Once Rejected Now Desired By The Lycan King by Beauticent

Once Rejected Now Desired By The Lycan King Chapter 14

 Chapter 14 


I followed Ethan’s order and went into my room to pack my luggage. It didn’t take a while to finish packing since I didn’t have many things here anyway. I went back downstairs to meet Ethan where he was already waiting. 

He ordered the maids to clear the house and one of them rushed over to my side to carry my luggage into the car. 

“Are you ready?” Ethan asked, and I nodded. 

“Good. Let’s get going.” He led the way into his car and I followed behind him gently. I was still a bit angry about what he did to the Red Moon pack, but knowing that he went that far for me made me feel like a hypocrite. 

Ethan and I sat down in the back seat, as his driver drove us to his pack. This was the first time I’d be going to the Northern pack in my entire life, and I can’t help but admire the night view, as I stare out through the window. 

I could feel Ethan’s gaze on my body the entire time, but I ignored that. As much as I wanted. to thank him for taking my side which no one ever did, I can’t ignore the fact that he left thousands of people homeless, and made me leave innocent kids behind whose only hope was my presence. 

I didn’t think I had the power to save them or anything, but if hope was all they needed to stay strong, I was willing to give them that much, but Ethan ruined everything with his anger. 

“You might want to take a nap because it will take a while before we get there,” he spoke coldly beside me, and I felt the urge to ignore him. I had my gaze fixed on the window but soon, my eyes began to feel heavy and I finally gave in to nature. 

I felt Ethan’s hands wrapped around my head carefully, making sure not to wake me up, as he placed my neck on his shoulder. He was warm and I felt safe with him beside me, but I was hoping he could have a soft place for others too. Moreover, he saved me out of his good heart to 


“Sleeping Beauty, Ethan whispered in my ear, as he tapped me lightly to wake me up. “We are home, Beth,” he said, and I opened and blinked my eyes continuously until I could finally make sense of what we were saying. 

I don’t know how I got to his legs, but I slept quite peacefully. I sat up immediately and looked around through the window. Everywhere was glowing. 

Chapter 14 

“C’mon, let’s get you inside,” Ethan said as he got out of the car. I waited for a few more minutes until the door to my side was opened. 

Ethan left his hands in the air for me to take, and I held it for support, as I got out of the car. I finally got to have a proper view of the pack and my mouth was left ajar from the sight. 

It was beautiful–what surprised me even more was the way people lined up to welcome. their Alpha. I don’t know if it was traditional or something they do to show respect, but it made me feel like I wasn’t worthy of standing next to Ethan. The people practically worshipped the land he walked on. 

Before me stood a huge mansion. This is probably the biggest building I have ever seen in my life. Probably? Heck, this had to be the biggest building I have ever seen. Back in the Red Moon pack, Darren’s pack was the biggest and it was not even half the size of this one. 

The entire house was covered up with glass and I could see my reflection from every corner I turned to. It felt as if I was constantly under a watch, and I wondered if that was something I should be bothered about. 

The guards are stationed at different corners of the place and there is something about this place that screams Royalty! Luxury, and power, weighed down in the air and all I could do was look around the whole place in awe. 

“Welcome back, Lycan king,” a bunch of old men which I assumed to be the pack’s elders gathered together in a straight line, more as if they were lining up according to their importance. Ethan had the same straight look on his face. He didn’t look surprised or a bit fazed to see what was happening. 

“Thank you, my elders,” he answered them coldly and I wondered if this is how things work here. Everyone looked a bit uptight, or am I imagining things? 

“I believe you must have kept things in place while I was away with my Betta. Well done,” he said, and they nodded. 

“I bet you must be tired

I followed the maids upstairs and was immediately welcomed into a grand room. “The Lycan king would like you to wear this,” another maid came in shortly after with a beautiful dress in her hands. 

I don’t know what Ethan was planning, but I followed his order and wore the dress without. any questioning. The maids led me back to Ethan, and I was surprised to see the room filled with crowds. 

What is going on? 

“It’s a good thing you are here,” Ethan flashed me a smile for a split second, before signalling for me to come over. I went to meet him instinctively, and we stood by the stairs, looking down on everyone. 


“I am sure all of you are curious to know who this woman is,” Ethan announced, and I admired how much respect he commanded. “This woman standing next to me is Beth, mate,” he announced. “And I would advise everyone to accord her the same respect as me. Treat her with love and respect because, with time, she will be the Luna of this pack.” 

I was expecting everyone to throw me a glare or send me some disgusting look. I was used to it at the Red Moon pack, but things seem to be different here. They welcomed me with a beautiful smile, contrary to what I was expecting. 

“Welcome to the Dragon Fire Pack,” Ethan turned over to me, and I immediately felt at 


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