said.

“Just one of the perks of being in the company of the next alpha.” Leyton said.

“I will have to remember that trick.” June said, giggling.

I heard someone tuting from across the room. I looked in the direction of the sound. There was a woman sitting a few tables away from us, staring at us with annoyance.

I recognised her but only vaguely. She was at school with me but not in my year, she might have been in Ezra’s year. I think that she might even have been one of the popular group that Ezra hung around with but I couldn’t be sure. I had always tried my best to avoid them.

I was sure that Ezra would know exactly who she was if I asked him but I didn’t want to draw his attention to her. Him and June were facing away from this woman and they seemed to be blissfully unaware of her foul attitude.

I could hear Ezra telling June that he would make sure that she never had to wait so long for food. He had his arm wrapped around her waist and he was smiling at her sweetly. This was driving the woman absolutely crazy. She looked as though she wanted to kill someone.

‘Do you know who the woman sitting a few tables behind Ezra is?’ I mindlinked Grayson.

‘Yes, unfortunately. She is one of Ezra’s friends but they have dated a few times.’ Grayson said.

‘That would explain why she looks like she wants to kill June, she must really care for him.’ I replied.

‘Not really, she just wants power. She tried to get me to sleep with her more times than I could count.’ Grayson mindlinked me.

‘Kill her, kill her now.’ Jade growled. She was pushing her way forward, trying to take control so she could make this woman pay for trying to touch our mate.

‘We should do it but not here where there are witnesses. Wait till later. You kill her and I will hide the body.’ Scarlett added.

I closed my eyes and started to breathe deeply. I needed to get control over my beasts before they did anything stupid. It was hard work though because I wanted to hurt the woman as much as they did right now.

“Are you ok?” Ezra asked.

I nodded my head but I didn’t open my eyes. I was sure that if I did then they would see that I wasn’t fully in control. My eyes were probably flickering between three different colours as I fought to regain control.

‘Molly calm down, I didn’t lay a finger on her and I didn’t let her touch me.’ Grayson mindlinked me.

He ran his fingers down my arm. I could feel his touch gently relaxing me. I leaned into him and breathed in his scent. I could feel my wolf and my lycan retreating, leaving me more in control. I opened my eyes. Everyone around the table was looking at me with concern in their eyes.

“What was that about?” Ezra asked.

“Nothing, I am just feeling a bit emotional at the moment.” I replied.

“Oh is it because of that heat thing that Grayson’s mom was talking about this morning?” June asked.

The whole restaurant was suddenly silent and everyone’s eyes were on me. This is fricking great..

I know that June hadn’t done it on purpose but that didn’t make me feel better. She had inadvertently let every wolf in the whole place know that I was about to go into heat. Every single one of them knew exactly what that meant, I was mortified.

‘Why? It is a natural thing you know.’ Jade said.

That may be true but things were different for a luna. There would be all these expectionations. Everyone in the pack would be talking about it and looking for any signs that I could be pregnant. The thought of that made me feel uncomfortable.

I could hear the conversations around the room picking up again. They were all talking about me and Grayson, some of them were making jokes whereas others were already talking about our future kids.

Grayson could feel my tension, he wrapped his arms around and kissed my cheek. I appreciated him comforting me but it seemed to make the people around us talk more. I could feel the heat rushing to my cheeks, I needed to get away for a few minutes.

I stood up and rushed to the bathroom. I could hear someone following me but I didn’t stop or turn around to see who it was. I rushed to the closest sink and started splashing water over my face.

“Are you ok?” June asked.

“Yes, I am fine. I just didn’t expect the whole pack to be so interested in my heat.” I replied.

“I am sorry I didn’t realise that people would react like that.” June replied, looking embarrassed.

“I forgive you.” I said, hugging my friend. How could I be angry with her? She hadn’t said it to hurt me.

I heard the door to the bathroom open and someone walk in. I let go of June and spun around in the direction of the sound. It was the woman who was staring at us in the restaurant before. She was standing near the doorway staring at June.

“Well look what we have here, Ezra’s new s*x toy.” She said.

June was annoyed. I could see it in her eyes but she didn’t say or do anything.

“I don’t care what you think you are to him. He will be begging me for s*x within a week, he always comes back to me.” The woman said.

June laughed so hard that she was almost in hysterics.

“What is wrong with you?” The woman said, the shock was clear in her voice.

“I just think it is hilarious that you are standing there insulting me and you haven’t even realised that you were only being used for s*x.” June said between fits of giggles.

“That is not true. Ezra loves me and he will make me his chosen mate.” She said.

“You don’t honestly believe that do you?” June asked.

The woman looked at her, she didn’t know how to respond. I think she had realised that June was human and had expected her not to argue back.

“Oh you do. I am sorry to burst your bubble but he never had any intention of making you his chosen mate. He just saw you as an easy target when he didn’t have anyone else. One day you will learn that it doesn’t matter what a guy says, only the way he treats you. Ezra used you and threw you away like you were garbage so that must be exactly what he thinks of you.” June said, shrugging her shoulders.

The woman must have seen the truth behind June’s words because she started walking towards her with her fists clenched. I stepped between the two of them.

“Get out of my way.” The woman shouted.

“I know that you weren’t planning on hitting a human because if you were then I would have no choice other than to arrest you.” I said.

We had very strict rules on hurting humans in our pack. We were not allowed to start a fight with a human. If we were pulled into a fight then the fight had to be ended with the lowest level violence possible. As much as I would have loved to see this woman spend a night in the dungeons, I wasn’t letting her get anywhere near my friend.

The woman let out a shriek of frustration then stomped out of the bathroom. As soon as she was out of sight June burst out laughing again.

“You handled that a lot better than I would have.” I said.

“When my ex dumped me all I did was cry. It made me feel so pathetic, I promised myself that I wouldn’t let anyone make me feel like that again.” June said.

“Anyway, we should go back. I want to give Ezra a piece of my mind.” June said before stalking out of the bathroom.

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