Not Rejected Just Unwanted

Chapter 5


I texted Elijah to bring Raine's truck to the packhouse. Since she told me earlier that her keys were still in there, that made it a lot easier. I glanced over at Raine asleep against the window, her lip was finally starting to heal along with the bruises scattered across her face. Why did those kids jump her like that? Just thinking about it pisses me off! Anyone who looks at her can tell she's a kind person. I mean, she couldn't even see straight, and she was going to attempt to walk to the school doctor and drive to the pack doctor just so I wouldn't miss school. Then there was the thing that was boiling inside my head: Why doesn't Elijah want her?

She's nice and caring, so it can't be a personality thing. Hell he - like me - never even talked to her before. And it couldn't be a looks thing because she's beautiful. Then I remembered: Rose. That's why he's going to reject her. I told him dating her was a bad idea. Hell, dating anyone before you find your mate is a bad idea. Rose is good looking, yes, but she is a horrible person. When he's not around she does a complete 180 and turns into a total bitch. She starts fights with anyone she can and uses the fact that Elijah is her boyfriend against anyone who gets in her way.

I've tried telling Elijah, but she has him wrapped around her finger. I don't know how someone like Rose got such a good guy like Elijah. I let out a sigh before turning into the driveway. I parked the car and turned to look at Raine again. These next few days are going to suck for her. The mate bond has been established so now every intimate thing Elijah and Rose do will bring her a lot of pain. Then she'd go through heat and that would be hell for her without her mate. I unbuckled and walked over to her side of the car. Carefully opening the door, I unbuckled her and contemplated waking her up. I took one look at her sleeping face and decided against it.

I had just picked her up and got her out of the car when I saw her black truck pull up. Elijah got out and made his way over to us. "Give her to me now," he said, trying to control himself.

"Go inside, Elijah," I said, tightening my hold on Raine.

"Not without her. You're not allowed to touch her."

"What gives you the right to make that decision?" I said angrily.

Raine started to stir in my arms. "Jonathon? What's going on?" she mumbled, sleep still evident in her voice. I moved my attention away from Elijah and my eyes softened at the sight of her trying to bury her head further into my chest. I leaned down closer to her ear quietly saying, "It's okay, just sleep." She nodded and fell asleep again almost instantly.

I looked back at a now VERY pissed off Elijah. He had no right to be mad, he didn't want her. How could he tell Raine - on her birthday, no less that he, her mate, doesn't want her, then come here getting all pissy because she's in another man's arms?! I took a deep breath trying to calm myself down to a point where my voice wouldn't wake up the sleeping girl. "You need to go calm down. We'll discuss this later," I said, ending the conversation and walking away before he could say anything. I walked upstairs to my room because I know for a fact, she hasn't moved into the packhouse yet. Once we turn 17, we move into the packhouse so we can be with our mates away from our parents, who live on the lower floors or in houses of their own on the property.

I carefully opened and shut my door before walking over to my bed. I slowly laid her down and covered her up before attempting to leave her to sleep. I only walked a couple of steps before her small hand grabbed mine.

"Please stay," she asked, her voice cracking a tiny bit. "I don't want to be alone right now," her grip on my hand tightening.

"Are you sure?" I asked, wanting to make sure that this is what she wanted. "Please?"

I nodded walking to the other side of the bed. I took my shoes off before crawling in beside her. She turned over facing me once again burying her head in my chest. It wasn't long until her breath evened out telling me she was asleep. Soon after, fatigue came over me, so I placed a small kiss on the top of her head before nodding to myself.

I decided right then that I was going to protect this girl, no matter what happened.

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