Once Upon A Rejection

Chapter 29

Ezra’s face was a picture, he was completely in awe of June. She had changed and she was now dressed up in a cute knee length dress and heels. She had even put some make-up on.

“You look amazing.” Ezra said.

He walked over to June, leaving me and Grayson standing by the car. He put his hands on June’s waist and leaned forward, trying to k**s her. June stepped backwards. She stepped out of Ezra’s arms and put her hands out in front of her creating distance between them.

“Watch the make-up.” She said.

“I am sorry.” Ezra said.

He was bushing slightly. He reached his hand out towards her and took hold of her hand. June looked shocked at first but she quickly relaxed when she realised that he wasn’t going to try to k**s her again.

Ezra looked so happy to have her by his side, I hadn’t seen him like this before. He looked as though he had already fallen deeply in love. If you had asked me yesterday I would have said that he wasn’t capable of such devotion.

“What would you like to eat sweetheart?” Grayson asked me.

“Burgers.” I said.

“Oh I know the perfect place. Kevin took me to this new place this weekend and the food was delicious.” June said.

Ezra growled. Everyone’s eyes shot in his direction.

“You’re strange.” June said with a giggle.

Grayson and I let out the breath that we were subconsciously holding in. Ezra was going to have to learn to control his emotions better. June is human, she isn’t going to understand his possessiveness.

June showed us the way to the restaurant, it was only a short walk away. As we walked we talked. Kevin was one of the guys from a class that I didn’t share with her. I know that she’d had a crush on him since we started college but most of that time one or both of them had been in a relationship.

From the sounds of it they had met each other on Friday night at the event which she had wanted Grayson and I to go to. They had spent the evening talking and then met up yesterday for food.

It sounded as though it wasn’t really a date but Ezra wasn’t happy. I could tell just from looking at him that he was struggling to keep his calm. I think that the only thing that was keeping him from hunting down Kevin was June’s hand in his.

“We had a great meal but I don’t think I want to see him again.” June said.

“Why?” I asked. Ezra threw a look my way. I shouldn’t be enjoying this so much but I thought of it as payback. Exactly how many times had he teased me in the past?

“It was mainly the way he talked about his ex’s. I got the impression that he saw women as more of a commodity than a companion.” She said.

“That sounds terrible.” Grayson said.

He winked at me when June wasn’t looking. He knew Ezra’s reputation as well as I did and he was enjoying making him uncomfortable.

“I know right. I am fine with people doing whatever they want but I really don’t want to date someone like that.” She said.

“What would you do if you were dating someone and you found out they were like that?” I asked.

“I don’t know. I want to find my soulmate and I don’t think my soulmate would treat people that way. I am not sure someone like that would be worth my time.” She said.

I glanced at Ezra. He looked like his heart had been broken in two. I actually felt sorry for him.

“What if he had learnt from his mistakes and changed?” Ezra asked, his voice filled with pain and panic.

June looked at Ezra. I could hear Ezra’s heart skip a beat as June made eye contact with him.

“That is the problem though isn’t it? If someone lies and cheats to get what they want, how can you ever be certain that they aren’t doing that to you too?” June asked.

“I don’t know.” He said.

June smiled at him, she looked at him as though he understood her. I felt sorry for both of them. I knew that June would eventually find out about Ezra’s past and that would lead to pain for both of them.

When we got to the restaurant June went to the bathroom while the rest of us found a table to sit out. We chose a nice quiet booth in the corner of the restaurant. Ezra looked uncomfortable as the waitress took our order, he waited for her to leave then turned his attention towards me.

“You have to help me.” Ezra said. I could see the desperation in his eyes as he looked at me.

“What do you want me to do?” I asked.

“I want you to make sure she knows I am not a monster, I want her to give me a chance.” He said.

“I can’t do that for you. I can ask her to look past your flaws but in the end you need to prove to her that you have changed.” I said.

When June came back from the bathroom she sat down next to Ezra. She glanced in his direction and smiled. I know her well enough to know that she liked Ezra but she was holding herself back. I could understand her hesitation.

“So why are you here?” June asked.

“My dad was worried about Molly.” Ezra replied.

I cringed. We probably should have spent some time coming up with a better excuse before we came here. We couldn’t exactly tell her the real reason, perhaps I should be glad that he didn’t start talking about packs and alphas.

June scowled.

“Really? What is he going to do next? Maybe he will lock you in a tower or something.” June said, her annoyance was clear.

“He is a little overprotective but if he wasn’t I wouldn’t have had the chance to meet you.” Ezra said.

“I guess.” June said, her cheeks were starting to turn pink. I couldn’t tell if it was because of the attention or if it was because she secretly liked Ezra.

Ezra shuffled in his seat, getting a bit closer to June. He was smiling sweetly at her. June tried to pretend that she hadn’t noticed what he was doing. She glanced over her shoulder, pretending to check if the waitress was coming.

“What does your girlfriend think of you being away?” June asked.

“I am sure if I had a girlfriend she would miss me.” Ezra replied.

June nodded her head and gave the worst impression of someone who wasn’t interested in the answer I have ever seen. She turned away so Ezra couldn’t see the smile that appeared on her face.

“I would really like to have a girlfriend though, I was just looking for the right woman.” He said.

June shifted in her seat uncomfortably.

“Where are these burgers?” June asked, glancing over her shoulder again. I could hear her tapping her foot, something she only did when she was very stressed.

“Do you believe in love at first sight?” Ezra asked.

Annoyance flashed across June’s face. I wasn’t sure what it was about what Ezra said that had annoyed her but she was definitely annoyed.

“That sounds like the kind of pick up line I hear all the time.” She said, tucking her long blonde hair behind her ear. Oh no. Ezra was in trouble now.

‘This could be interesting.’ Scarlett said.

‘Interesting? It is going to be a disaster.’ Jade said. Although I could feel that she was secretly enjoying this just as much as scarlett was.

“It’s not a pick up line.” Ezra protested but he may as well not have bothered. June was on a roll and nothing was going to stop her.

“Exactly how many women have you used that particular line on?” June asked.

I cringed. I had seen that look on June’s face before and it didn’t end well for the guy on the receiving end.

“I haven’t said that to anyone else, you have to believe me.” Ezra begged, I could hear the desperation creeping into his voice and see the sadness in his eyes.

“I am sure that is what you tell every single one of them.” June spat.

Ezra was about to respond when the waitress walked over with our food. She could sense the tension at the table, she quickly placed the plates of food in front of us then made herself scarce. Her arrival was enough to halt the argument between Ezra and June but it wasn’t enough to diffuse the tension.

Ezra desperately wanted to make June understand how much he cared for her. June wanted desperately to teach Ezra a lesson for the way he spoke to her. I think that Ezra had been planning to ask June to be his girlfriend when he started that line of questioning but it had backfired big time.

It took most of the meal before the tension fully dissipated and things started to return to normal. Ezra didn’t dare to try asking June out again but as we waited for dessert he reached his hand out towards her and she put her hand on top of his.

I could tell that she was already starting to feel the effects of the bond. Even though the bond wouldn’t be fully active for a few months, it was a powerful force. They were destined to be together, it was difficult to resist that feeling. They would eventually be happy together as long as June could forgive Ezra for his past.

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