Oh My, I Messed Up the Story

Chapter 107: Are You Here To Mock Me?

Rosenia tried to stay out of her quarters as much as she possibly could but it was difficult to get away. Sigmund was there watching her every move and would pitch a fit if she tried to leave without permission.

As afraid of him as she was, she was also disgusted. This fool hadn't been smart enough to keep his title and blamed his mistakes on everyone else. He was no better than an animal at this point.

More than anything she wanted to go home but she would be disgraced forever and shunted to a hidden part of the palace, never to see the light of day again. Rogan may have favored her over all their other siblings but that did not mean he was kind.

If she strained diplomatic relations between their closest ally because she could not handle her husband's temper Rowenhilde would be in trouble. Rogan would not let that go unpunished.

So she kept her predicament a secret and hid in the gardens as often as she could. They were beautiful with all of the buds in full summer bloom.

Rosenia dreaded everyone coming back to the capital for fall court and the debutante ball. They would all see how far she had fallen. Sigmund was sulking like a child and likely would not even show his face at such an important event for the royal family. contemporary romance

All because of a demotion! He was still a prince; he needed to act like one.

She sighed. This was not the way she had wanted her life to turn out at all. She would much rather be married to a prince of less importance somewhere else if it meant she was treated well.

She had paid a heavy price for her greed. Now she was trapped. Divorce was not an option; marriages were a life sentence unless she wanted to be forever shamed.

No. It was better to be a princess and have a small chance of living in the light than be locked away forever back in Rowenhilde. Rosenia told herself that over and over yet it did not make her burden any easier to bear.

Sometimes during her turns about the garden she would spot Alpheus and his wife heading to the stables. They were always laughing, smiling, or holding hands. It made her heart ache but it also made her furious.

How dare this insignificant wretch who had been an enemy since the beginning live so happily when they had both been married off into this palace? What was so special about her anyway?

Alpheus had no power and no real claim to the throne but he and his wife were happy. Rosenia realized that their kind of marriage was the kind she should have sought all along and it only increased her bitterness.

The rare occasions she saw Mariela were even worse. She was the queen with a husband that adored her, if not to the same extent that Alpheus adored Katie, and her future was perfectly secure. The future that Rosenia should have had.

The woman was maddeningly serene about it all too. Could she stop acting condescending for five minutes? Everyone knew she had stolen Rosenia's place. There was no use gloating!

One morning she fell ill in the gardens and a passing servant fetched the chief royal physician for her. He took her pulse and congratulated her for being with child.

She burst into hysterical laughter when he left. If only this had happened a few months ago; everything would be different. She wondered how her raging beast of a husband would react to the news at this point.

Probably with his usual levels of anger, thinking along the same lines as she was. If only, if only, if only…

Her laughter turned to tears as she thought about her upcoming confinement. She would be in bed for the next seven months. If Sigmund continued moping around in their quarters it would be a nightmare.

She was still crying when someone approached her and held out a handkerchief. Katie. Rosenia was mortified at the thought of being caught at such an un-princessly moment by this woman of all people.

"Are you here to mock me?" she asked sourly.

Katie sat down on the bench next to her. "No. I'm the kind of person who doesn't think crying should be done alone."

They sat in silence for a few moments before she spoke up again. "I know we've never exactly been friends but I'm worried about you, Rosenia. We've all seen the bruises and I can't keep quiet about it anymore. What Sigmund is doing to you is wrong.

"Out in the country things are a bit different. I realize you feel trapped because he's your husband but you don't have to be. There is a way out of this. You can leave him and go home. Wouldn't you like that?"

Rosenia blinked at her stupidly. How would that be possible? She was stuck with him until death did they part. Katie may be a simple daughter of an earl but even she would know this.

"I am not sure what you are implying. I do not want to be executed for treason."

She smiled in a way that made chills run down Rosenia's spine. "There is more than one way to get rid of someone. All you would have to do is tell me what he's up to. If my suspicions are correct, sooner or later he will be the one executed for treason. Then you can go home without causing any trouble for Rowenhilde."


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