My Hot Alpha

Chapter Chpater 372

We had been home for around half an hour, and he hadn't stopped fussing since the minute I walked through the door. I loved him dearly, but I didn't want him smothering me.

I was fine, I was okay.

I was dealing with it in my own way.

"Do you need me to get you anything?". He asked.

"I'm okay for now". I was comfortable on the couch with a cup of tea.

"Are you comfortable enough? Maybe I should get you a blanket? And food you need to eat something".

"Hey, hey". I grabbed hold of his hand as he laid the blanket over my lap. "Stop fussing I'm okay".

"I just want to look after you Leah. Please let me do that".

"All I'm saying is you don't need to be here if you have stuff to do. I'm only going to be sitting here anyway. Besides your phone's been vibrating since we got home". "Yeah, they can wait. How about a grilled cheese sandwich and some chips on the side?".

"Sounds good". I smiled.

I thought I'd want to be alone, to deal with this on my own. I thought I'd want to shut the world out and push him away, but I didn't. Surprisingly, it was nice just the two of us. Hanging out on the couch with snacks and watching reruns of real housewives. A yawn escaped my mouth as I stretched out my arms. Lunch was good, I forgot how hungry I was by only eating a little the past two days.

"How about I bring the pillows from upstairs down here and you can go for a nap?".

I nodded. "Could you get me the hot water bottle that's by our bed?". I now knew what the doctor meant when he said the cramps would get worse but hopefully the warm water would soothe it. "Sure baby". He kissed the top of my head before heading upstairs.

Pushing the blanket off I took my dirty dishes into the kitchen and placed them into the sink. Going into the pantry I pulled down more snacks and made my way back to the couch.

"I brought the duvet down just in case".

"Thank you".

I got myself comfortable again. I had my snacks, the tv remote and my hot water bottle. This is exactly where I wanted to be two nights ago.

"Go do what you need to do. I'll be fine". I spoke.

"I won't be long. I'll bring in pizza for dinner". He placed a kiss on my lips before heading out.

I turned the volume on the tv down and pulled the duvet up and around my neck. I could already feel my eyes growing heavy, I knew it wouldn't be long before I was sleeping.


As I stirred, I could hear voices. Hushed voices but they were close like in the same room. Peeling open my eyes I frowned.

"Alanna?". I spoke.

"Hey girl".

"Oh, she's awake". Lana added.

Wait, what was going on?

"How are you here?".

I was so confused. Alanna moved away days ago so why was she back? Was Carter with her? And Lana, Lana still lived here, she was just living her best life with Pete. "Where's Lacey?". I sat up switching off the tv as I did.

"She'll be here soon. We thought you needed some girl time". Lana spoke.

"I see". I nodded. "Did Jake send you?".

"He didn't send us he asked if we could come". Alanna said.

I didn't mean to sound ungrateful. I was glad they were here. It had been forever since we all had a girl's night.

"I'm sorry". I sighed. "I'm glad you guys are here".

"About that". Alanna grinned. "We're coming back".

"You are?". I frowned.

She nodded. "Turns out it's not for us. Carter is coming down tomorrow with the rest of our things".

Wait, what happened for them to come back home?

"Did something happen?". I asked.

"Just wasn't working out".

"But you've only been away a couple of days".

"Do you have wine?". Lana asked.

She was always great at changing the subject.

"In the kitchen". I spoke.

"Great". She grinned. "I'll get us all a glass".

"You and Carter are okay though right?".

"We're great better than ever. I just hope my mom doesn't mind us staying with her until we find a place".

Oh, right, because Lacey and Jack were now staying where they used to live. Speaking of Lacey I hadn't seen her in what felt like forever.

"Can always stay here". I shrugged.

"Living with Jake again?". She made a face. "No thanks".

A laugh fell from my lips. "It's good to see you".

"You too Leah. You'll talk to me if you need to, right?".

I loved that they didn't push me to talk about anything. I loved that they were here just to comfort me and take my mind off everything that had happened. I really did miss hanging out with them. I missed us all being together.

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