Not Rejected Just Unwanted

Chapter 6


I didn't sleep long before I was woken by from Elijah in our mind link. UGH! I was too tired to understand what he said the first time. Whatever. If it was important someone would come and get me. I let out a tired sigh before turning to look at Raine. Her bruises were almost gone and her lip was closing up which was good. Hopefully, her ribs were healing just as well. A few strands of her dark brown hair had fallen into her face, so I gently tucked them behind her ear. All of a sudden my door slammed open and Elijah stormed in.

"Jonat-" he started before he spotted Raine. "What the hell is this?!"

"Shhh! She needs to sleep so she can heal!" I whisper yelled as Raine started stirring, burying herself deeper into me.

Elijah's eyes were switching between brown and black as he was trying to control his wolf. I remembered that he and I needed to talk. I carefully moved Raine so I could get out of bed. Once I was successful I turned towards Elijah signaling to the door. He followed me to the training room, so we were away from curious eyes and ears. I shut and locked the door before leaning on it.

"What's your deal, Elijah?" I asked. "You chose Rose. You have no right to be acting this way."

"I know, okay? I know I don't! It's just-"

"Just what? You don't want her but you don't want anyone else to have her?"

He just looked at me with frustration swirling around in his eyes. I scoffed at him "That's bullshit and you know it."

He let out a sigh, "She's my mate, Jonathon. Whether I want her or not doesn't change that."

I was about to respond when there was a knock at the door. "Elijah? Babe, are you in there?" a female voice called out. Ugh, it was Rose, of course. I rolled my eyes unlocking the door. I gave Elijah one last look before opening the door. "Oh, Jonathon! Is Elija-" she started asking before I cut her off.

"He's in here." I turned my head to the side "I'm gonna go make sure Raine is okay."

I turned and walked down the hall leaving an irritated Elijah and a confused Rose.

I opened my door as quietly as I could, so I didn't disturb Raine. Only when I looked towards my bed...she wasn't there. I looked everywhere in my room before I realized that the bathroom sink was running. I calmed down immediately and walked to the bathroom door.

"Raine? You okay?" I softly called out. When I didn't get a response I knocked again. "Raine?"

Still no response. I tried to open the door, but it was locked. Panic started to fill me again "RAINE?! RAINE, OPEN THE DOOR!"

I took a few steps back before kicking the door open. My heart dropped at the sight I was met with. On the bathroom floor was an unconscious bruised and beaten Raine. I called out for help and tried to get her to open her eyes. "Raine, come on open your eyes. Please wake up."

Not long after, people came in and thankfully they brought the pack doctor. I told everyone to back up and to clear the way as the doctor and I carried her back to the office. "What happened to her?" the doctor asked.

"I don't know," I answered.

I looked down at Raine again to see the extent of her injuries. She had a gash on the side of her head that was bleeding a lot, she had a black eye forming, and her lip was busted open again. And that was just her face. Who did this to her? I didn't leave her alone for that long. This is the second time today that she was beaten, only this time no one was there to stop it. What did she do to deserve this?

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