Once Upon A Rejection

Chapter 30

After we finished eating we walked June back to her dorm and went back to the hotel. I could tell that Ezra was really struggling with the guilt of leaving June alone. He was worried that the strange lycan woman would use her to get to me. The thought has crossed my mind too but I thought it was unlikely. Grayson agreed with me, much to Ezra’s dismay.

“How do you feel about Ezra and June?” Grayson asked once we were alone in our room.

He was looking at me as though he was genuinely concerned. He knew what Ezra had put me through and my subsequent feelings towards him so he had reason for his concern.

“I’m not sure. I want what is best for June but I am not sure if that is Ezra.” I replied.

“I know that Ezra is a bit of an a*s but if June is as strong willed as you said maybe this could be a good thing.” He said

I gave him a critical look. How could it possibly be a good thing to have my best friend mated to a womanising a*s?

“Maybe she can keep him in line and teach him to be a better person.” He said.

“What is June going to get out of this transaction?” I asked.

To me it seemed as though she was getting a pretty rough deal. Ezra was the one getting all of the benefits.

“He will love her for the rest of his life. From what I know about humans, not many of them get that.” Grayson said.

I nodded my head in agreement.

As much as I was uncomfortable with the idea of June having to put up with my half brother, I couldn’t deny that he would always be devoted to her. June had craved this kind of love for as long as I had known her. As long as they could get past the initial pain, they could be happy together.

“Maybe you’re right.” I said.

“Great, now let me cheer you up.” He said.

He closed the distance between us in two long strides. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me towards him. I let out a soft m**n but I slipped out of his arms and stepped away from him.

“Not so fast, you said I could do whatever I wanted to you tonight.” I said.

“I did.” He agreed. I smiled, I was going to enjoy this.

“Take off your clothes and lay down on the bed.” I commanded.

I watched as Grayson slowly removed his clothes. I could feel my arousal increasing as I watched him. I waited until he was laid on the bed before I reluctantly turned my attention away from him. I walked over to the bag that I had brought over from my dorm room.

I took out my handcuffs and walked over towards the bed with them hidden behind my back. I lifted Grayson’s hands above his head and handcuffed him to the headboard. Grayson let out a seductive growl.

“You know I could easily break out of these.” He said.

“I know you could but you won’t. I am in control now so you will do exactly as I say.” I said.

I got up and walked away from the bed. I stood at the other side of the room so he could see me clearly. I took my clothes off very slowly, watching Grayson as I did so. His arousal was obvious and his e******n was only one part of it.

He was holding onto the bars of the bed frame, trying to restrain himself from snapping the handcuffs. He was nibbling on his lower l*p lightly as he focused all his attention on me. That combined with the look of l**t in his eyes aroused me further.

I walked over to the bed and climbed on top of him. I pressed my lips against his, holding my body a few centimetres above his body. He thrust his h**s upwards, desperate for the feelings of his body against mine. I pulled away from him.

“Naughty.” I said.

He growled in frustration but stopped struggling to reach me.

I leaned forward and kissed his neck. I slowly made my way down his body. I watched his facial expressions as I kissed him. I took his n****e into my mouth, lightly nibbling on it. Grayson g*****d.

I continued to k**s and lick my way down his perfectly sculpted body. I ran my fingers lightly along his h**s as I ran my tongue over the tip of his e******n. He moved his h**s towards me and I pulled away again.

“You are such a tease.” He said, his voice heavy with l**t.

“No, but if you want more you will have to beg.” I said.

“Please take me sweetheart, I want to see you ride me.” He said. His voice was so husky it sent chills down my spine.

“I am not sure if you are desperate enough yet.” I teased.

“I want to be inside you more than anything.” He said. The growl in his voice was driving me mad with l**t. I had to have him.

I straddled him, positioning him at my entrance. I slowly lowered myself, taking him inside of me. He g*****d. I moved up and down, slowly grinding my h**s into him. Grayson stayed completely still even though I could tell he wanted more than anything to take charge.

I m****d as I felt fiction against my most sensitive spot sending waves of pleasure through me. I thrust my h**s faster and faster as I felt my o****m building.

“Oh goddess.” I screamed.

My back arched as wave after wave of pure bliss passed through me.

I suddenly felt Grayson’s hands on me. He pulled my body close until my o****m subsided then he flipped me onto my back. He started to thrust into me hard, grunting with every thrust. It felt so amazing and I could feel the pressure building in my lower stomach once more.

I reached my second o****m at the same time as Grayson. He thrust into my hard, filling me with his seed and pushing me over the edge. He laid on top of me for a few seconds as we both enjoyed the aftershocks of our o*****s before he rolled off me.

He lay next to me, looking at me softly, his fingers tracing the outline of my curves. The handcuffs were still attached to his wrists but no longer connected to each other.

“I think I might need to buy you some sturdier handcuffs.” Grayson said. His cheeks had a slight pink tint to them, I wasn’t sure if that was from embarrassment or from the exertion.

“I will hold you to that.” I said.

I couldn’t deny that a part of me had really enjoyed having an alpha wolf completely under my control. I couldn’t wait to try this again with sturdier tools.

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