Oh My, I Messed Up the Story

Chapter 106: You Had One Job

Rosenia McLeod's world had come crashing down around her and she didn't know how to handle it at all. As a child she knew what was expected of her—being a princess of Rowenhilde meant she would inevitably be married off to some foreign dignitary or other for political reasons.

When she was seven, she watched her fourteen-year-old sister get shipped off to the barbaric southern nation of Idaris to become the king's seventh concubine in horror. Dealing with an entire harem of women sounded like hell on earth to her.

Rosenia was determined to be different. She became her oldest brother Rogan's pet, showering him with adoration in the hopes that he would plead her case with their father when the time came for her to marry.

Her plan worked perfectly. The king passed away when she was thirteen and Rogan took the throne. Since they were close, he asked her what she wanted out of a political marriage before allowing suitors to approach. contemporary romance

"I wish to live a life of luxury where I bow down to no one," she said boldly. "Preferably with someone less than twice my age who will leave me alone most of the time."

He laughed at her wishes. "Is that so? You ask for much, baby sister. I shall see what I can do."

It took two years of rejecting potential suitors before he found one who fit most of her requirements. He had done an exchange year at Calabaster Academy when Prince Sigmund of Annalaias attended there.

Sigmund was four years younger but their paths had crossed. He certainly left an impression, showing the perfect amount of flattery and deference without coming across as weak even though they shared the same title.

Rogan had thought that he ought to keep an eye on that one but never considered him as a marriage candidate for his sister until Sigmund approached him first. He wanted to secure a stronger alliance with Annalaias's closest neighbor in exchange for his sister's hand, saying he would do anything to make that happen.

He was only six years older than Rosenia, handsome, and would be the future king of Annalaias. She could not possibly live a more luxurious life than one as queen. Sigmund accepted the conditions Rogan laid out and Rosenia became the crown princess of Annalaias a year later.

She had loved her life here. The finest jewels, dresses, and pastries were hers for the taking. Sigmund never cared what she was up to and she hardly had to see him at all, which had been more than he could have hoped for.

That is, right up until Catherine du Pont showed up in the castle. That woman was the harbinger of her doom.

Sigmund was determined to have her political mind (boring) and tried to make her get involved when the girl got close to Mariela. Rosenia was not a servant for him to command. One attempt was more than enough for her, thank you.

But then Mariela got pregnant and everything began crumbling around her. Her position was suddenly under threat. She did her best to ignore the rumors, wanting to believe that the child would be female and couldn't affect the succession.

Sigmund got far more irritable as time went on and the few occasions she was forced to see him were even more unpleasant than usual. He kept trying to push her for an heir, which she knew she would have to provide eventually in exchange for her title, but these things couldn't be rushed.

He came to her every night and wasn't the slightest bit gentle. But it was a fruitless endeavor. She did not get pregnant.

The king died and Sigmund wasn't immediately able to replace him. The nobles wanted to wait and see if the second prince's child was a boy. Even though it was a fifty-fifty chance, he flew into a rage like nothing Rosenia had ever seen.

She had never cared for her husband much but at least she hadn't been afraid of him until then. Things only got worse when the child was determined to be a boy and Franz was crowned king. They lost everything.

Sigmund lost the role he had been trained for his entire life to his younger brother and Rosenia lost the title and respect she had craved. Even worse, she had lost her sense of safety here.

"This is entirely your fault! You had one job, Rosenia, one! And you could not deliver. You are completely useless," he roared as he smashed vases around their chambers.

Moving an inch would spell certain doom so she stayed perfectly still. Not that she could move anyway. She was frozen in terror, legitimately fearing for her life.

The worst part was that this was at least partially her fault. If she had not been so determined to enjoy life on her own terms and fulfilled her wifely duty more often earlier on she would have been the first to bear a son and Franz never would have had a chance.

As it was now, Sigmund was second in line for the throne after the infant crown prince and would likely never become king. Franz was young and healthy and that baby had his entire life ahead of him.

Weeks passed like this. She tried appealing to the dowager queen to make her control her son but she shook her head helplessly.

"I am sorry, my dear. Sigmund has always been like that when he is upset. There is nothing I can do to help you but offer my favorite bruise cream. The chief physician is quite familiar with it."

The way she said it made Rosenia think that the late king had been cut from the same cloth. Rosenia wanted to weep. Franz doted on his wife and that idiot Alpheus followed his wife around like a puppy.

Of course she would be the only one who ended up with a man who did not care for her at all. It had been naïve of her to think she could have a good life with someone who did not love her.

Marrying someone who adored her should have been the top priority on the list she gave Rogan. Unfortunately, it was far too late to change that now.


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